March is going to be very tight. More unlikely than likely.
Your P Cat request goes from your doctor to the base surgeon. It can sit around there for weeks to a couple months.Then it goes to Ottawa which is roughly another 6-8 Months. Add another month or two for your correspondence when your P Cat comes back from Ottawa. Then you'll get your date. Which is a min of 6 months from when you get it. At this point you can choose to release pretty much any time between then and your date with the right paper work.
Word of advice, use the time to your advantage. If you can use your ILP (individual learning profile) monies available to get some courses taken, members facing a P Cat release are usually approved for most courses. Get your docs from stores and start doing an inventory of items, return the stuff you don't use and don't need over the next year now, it makes it easier. They will go back to Basic Training if you have any kit left over from then.
For me I had my P Cat request done in Jan 15, I released July 16. I responded to every request within 24 hrs, and didn't ask for retention. So basically making my file move as fast as I personally could. It still took 18 months. I could of been released as soon as Feb 16 if I chose, but July was better for me.
I personally am off the mindset that staying longer is better for most people. Guaranteed income from the forces is better than eating into your guaranteed LTD period (2 years).
But my last piece of advice, is relax, be patient. Its not a fast process, and there isn't really much your CoC can do to speed it up. They may be able to slow it down, but it seems like you are not interested in that. Also if you haven't, go to your base hospital and ask to be assigned to a release Case Manager. Everyone should be assigned one when you are put on a P Cat, you can self refer to them when you know a P Cat is coming. They will help you with a plan for your release. Use this time to plan your future, instead of trying to get out ASAP.