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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter SteelMag
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Hello!  I have looked through a lot of posted on this website and I have noticed a lot of people my age trying to dropout...  Now I am not trying to start an argument here but should we allow these students to learn it the hard way like some of you did, or let them finish their highschool?  Me personally, I signed for Reserves but I did want to dropout and go Full Force.  The thing is, when everyone here drills it into our young heads that it will close doors and screw our profession in the future, it doesn't really help.  I know now that I probably should get my highschool first, at least my GED, but as a young one, I am stubborn, like many of the other young ones on this forum... 

My question is, how can we explain to the new recruits to finish highschool, I am one of them...  If you search, it tells us to finish highschool, but is it really helping the new recruits decide?  Hell, some of the recruits should know that if they can't finish highschool, who says they can finish BMQ...  See in my own eyes, these new recruits are thinking to themselves they can enter CF and start living without proceeding their stepping stone of Highschool... 

So the bottom line question is, will their always be the army dropouts?  Is there a way to stop people like me from being stubborn and screwing up their life, and finishing highschool when they are in their 20's/30's and learning it the hard way? 

Thank you.  :salute:
Yes, there will always be high school drop-outs. There is no way to stop people from doing what they want. Everyone learns about life the hard way: from living it. And we don't disagree with people learning this way -  it's how we all learned, after all. But when asked, this is the answer most of us give, to not drop out, and we were asked, remember. There is no way we can "explain" life to make you understand. There is no way we can say, "It's only one or two more years". You won't get it. I'm still young and still remember that part of being a teenager. So what you're asking for is impossible. We can't transplant our own experiences, our 20/20 hindsight, into your brain. We don't even hold out much hope that you'll listen to us, because we do remember: being a teenager sucks.
Still, for what it's worth, don't drop out. It's only one or two more years. In the mean time join the reserves. You'll one day regret it if you don't finish high school.

Good luck.
Hey another question...  Is it worth me getting my GED or is it the same as a dropout?  Like GED or drop?  Someone told me to get my GED, finish my training then get my highschool after....?  Good ?
Advice, stay in school!! Ultimately you'll go further in life.
The CF is a big proponent of education. Every drop out I know in the forces has ultimately gotten their high school equivalency, regretting their decision to drop out. Some of them have even gone on to complete their Masters Degree (not just officers)

FDL :cdn:
from darkness lite said:
Advice, stay in school!! Ultimately you'll go further in life.
The CF is a big proponent of education. Every drop out I know in the forces has ultimately gotten their high school equivalency, regretting their decision to drop out. Some of them have even gone on to complete their Masters Degree (not just officers)

My argument that I have said before and will say again:

High school is the only free thing you'll ever receive in your life.  Especially as far as education goes... did you know it costs like $7000 per year to go to post secondary school... and high school cost is $0 for 12 years.  I would say just finish the education while it's free, what are you going to lose? You're not gonna get too old to do anything with your life if you take the extra few years to finish your education.... And you won't have to go do it later.
Hi everyone

              I don't know to what extent anyone remembers me, I want to become a pilot in the Canadian Forces ( heard that one before ). In any case, the first time I posted was to ask for advice, my grades were poor way back and I didn't qualify on the CFAT. Two weeks ago I took the CFAT again and I qualified as an officer. My medical and interview appointment is June 1st. I would like to thank those who replied to my post and offered good advice, thanks army.ca!

Dyma Khmel
Way to go! You are a recruiting poster. Good luck, and keep your sights on the target. You are a LONG way from  your goal, but keep working with single minded determination and you will get there. Thanks for the update. Best of luck.

Don't outrule going to university before joining the CF. RMC... ROTP... DEO. High school isn't the end-all and be-all of everything.
Holy Shoot!

Two words for you:  Stay in School!

The Canadian army is not a catch-all for people who do not know what else to do with their lives.
It is extremely competitive, even for NCMs.  Personally, I have my B.A. (That means University Graduate), but I still have not ruled out going NCM should I not get in as a D.E.O.
My advice to you is:
1) Finish Highschool
2) Train for a trade, get a job
3) Try to join the Army if you are still interested.

By all means, send me a message if you need any more help.
Hi everyone and thanks for responding.
                I completed my interview and my medical. Thankfully both steps went smoothly but it turns out that vision in my right eye has deteriorated over the past several years that I didn't notice. Unfortunately this means I cannot be a pilot in the Canadian Forces. Although I realize that I can no longer persue my goal I was given a choice to continue the process under my second choice as Air Nav. Fortunately this trade is open under CEOTP. Although I'm posting on a disappointing note, I am very much interested in pursuing a career in the Canadian Forces even though Pilot for me is no longer possible. I was booked to take the Air Nav exam just less than a week from now. I tried the search button and I didn't get any results. If there is any suggestions or preparation tips anyone has I would highly appreciate it if they shared with me. I would like to thank army.ca for expressing interest and dedication to this particular cause and helping motivated individuals reach their ultimate height.

Thank You :salute:
Dyma Khmel
Hello guys/Ladies...

I have a few important questions I would like to ask you, and I need all the input as possible. I dropped out of High School in grade 10 because I had a child and needed to support my family. I am now 25 years old with 10 credits but have been working for computer companies as a technician for the past 6 years. Such companies as Compaq, DELL, etc.. Now, I am 25 and extremly interested in joining the Army but im not sure if not having my full grade 10 will block me from going. Rest assured gentelman, I am a very intelligent individual but had some mis-fortunes in the past preventing me from continuing my education. So here is my question.. Do you know if the Army will make exceptions when it comes too education? Would they award me credits for maturity, having children, and being a professional in the computer industry for the past 6 years. Or in my situation, would they just give me an aptitude test to prove to the army that I have the brains to join? All answer's would be great.


Um.. Kincanucks would be the best person to answer this question

PM him.
He'll show up.  He recently left a recruiting position, but still watches threads in thie forum.  Patience.
Ballistic said:
Do you know how i would be able to come in contact with him?

Sorry.. maybe I wasn't clear.. PM .. (personal message) him
here on the site.  He'll get back to you.

He's a polite fellow if you can get past his looks.  ;)
Trinity said:
Sorry.. maybe I wasn't clear.. PM .. (personal message) him
here on the site.  He'll get back to you.

He's a polite fellow if you can get past his looks.  ;)

PM received and answered. The minimum requirement to apply to the CF is Gr 10 and exceptions to this rule may only be made to those applicants that have a college diploma or an university degree.  Some occupations require a higher level of education.  The CF does not give credit to maturity when it comes to educational requirements.
It requires 15 credits, does that mean that a GED is not acceptable? If it is, maybe that is a route that this individual could pursue?
Magravan said:
It requires 15 credits, does that mean that a GED is not acceptable? If it is, maybe that is a route that this individual could pursue?

Yes I mentioned to this individual that a GED is acceptable but only for meeting the minimum educational standard.
I had no doubts at all that you'd steer him in the right direction, Kincanucks. It is just good, in my mind, to have the information available in the same topic when someone else goes searching the forums later.