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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

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Ricky Sunnyvale said:
I’m about to start grade 12 but I don’t really enjoy school but plan on joining the army, my question is will dropping effect my successes, will my pay be lower, will I not be eligible for higher ranking jobs and will those jobs be harder to get?

See also,

Ricky Sunnyvale said:
Will graduating high school help me.
Hello all, I have a situation. I am currently in the application process for reserve ACISS, ( applied, force passed, cfat passed for all trades applied for, medical passed, interview complete). I didnt have my high school transcripts on the day of document processing so they said to get them and send them in. I'm 36 and it's been 20 or so years since grade 10. When I got my transcripts I realized I hadn't  complete grade 10. I have 5 courses complete from grade 10 and have English 12 and applied skills 11. So I send in my info into the recruiter and am awaiting their response. The list of education I have is :
-MTL 10 , capps 10, wt 10 chef 11, applied skills 11, English 12
-From university (as mature student status)
I have sociology 100, English 100, and anthropology 121
-Im a red seal electrician so have all 4 levels of electrical schooling complete as well as the interprovincial exam passed
-Steamfitting level 1 complete

Does anyone here have any insight into what they think will be their response ?
ltmaverick25 said:
To answer your question, the minimum education requirement for entry into the CF is completion of grade 10.  You mentioned that you finished half of your grade 10 year and that later you got a bump up to do some grade 11 courses.  Did you complete any of those courses?  If so, I would suggest that you may just barely meet the education requirements, which is potentially good news.


If they determine that you do not currently meet the minimum education requirements you can appeal that decision and use previous work experience to substantiate your appeal.  You may even be able to write the CFAT test.  If you write the test, and do well enough on the test, and you have half of grade 10 completed, I would think the recruiting center would be very hard pressed to turn you down.

However, if they do declare your education to be too low, even after an appeal, you then have the opportunity to ask them exactly what courses you need in order to rectify the situation.  The solution is then simple.  Take the courses and re-apply and the recruiting center will be extremely enthusiastic about processing your application.

So there you have it.  If you take my advice, I believe you will find yourself with a decent prospect of getting in.  If you do not take this advice and you attempt to fool the recruiting center with your fake diploma, you will fail, and any chance at serving your country will vanish.  Is that what you really want?

I saw this post directed at someone else who posed a question and I was hoping I could get someone to shed some light here for me. There's a part that was slightly vague and wanted some clarification. ltmaverick25 mentioned this gentleman likely just barely meets the minimum requirements and I was hoping someone could speak to that for me.

Some background: I am really wanting to get into ACISS. I'm 33 years old, and I am active (ie. martial arts, free weights, calisthenics). I completed my CFAT 2 years ago, was told I had good score, but because I hadn't stopped smoking cannabis for long enough they asked me to come back in 2018. Second son was born, job was was going ok, fast forward to 2019, I had felt that I had left I stone unturned and decided to reopen my file.

My first real job was a computer technician and I have held multiple positions related to supporting computers. Cumulatively 10 years work experience in IT - mostly computers, and two of those years working with Networks and Servers.

I dropped out of high school. I put in 5 years, but due to medical reasons was having difficulty with going to school. I believe I'm missing grade 10 English, but I honestly cannot remember - I am waiting for the transcript from the Manitoba Student Records. Note: medical issue has been corrected via surgery 8 years ago, my surgeon filled out a form and medical history was submitted to the RC.

After surgery I enrolled in a college program for Network Security. In order to get admitted, my employer at the time had to write a letter confirming that I can take the course as it pertains to my profession. I took a liking to these courses and did well - 3.75 GPA. I tried to get a position with my then employer in networking, but they advised they wanted someone with at least 3 years experience.

After completing my Cisco CCNA Level 4 course in the spring of 2013, I decided to see what University would be like and gave undergraduate studies a shot. I did a semester of full time studies, while working full time, but was unable to continue: financial strain was too great for my small family to continue. I managed to get Intro to Psychology, Web Design & Development, Intro to Kinesiology and Academic Writing: Multidisciplinary, hammered out with a 3.0 GPA.

I have submitted my university and college transcripts, just waiting for my high school transcripts (Taking a bit longer due to an address error, so I opted to fax it to them and will pick it up when ready!)

I stopped by at the local book shop here and picked up a copy of the GED book and have been studying. However I have been looking through the Adult Learning information the the Manitoba Education website there's something in relation to Mature Student credits for previous education and or experience, which really just adds to my confusion. Would that potentially bring me up to the minimum requirement? No, I don't like "just meeting" the minimum requirement, but this is the hand I've got and I'm certainly not complaining.  ;D

With my primary objective being to get in, what should I do? Ie. See if the province will give me credit for my other learning, just do the GED and come back when I have it, just wait til I get the HS transcript and see what the RC says, am I over thinking this?

Thank you so much for reading this novel!

A person that I know wants to join the Canadian forces. He is a completely competent, hardworking, fairly smart, nice guy. However, he has really poor reading skills. He did finish grade 10. What level do I need to help him get to for him to be able to join the Canadian forces? I have not been able to find very much information addressing this situation online.

Please no judgement, this person grew up in poverty in a rural part of Canada and just did not have access to quality education. But he is an otherwise normal and likable guy that somehow managed to get to age 24 with basic reading skills.
Different trades have different minimum education requirements;  so it would be dependant on that trade(s) of interest. 

Then, there is the aspect of meeting the minimum requirements vice being seen as 'competitive' in the eyes of CFRG....

Personally, I'd say a great start would be a GED program.  I am did that route (although some time ago now..) while working and took my classes at night.  I left high school before completing Gr 11, did my GED years later (I'd been enrolled with the min Gr 10 requirements for a combat arms trade back in the late 80s), went on to complete post secondary education and have been reasonably successful in 3 different MOCs over 30 years.  Being an education "late bloomer" isn't show stopper, just makes for some additional challenges.
Eye In The Sky said:
Different trades have different minimum education requirements;  so it would be dependant on that trade(s) of interest. 

Then, there is the aspect of meeting the minimum requirements vice being seen as 'competitive' in the eyes of CFRG....

Personally, I'd say a great start would be a GED program.  I am did that route (although some time ago now..) while working and took my classes at night.  I left high school before completing Gr 11, did my GED years later (I'd been enrolled with the min Gr 10 requirements for a combat arms trade back in the late 80s), went on to complete post secondary education and have been reasonably successful in 3 different MOCs over 30 years.  Being an education "late bloomer" isn't show stopper, just makes for some additional challenges.

Thank you for responding that is super helpful! I will help him look into doing a GED. I think he is going to be successful once he can read fully. He otherwise seems smart and I think you would have to be to go 24 years fooling people into thinking that you can read haha
Historybuff22, there are many great NCM trades that only require grade 10. Perhaps the greater hurdle for this individual will be scoring high enough on the aptitude test (CFAT), given that all of the problem solving and verbal skills questions are presented in written form.

I recommend he have a look at the practice test on the Forces.ca website (found under "How to join") to gauge his ability first. Take notice of the time limit and consider that you should be aiming for a high score as it has weight when it comes to selections.
Hi everyone, this is my first post on here but I’ve been reading thru various threads for years. 

I can ask my local unit this info but I wanted to pick your brains first.  Hopefully I posted in the right group since I assume things will start with basic/BMQ.

I’ve been out for about 17 years and I’m thinking of applying as a Log O at my local unit.  I was a reserve infantry officer, 2Lt, prior to releasing and I have a degree from RMC. 

What courses does one have to take and what are the courses lengths?  With a 17 year break in service I’m assuming I would have to start from scratch unless something was awarded with a PLAR.


Chemist said:
Hi everyone, this is my first post on here but I’ve been reading thru various threads for years. 

I can ask my local unit this info but I wanted to pick your brains first.  Hopefully I posted in the right group since I assume things will start with basic/BMQ.

I’ve been out for about 17 years and I’m thinking of applying as a Log O at my local unit.  I was a reserve infantry officer, 2Lt, prior to releasing and I have a degree from RMC. 

What courses does one have to take and what are the courses lengths?  With a 17 year break in service I’m assuming I would have to start from scratch unless something was awarded with a PLAR.



Depends if you stay Army or you want to go Air Force or Navy.

For Navy you'd need to do NWO 2.

Logistics Officer Common Course (LOCC): ~2 months
Logistics Officer Course - Land/Air/Sea (LOCL, LOCA, LOCS): ~2 months
A specialization course (Finance, Supply, Transport, Human Resource,...): 1-2 months. Finance and Supply are mandatory for Navy.

Most courses done at Borden.
Hello all,

My name is Ben and I'm 16, currently in grade 10. I've started my application process and have just received my email telling me the date for my TAFC. I started applying under the pretence that I can start my application before finishing grade 10, complete my testing g and submit my transcripts after in order to get on BMQ ASAP, a frei d of mine has already done this and confirmed it was possible with a recruiter, but in my email it says I must present school documents before cfat. I just need to confirm that I can still go through with this before finishing sec 4, or if I'm mistaken.
Ben D-L, ask your school for proof of current, full-time entolment. Assuming you are applying for the reserves, you require proof of full-time studies anyhow in order to join before being 18 years old.
I'll be sure to get my enrollment papers out. Do I have a guarantee they'll let me take my tests and checks while I'm still finishing grade 10? I'm scheduled for my TAFC  this march.
Ben D-L said:
Do I have a guarantee they'll let me take my tests and checks while I'm still finishing grade 10?

Ben D-L,

At the bottom of every page here it says,

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND."

Buck_HRA is our Recruiting Moderator. You may wish to see what he says.