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Meet and Greet in Gagetown?

Just like the title says, great chance to get out and meet people you know from the site, put a name to a face, or even an excuse to see an old friend.

Meet will tentatively be 21 or 22 June 2008, depending on people's availability. we'll kick off around 2100, and go all night, so if you have to show late, or leave early, it's all good.

We need a location though, Griffins is nice, but I think everyone involved is a little tired of that particular establishment.... I'm going to suggest Dolans, but feel free to throw out your Ideas.

I'm in.  >:D

If you're going with Dolan's ... go with Saturday the 22nd.

My Chief is always there on Friday nights playing steak darts.  ;)

Kidding, I'm such an angel it really doesn't matter what night I'm there -- he's been at Mess Dinners with me ... no surprises there.
Hey.....I think my better half and I may be able to make it!  It would be nice to meet everyone.  BTW, are chaps compulsory?    ;D  (You REALLY do not want to see me in chaps!)    Ubique
I may be able to make it from Montreal.. that might be a weekend I pop down to see the family.. we may drop in..

Snooty fox is also a good spot, dill pickle covered Nachos!!
Next question ...

Who's driving?  >:D

Certainly not I!!

NFLD_Sapper ... I seem to recall your drunken butt being amongst all the others I drove last time --- pay back ... IS a bitch!!  ;D

Hadn't thought about that one..... Maybe something a little closer to home is in order..... what's the name of that sports bar on restigouche?
ToRN said:
Hadn't thought about that one..... Maybe something a little closer to home is in order..... what's the name of that sports bar on restigouche?

Don't know.

I DO know Griffens though!!

And, they know me.  ;D
I don't know.. Griffins just seems too... predictable.

...On the other hand, it IS within walking distance for me..
My gawd ...

Has someone just inferred that an event with Vern present would be "predicatable" !!??

I am so marking this historic date on my calendar ... and telling my boss!!  ;D
If I am around I have a car that seats 4 passengers in a fix....they better not be big boned however...
Bzzliteyr said:
If I am around I have a car that seats 4 passengers in a fix....they better not be big boned however...

You could drive my car then!! I can cram 6 into it!! (Big boned people like me at that!)  ;D
Can't make that, but it looks like I'll be around from 2 to 4 or 5 July for my sim session at 403 Squadron, if anybody wants to bitch about each other's Live Leak video interpretations or anything.

The nearest thing that I have to chaps are stainless steel.

What are "steak darts"?
Bzzliteyr said:
Yeah you.. big boned.. not quite.. big hair, maybe...

Big hair!!?? Not big boned!!?? (Obviously it's been a year or so since you've seen me!! ["big boned" is my excuse for cushioning]  ;D)

All righty then ... payback's a bitch (I already said that in this thread somewhere I'm sure).  >:D
fiddlehead said:
so, have you decided when and where? 

I don't know if they have or not --

But, I'll be at Griffens on the 21st. In uniform until 1800hrs, then home to change into civvies - then back to Griffens. That'll mean that I'm out of the joint for approx 20 minutes.  ;D

Whoever shows -- shows.

How's that for implementing a command decision?  >:D
But, I'll be at Griffens on the 21st. In uniform until 1800hrs

We are talking about June 2008, right? So why are you wearing an uniform on Saturday?