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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

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ambex said:
Thanks for the responses.
So kincanucks what your saying is that even though iam redoing some classes my old marks will still be looked at by the recruiter? If so I dont know what I can do to get a high enough overall then. Is it possible that they would send me to Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu for the prep year if my average did not cut it?

Your entire academic history will scrutinized and yes it is possible that you may be sent to prep year.
hey i was just wondering what grade you need to have to join the army i'm kinda new too this if anyone can help please e-mail me at

tyler - this question has been answered a number of times. Please use the "search" function, utilize the "Recruiting FAQs" or even better - call your local recruiter. If you do all that and still have questions, c'mon back.

Good luck.
Grades are an extremely important part of the ROTP program, so if they are not as strong as you want them to be, I would look at some other options.  Perhaps joining the Naval Reserves will give you a little bit more insight and give you the motivation you need to seek your goal?  If you are not in universityy ou would have to join as an NCM, but there is still oppourtunities there.  There are Naval Reserve unites in most major cities.
               Hello everybody
            It's my first posting on this forum and from reading previoustly posted material, it's very welcoming and most helping. I was hoping somebody would volunteer to help me. Here is my situation, I'm in second semester of grade 12 finishing with Univeristy oriented credits. Just before the New Year I visited the recruiting office to submit my application for becoming a Canadian Forces Pilot, the Petty Officer immediatly told me that my grades were too low to become an officer. Instead he changed my application to Infantry NCM. I thought about it and considered becoming an Infanteer but I realized that I would be giving up on my dream to be a pilot and letting myself down and others. So in January of 2006 I changed my application to CEOTP Pilot. This would mean I'd have to attempt to get a Univeristy degree while serving full time. I spoke with an officer, a career counsellor. He analyzed my transcripts and grades and my overall chances. He said there was no reason why I couldn't apply and be competitive. This was great news. So I quit air cadets and my grades are now going up to the level where I could go as far as RMC( it's too late for that ) my marks in grade 11 and 10 were horrific. In February I took the aptitude test and didn't qualify as an officer thus didn't qualify to be a pilot. I was only 7 points away. I was given many NCM choices but the Leftenent mentioned that I can come back in 3 months and take the test again ( elegible to take it on May 8th). I chose to take it again. I am working very hard right now to getmy grades all the way up there, and prepare to gain those extra 7 points and beyond.

              I have about 3 and a half years of cadet experience and much leadership practise, I wish I had higher marks in grades 11 and 10 but because of personal issues it didn't work that way. I did improve a whole lot, I am a math tutor at school, and have 2 and a half years of work experiene and I'm 17 years old. It's difficult right now, but my grades are going to be promising. I am putting all my effort to achieve that goal, I'm reading much more and getting much better at spatial sense. I know that the next time, aptitude test won't be a problem. I'm not a bad individual, I'm very honost and hard working and I truly believe in what I want to do. Please if anyone has any advice or just help me steer myself in the right direction.

Thank you
Dyma Khmel

  All I can say is good luck. you sound like you are on the right track. Keep "soldiering on" and stick to your plan. Ther is likely a lot of pressure in the recruit centre to get boots on the ground, but the CF needs pilots too, so stick to your convictions. Do not get frustrated (it is inevitable but don't get too frustrated) with the process, be patient, keep working. You sound like just the sort the CF needs. There are a lot of officers in here, and some good pilots (well only 1 I know is for sure but the rest SOUND like good pilots ;)), I hope they can give you the encouragement you need.

again good luck, and welcome.
Dyma - like Gully said - keep working hard towards your dream.

You are 17 - lots of time to work on grades and getting that CFAT complete.

Never let a recruitor change your application so blithely - "Ah - you want to be a pilot, eh? How does Infantry NCM sound?"  ::)

There are plenty of trades available to you in the CF - it could very well be that you have the aptitude to be a Pilot, or you could be the perfect person for an infantry role.  Both careers and all that they entail will no doubt be rewarding and challenge your body and mind to the fullest.

Keep us in the loop as to how your process is going - you are not alone.
          Thank you both for your replys, I will without a doubt keep close communication. I assume that the process minus aircrew selection will be complete by June. I have some time to make myself look a little better when selection board takes place. I'm doing my best to collect as much reference from my former cadet squadron and perhaps school and work. I'm just glad that I changed my application because now my chances are looking much better provided that my marks increase just as I promised.

Thank you so much Zoomie and Gully!

Marks aren't everything, although there is definately a certain level you have to acheive for them to accept you.  And by all the hard work lately it sounds like you are on the right track.  And at 17 years old, you could go a few years with reapplying before you get in, and you would still be young.  Nothing wrong with being in the infantry, most people I know that went that route loved it.  But if pilot is your dream, give it everything!
Just before the New Year I visited the recruiting office to submit my application for becoming a Canadian Forces Pilot, the Petty Officer immediatly told me that my grades were too low to become an officer. Instead he changed my application to Infantry NCM

Sounds familiar. But I am off to Aircrew Selection in three weeks...

Please if anyone has any advice or just help me steer myself in the right direction.
Sounds to me like you are on the right track. As mentioned earlier, you are young - don't give up. When they say no, find out why, if it's in your control; fix it and re-apply. Believe me, I have been to the recruiting centre more than a few times. 

Good luck!


Does anyone have any experience joining the military without having their Grade 12 or GED?
I have been out of school for several yrs raising my kids.

I want to become a RMS clerk or Supply

They seem to need alot this coming yr 06/07

I know some people who did, an they regret dropping out of school to join the CF instead of waiting the extra few months to grad.
I have met some guys who don't have either....just grade 10, the minimum.


Get high marks, really high marks. You need to get a final year average of 85% to solidify your chances. Otherwise you're just one of 1000s of applicants to RMC.

I am a Canadian citizen (Born in Montréal), though my current location is Belgium.
The Canadian forces have always attracted me and my dream should be soon to come true, if everything goes according to my plan.
However, I still have some unanswered questions.

-I'm 17, and following the highest education program in Belgium.
-I'm taking all classes (Mathematics, English, French, Dutch, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Computer sciences, Cultural sciences, Human sciences, Critical thinking, Sports, Music & Arts. I'm mainly focussing on Social/Human sciences though.)
-I'm finishing the year before the last one here.
-I'm physically fit.

Since I'm aiming for academic studies, I would like to apply for the ROTP.
Yes, I would apply for preparatory year first.

What are the requirements for preparatory year though?
What are the chances of actually being chosen? (in prep year ofcourse, I know it's harder to get in RMC.)
What are the chances of going through to RMC? - The video says preparatory year gives every cadet the same chances, so I'm guessing you can go through right away? (If you prep year that is)

And also, I've seen applications should be sent in when you're beginning your last year.
This is for RMC, but does this count for preparatory year too?
-What are they judging on? Since you have to apply in the beginning of your last year they can't really judge you by your marks of your last year.
Because now I'm working okay for school, and my grades are around the 70-75%.
I know I can work better and I will work harder next year so I get more chances of getting accepted.


I also have another plan.
Going in as an NCO.
I haven't found info about any NCO school, so whatever you guys know about that, feel free to write it down and help me with it.


your fellow Canadian.
You will find much of the information you seek has been discussed before.  The boards are well organized and the search function is effective, and becomes mnore so with practice.

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

FAQs - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/41136.0.html

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977

Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.
Thank you for the reply Michael, I understand my questions seem like they've been asking a thousand times before.
I browsed the RMC site, CF site, and I've used the search button (CF site and this forum) as much as I could, but I haven't found an answer to those specific questions.

Prep year applications are submitted at the same time as the other ROTP applications normally in the Sept to November timeframe for the academic program beginning in Aug of the next year.  The academic requirements for prep year are on the RMC website however you should pay strict attention to the following which is found in the RMC undergraduate calender (also on the RMC website):

Non-Canadian Education Systems

Students who complete secondary school through education systems other than Canadian provincial systems will be considered individually but will be required to meet equivalent standards to those indicated above. Applicants must offer as a minimum a secondary school Mathematics course that is a prerequisite for the study of calculus. Admission requirements for commonly encountered education systems are outlined below.

General Certificate Of Secondary Education (G.C.S.E.)
Arts Programme. Candidates from systems offering the General Certificate of Secondary Education (G.C.S.E.) must normally offer seven subjects, at least two of which must be at the Advanced Level (excluding the General Paper). To be eligible for consideration, grades at both the Advanced and Ordinary Levels normally must not be lower than “C”. Transfer Credits are not given.

Science/Engineering Programme. Candidates with a G.C.S.E. must offer seven subjects of which a minimum of two must be at the Advanced Level. Advanced Level subjects normally must include Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry. If either Physics or Chemistry is not taken at the Advanced Level, it must be taken at the Ordinary Level. English is required at the Ordinary Level. Admission will be normally refused if the grades in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or English are lower than “C”.

International Baccalaureate System
Arts Programme. Full-diploma candidates who pass six subjects with at least three at the Higher Level, and who accumulate a grade total of 28, exclusive of bonus points, may be considered for admission. Higher Level English must be taken at least at the Subsidiary Level. Candidates granted the IB Diploma may receive transfer credits on the basis of subjects completed with a grade of 5 or better.

Science/Engineering Programme. Students will be considered for admission with an International Baccalaureate Diploma with an overall total of 28 grade points or better, exclusive of bonus points. Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics taken at the Higher Level are preferred; however, one of the above may be taken at the Subsidiary Level. English must be taken at least at the Subsidiary Level.

Thanks kincanucks, that was very usefull.
I'm going back to Canada in July, and I'll certainly drop by a recruiting center for more info.