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Liberals want Handgun Ban

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No - they would be located in prominant Liberal ridings.
Infanteer said:
1)  Arm citizens - give those who wish the appropriate level of training in use of force, shooting, proper carriage and handling, threat identification, etc, etc the right to carry.  Ensure that citizens who wish to do this are vetted and regularly updated.  This is the citizen's insurance policy - LEO's will not always be around and there is nothing that should say they need a monopoly on use of firearms for self defence.  What if situations like Lupine or the Toronto shooting could have been avoided if the average citizen was more vigilant and prepared to defuse a situation with force?

Does anyone know the town in Texas that has been doing this for a while?
Old Ranger said:
Does anyone know the town in Texas that has been doing this for a while?

I don't know of the Texas town, but stories of an Arizona Sheriff have been making the rounds.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio (in Arizona) is doing it RIGHT!! He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them. He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails. Took away their weights. Cut off all but "G" movies. He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects. Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn't get sued for discrimination.
He took away cable TV until he found out there was a federal court order that required cable TV for jails. So he hooked up the cable TV again but only let in the Disney channel and the weather channel. When asked why the weather channel he replied, so they will know how hot it's gonna be while they are working on my chain gangs.

He cut off coffee since it has zero nutritional value. When the inmates complained, he told them.....this is a good one......"This isn't the Ritz/Carlton. If you don't like it, don't come back." He bought Newt Gingrich's lecture series on videotape that he pipes into the jails. When asked by a reporter if he had any lecture series by a Democrat, he replied that a democratic lecture series might explain why a lot of the inmates were in his jails in the first place. You have to love this guy!!

With temperatures being even hotter than usual in Phoenix (116 degrees just set a new record), the Associated Press reports:
About 2,000 inmates living in a barbed-wire-surrounded tent encampment at the Maricopa County Jail have been given permission to strip down to their government-issued pink boxer shorts. On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 degrees inside the week before. Many were also swathed in wet, pink towels as sweat collected on their chests and dripped down to their pink socks. "It feels like we are in a furnace," said James Zanzot, an inmate who has lived in the tents for 1 1/2 years. "It's inhumane."

Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic He said Wednesday that he told all of the inmates: "It's 120 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too, and they have to wear full battle gear, but they didn't commit any crimes... so shut your damned mouths."

See  http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/m/miracopjail.htm  .....which says that this internet story is true.

Perhaps we could populate Hans Island to defend against the encroachment of those nasty Danes  ;D

Just want to slide back to the handgun ban being proposed by the lieberals. It won't make them go away (stating the obvious here). When they confiscate enough, and seal the borders, closeting us in, the thugs will adapt. In the 50's & 60's, there was a shortage of handguns on the street. Backyard garages supplied the societal dregs with sawed off rifles and shotguns, as well as "zip" guns. Manufactured handguns have only replaced, what was already happening. Banning handguns or long guns will not solve the problem. As long as the three ingredients for making black powder exist in cheap, unregulated quantities, people will find ways to employ the finished product.
give those who wish the appropriate level of training in use of force, shooting, proper carriage and handling, threat identification, etc, etc the right to carry

To get a CCW permit (concealed carry) this is the certification course that you have to take

The Following Subject Matter is Covered:
Firearm Safety
Range Qualifications
Personal Protection
Types of Handguns
Judgmental Shooting
Mental Conditioning
Arizona Firearm Laws
Review New Case Laws
Current Legislation
Interfacing with Law Enforcement
Use of Deadly Force


Arizona (and some other States, I think) also have Sheriff's Posses, which are a tremendous help to the Departments:

The sheriff from Arizona has been featured on 60 Minutes a couple of times as well as various US news. He must be doing something right as he keeps getting re-elected. Several states have brought back the chain gang approach but most use if for low risk/white collar crime. One judge sentences offenders to wear bill boards around his town. The ACLU went after him and lost. Serious offenders though-SUPERMAX and the difference between us and them is life means life, not this 2/3 sentence served. Look at Russia and to a certain extent China under communist rule, petty crime was almost none existent. I know of one Caribean protectorate which has a .0001 crime rate. The jail is run by Dutch Marines and from what I have been told there are no repeat offenders.
I have met Sheriff Joe also...  My Dad ( a former jail warden) was a fan, and had read his book as well. I arranged for a meet on Dad's first visit to AZ, and a tour of Tent City also. The Sheriff spent an hor or so with us in his Office, and signed Dad's book, to. The Chain Gangs are strictly volunteers, and low-risk inmates.
Old Ranger said:
Does anyone know the town in Texas that has been doing this for a while?

I presume you're referring to the City of Kennesaw, Georgia, which at least at one time had a law on the books requiring a firearm in every home.

Let's get back on topic please.
Infanteer said:
2)  Slam the book, big time.  Gangs, petty crime, and youth violence will never go away - it is hardwired into man's competitive biology.  However, using a firearm in the commission of a crime should demand a big automatic sentence.  We'll see how tough gang-members in Toronto are when, upon being arrested, they are sent to a penal colony for 5 years for illegally possessing a firearm.

Totally agree with that point there, but I think that one of the biggest problem facing our criminal justice system is that there simply isn't anywhere to put these offenders. Not enough prisons, not enough innovative ways to house/detain these guys. Not enough judges to sentence, not enough cops on the streets (although over the next few years T.O. is hoping to solve the latter).

That's why thugs are given conditional/suspended sentences, that's why inmates are being parolled before they're ready, and that's why cops are letting these guys go without charges.

As it stands right now, we don't have the resources to get tough on crime.

midgetcop said:
but I think that one of the biggest problem facing our criminal justice system is that there simply isn't anywhere to put these offenders. Not enough prisons, not enough innovative ways to house/detain these guys.

Lots of nasty places in Canada to house inmates.

For example, Hans Island. No guards needed, no fences/walls needed . Just have some food parachute dropped by a "sovereignty patrol " aircraft every month or so.  ;D

If that's too cold , I'm sure the French would lease us Devil's Island for $1 per year , all we'd have to do is charter a real rust bucket tramp freighter to haul the scum down there. The jungle would do the rest  ;)

"As it stands right now, we don't have the resources to get tough on crime."

- Balls.  Take the billions wasted on HRDC, ADSCAM, Gun registry, hidden foundation spending , etc, and build some new prisons.

Just wanted everyone to remember Paul Martin's 'Crystal Clear' assertion from tonights English Language debate:
"Every handgun in the hands of some 500,000 collectors across Canada is just a 'Break-in' away from being used in a crime."  :o  >:(

I suppose by the same wonderful leap-of-logic that next they will want to Disarm the Police/RCMP and Military as 'each weapon in an armoury or the trunk of a Police Cruiser' is just a break-in away from being used in a crime'.
  ;)  :D

Fer petes sake, many legitimate collectors have better security on their weapons collections [rebar-reinforced cemented rooms with steel doors and key/security code opening, plus alarmed security systems] than exist in many armouries or Police stations.  Let alone how easy it potentially is to pop the trunk on a Police cruiser and grab a stored shotgun.  :brickwall:

Know it all Fiberals  :tsktsk:
Gobsmacked said:
Just wanted everyone to remember Paul Martin's 'Crystal Clear' assertion from tonights English Language debate:
"Every handgun in the hands of some 500,000 collectors across Canada is just a 'Break-in' away from being used in a crime."  :o  >:(
Indeed, but so is every home computer/diamond ring/plasma screen tv/kg of drugs stolen and/or sold/traded for a handgun. Many guns are illegally smugged passed our disarmed boarder patrol. I'm not sure which is more absurd, expecting unarmed folks to disarm gunrunners, or expecting criminals not to take Paul Martin's advice.
I suppose by the same wonderful leap-of-logic that next they will want to Disarm the Police/RCMP and Military as 'each weapon in an armoury or the trunk of a Police Cruiser' is just a break-in away from being used in a crime'.
  ;)  :D
I would like to remind people of this very very important point. The example being the UK. It's just the next step. I would especially appeal to my Liberal and NDP brothren to realize the dangers of heavily restricted centralized weaponry. Once the weapons are out of reach of the average law abiding citizen, don't be shocked when armed gangs begin to slowly converge on your neighbourhoods (as is already the case...)
Fer petes sake, many legitimate collectors have better security on their weapons collections [rebar-reinforced cemented rooms with steel doors and key/security code opening, plus alarmed security systems] than exist in many armouries or Police stations.  Let alone how easy it potentially is to pop the trunk on a Police cruiser and grab a stored shotgun.  :brickwall:

Know it all Fiberals  :tsktsk:
My local police station has some regular keylock drawers akin to safety deposit boxes for their gun storage. It's a dozen meters into the station guarded by a few security cameras and the illusion of invulnerability. Fortunately, I also know enough of them have their own personal guns, several calibers larger, if need be.
Gobsmacked said:
Fer petes sake, many legitimate collectors have better security on their weapons collectins [rebar-reinforced cemented rooms with steel doors and key/security code opening, plus alarmed security systems] than exist in many armouries or Police stations.

Too bad this guy didn't have all that.

TCBF said:
"As it stands right now, we don't have the resources to get tough on crime."

- Balls.  Take the billions wasted on HRDC, ADSCAM, Gun registry, hidden foundation spending , etc, and build some new prisons.


What, and curb wasteful government spending?? That sounds highly unlikely.

I repeat my above statement.
Piper said:
He had a safe that the gov't determined was good enough. Given enough time and determination, nothing will stop a thief.

Well, that's up for debate. It's his word against Toronto Police, who have issued a warrant for his arrest for storing and importing the firearms "improperly".

Just wondering how he stored it. As I only have a Steal lock box bolted to my floor. Do you need more?
Bobbyoreo said:
Just wondering how he stored it. As I only have a Steal lock box bolted to my floor. Do you need more?

Gun safes are the in thing in BC in combination with trigger guard locks and bolts removed being stored in a separate locked box. You know what they say about an "ounce of prevention..............." Several instances of 'negligent" owners being charged after crimes committed using a gun the was stolen in a b+e. Most notable of this instances have been where the guns have found around/on school property. We had a case several years back in this province with the "bushman of the shuswap". Armed himself with firearms taken from vacation cabins.
midgetcop said:
Well, that's up for debate. It's his word against Toronto Police, who have issued a warrant for his arrest for storing and importing the firearms "improperly".

I thought this was covered in the guns and gangs thread, however midgetcop if you had actually READ that article you would have  seen a picture of the damage done to his 1700lb CONCRETE AND STEEL SAFE, and that it took TWO days for the theives to bust into it.  It even mentions that TPS had INSPECTED and APPROVED  of the set-up.  So IMHO its not up for debate, the guy had his guns stored properly, they (TPS) need to charge someone, and he just happens to be an easy target.  The theives in question just happened to be incredibly determined to get into the safe. 
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