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Medical Release ( merged )

Ice97 said:
Not to rain on your parade....but how exactly do you plan on becoming a police officer if you cannot handle ammo or firearms?

So, your OSI is either triggered by handling weapons and ammunition, or the mental health people believe it is unsafe for you, and/or others around you if you are given access to ammunition and firearms. Part of your treatment should have made you realize this, so seeking out a civilian occupation where you would come in contact with these triggers seems counter intuitive.

Or, and I hope it isn't the case, your playing a game to get out, and faking an OSI.
captloadie said:
So, your OSI is either triggered by handling weapons and ammunition, or the mental health people believe it is unsafe for you, and/or others around you if you are given access to ammunition and firearms. Part of your treatment should have made you realize this, so seeking out a civilian occupation where you would come in contact with these triggers seems counter intuitive.

Or, and I hope it isn't the case, your playing a game to get out, and faking an OSI.

Thanks for all of the replies!  My OSI has nothing to do with handling weapons or live ammunition, I was told by the MO that they are required to put that on the medical chit for anyone with an OSI, along with unfit operational environment.  Which brought me to the question of whether or not this transfers to civi side / policing.
Mukd said:
Which brought me to the question of whether or not this transfers to civi side / policing.

This may help.

Constable Selection System
Medical Requirements for Candidates
Mukd said:
I was told by the MO that they are required to put that on the medical chit for anyone with an OSI, along with unfit operational environment.

they are required to put that on the medical chit for anyone with an OSI

Complete and utter bullshit.

To answer the question of the OP, this will come up either during your psych interview or medical interview...had a member that was releasing that had an OSI put in an app to an unmentioned municipal police service and I got a letter from them (with the Medical Release of Information Request) asking for documentation regarding general physical health and all things related to the mental health diagnoses.  The service in question will likely want the same of you.

As for this :
Rider Pride said:
they are required to put that on the medical chit for anyone with an OSI
followed by this:
Rider Pride said:
Complete and utter bullshit.
... I'd agree with RP.  I'd only put someone on that kind of restriction if the sounds/sights caused flashbacks or exaggerated startle response or if I thought they were a physical danger to themselves or others (ie - having psychosis issues or suicidality).

I'd venture to guess that if you applied for a PAL for a firearm, the fact you had a prohibition from a Medical Officer to use firearms in a military setting (something required of any soldier, sailor or pigeon) would come up as a flag if the Firearm's Officer actually does a background check on you...it would likely follow you into policing as well for the same reason, as a firearm is required equipment in Canadian police services.



Hello all,
From my subject line you can guess what my question is. So, can someone please tell me the difference.
Thanks, PMedMoe. So a 3a is worse then a 3b? 3b you may be able to rejoin where as a 3a your not?Or is it on a case by case bases?
D-C said:
Thanks, PMedMoe. So a 3a is worse then a 3b? 3b you may be able to rejoin where as a 3a your not?Or is it on a case by case bases?

The majority, if not all, medical releases will be a "3.B.".  If memory serves me correct, if you are released under Item 3.B., you can't re-apply to the CF until 2 years after your release date and you would have to prove that the circumstances surrounding your previous medical release are no longer applicable and have been satisfactorily resolved and won't necessarily re-occur.
That will slow down the application process for sure.
If a recruit injures their knee during BMQ and the medical staff decide its going to take 4 or 5 months to recover and release you, what category would the release likely be?

3B? 5D?
Did the soldier have a pre-existing medical condition involving the knee prior to enrolment?
Lets try both scenarios :)

1. Yes, the recruit reported a preexisting injury but passed the medical and injured it halfway thru bmq

2. No pre existing condition
How's this for answer from someone who had 6.5 yrs as a medic before being Medically released:

First Off, the medical staff do not decide to release anybody, ever.  This is decided by an "impartial" board in Ottawa.  Secondly if there was a preexisting injury as long as it was FULLY disclosed during the recruiting medical. There would be no reason for a 1D (Fraudulent Statement on Enrollment) or 5E (Irregular Enrollment) Release.

CFHS will assign Medical Employment Limitations, if those limitations will last longer then 12 months, OR if they blatantly and obviously breech Universality of Service with NO chance of recovery.  Then your file is sent to the Administrative Review Bored, Medical Employment Limitation  AR(MEL).  It is this board that decides:

1. Release Category if any
2. Compulsory Occupation Transfer (ie you can't be a pilot, but you can be a cook)
3. Retained without Career Restrictions
4. Retained With Career Restrictions

There is no other Authority WRT Medical Releases.  Even a Court Martial cannot overturn a Medical Release and CO's/OC's have absolutely no say in the matter (trust me).

Ok now that we have that cleared up.  For this "hypothetical situation"  If a recruit injures his/her knee during basic training and it required 4-5 months to heal (not unreasonable actually), there is absolutely NO reason or cause for a release.  The road to a medical release is not quick  IOT afford the member every treatment available to the correct the condition and bring the member back into compliance with UoS/their trade. 

1. Initial Injury -> usually several weeks off/light duties (serious injuries, not common colds or minor sprains)
2. Decided by MO that it is going to take longer to heal, 1st T-CAT (Temporary Category) 6 months
3. Still not quite healed, prognosis good, second T-CAT 6 Months
4. All Healed, back to work or
5. Not healed P-CAT (Permanent Category), takes 3-6 months to get back from Director Medical Policy (DMED Pol)
6. File automatically sent to ARMEL if your restrictions or Category breach UoS or your Trade requirements.
7. 3-6 months to get an acknowledgement from AR (MEL) board that they have your file
8. 6 more months to actually get a release date that will be in 6 months.

So you can see, it can take up to 30 + months to get the boot.  Mine was 34 months and that was because I opted not to have disclosure and to fast track my release (an option @#7 above, not recommended unless you absolutely know what you are doing)

Now I don't know how fast Ottawa is moving since I left a year ago, but I doubt it's moving much faster (feel free to correct me)

So that's the Medical Release process in a Nutshell (again). 

Check out the release QR&O's here, there is some important information to know.


Is anyone else here waiting to hear from DMCA about the advisory message?
If so, how long have you been waiting since your MO recommended a PCAT to DMedPol?
Back in 2011 when this was first discussed, the timeline was much longer.

Last fall (2014), my SISIP LTD representative has noticed 3(b) releases as quick as 30 days.

It's been 6 months since I received my PCAT from DMedPol but still haven't received an advisory message from DMCA. lol

YMMV indeed