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Liberal Party Minister Defects to Tories

There is a public meeting of members of the community to express their views on Emerson's defection on Saturday, February 11th (tommorrow) at Sir Charles Tupper High School between 1pm - 3pm. I expect this to be a big event.
Just as a side thought, but has the Liberal party admitted to the amount and returned any of the money from the Quebec sponsorship scandal?

I have not even heard that they have admitted to any exact dollar amount, never mind returned a single cent. UD is the height of hypocrisy!
Some of the individual people who benefited from Ad-scam were forced by court to pay back the money to the government, and the Liberal party has (had) a $750,000 trust fund to pay back the government if Gomery said the Liberal party recieved money due to the scandal, according to a CBC timeline.
Armymatters said:
Some of the individual people who benefited from Ad-scam were forced by court to pay back the money to Ya...how much of it though?the government,

and the Liberal party has (had) a $750,000 trust fund to pay back the government if Gomery said the Liberal party recieved money due to the scandal, according to a CBC timeline.

As opposed to the MILLIONS that went missing...

God it must be fun to be a student and get all uptight over the Conservatives (evil ooohhh...) winning the election.  ;)...After all even the existance of the Conservative party is morally wrong...Isn't that right Mr Armymatters?

Wait...where's the armed soldiers on every street corner?! Seems that they're not here just yet... ::)
The Liberals got Belinda under similar conditions (the other party funding the vote)... consider em "even"

WRT Mr Dosanjh.... he's gone thru enough shaky transactions without having to flap his gums too loudly.

The electorate of Mr Emerson's riding voted in someone who would have been a backbencher now that the PC are in power. They have a Cabinet minister instead!

They'll get the PMs ear a lot better than if he was still sitting in the nosebleed section.
See the video link of "Terry Milewski and Alan Waterman report for CBC TV's CanadaNow on the reaction to Emerson's move"
You see, people voted for a Liberal, not a Conservative.

And frankly, put it, the riding has been represented in the past by a back bencher, and from the opposition as well. The riding wants a Liberal, not a Conservative. If they had wanted a Conservative, they would have voted mostly Conservative.
Armymatters said:
See the video link of "Terry Milewski and Alan Waterman report for CBC TV's CanadaNow on the reaction to Emerson's move"
You see, people voted for a Liberal, not a Conservative.

And frankly, put it, the riding has been represented in the past by a back bencher, and from the opposition as well. The riding wants a Liberal, not a Conservative. If they had wanted a Conservative, they would have voted mostly Conservative.

What's good for the goose...

Its about time that the Libs got a taste of their own cheating, crooked, cronyist medecine.

Too bad so sad.

Aren't you supposed to vote for whomever will represent your interests best regardless of party platform.
Its about time that the Libs got a taste of their own cheating, crooked, cronyist medecine.
The unfortunate thing is that it is the voters who got the royal screw job, not the Liberals getting a taste of their own "medecine". The constituents of Vancouver- Kingsway got the Joan Collins Special.

Aren't you supposed to vote for whomever will represent your interests best regardless of party platform.
Riiiiiight. So what is the point of a party having a platform?
Bart Nikodem said:
The unfortunate thing is that it is the voters who got the royal screw job, not the Liberals getting a taste of their own "medecine". The constituents of Vancouver- Kingsway got the Joan Collins Special.
Riiiiiight. So what is the point of a party having a platform?

I can drink to that!  :cheers:
We, the voters got screwed over in the end. Like with any other mistakes or blunders our politicians make, in the end, the electorate gets screwed over, one way or another.
Like with any other mistakes or blunders our politicians make, in the end, the electorate gets screwed over, one way or another.

There's a solution to that.  Do the job yourself and take responsibility for your own failures.  Or better yet become a politician and take responsibility for not just your own failures but for the failures of others.

Alternatively you can continue with the system we have whereby we hand over responsibility for much of our lives to others that are willing to do the job while we sink back in our comfy chairs, beer in hand, and tell them what a godawful job they are doing.

That line ascribed to Teddy Roosevelt about critics and the man in the arena is as applicable to politicians as it is to soldiers.

And Cheers to you.
Armymatters said:
See the video link of "Terry Milewski and Alan Waterman report for CBC TV's CanadaNow on the reaction to Emerson's move"
You see, people voted for a Liberal, not a Conservative.

It is rather sad in a way that everyone has forgotten that:

a. Parties have no official or constitutional standing in government, and :

b. You vote for a PERSON to represent your riding in Parliament.

It is hard to imagine a world without political parties, but in their simplest form, people with like interests would join together for common causes to put more "horsepower" on their side. The current political idiom of "Left" and Right" is an accident of history (Nobles and clergy tended to sit on the right side of the French Assembly), even here you see a clear grouping of common interests in the time of Louis XV. I suspect if you could somehow observe the ancient Athenian assembly or Roman Senate during the Res Publica, you would also see party like groupings. Political parties are not mentioned or given any constitutional standing in the Anglosphere, and usually the only place a party is given constitutional standing is in a one party state (Read the constitution of the USSR for example).

The scary part of your comment is that it essentially does not matter to people in your riding (or evidently you) who is dropped in to represent you, only their obedience to the Liberal Machine seems to be important given the nature of your posts and the reaction of the riding association and an unknown number of voters. If that is the case, suppose that I run in your riding as a candidate for the Liberal Party? Knowing my opinion of various political matters from my posts it is quite evident that I do not actually believe in anything they stand for, but nevertheless, do you still vote for me because of the Party I represent? (notice to new posters/readers, I am a small l libertarian, this would never happen in real life).

The optics of the defection are unfortunate, but there is an important difference between the Stronich case and this one; Stronich was inticed to come over as a desperate move to hang on to power for the sake of hanging on (this was the same government which also ignored a vote of no confidence), while Prime Minister Harper already has power, and is exercising it to advance his five point platform. If you want a prediction, several more Liberals will probably cross the aisle in the spring since they don't like being in opposition. If you want my opinion, Prime Minister Harper should be openly courting some of the smarter NDP and Bloc MPs to increase the size of the talent pool and provide more regional representation on the government side of the aisle. Since Cabinet ministers can be selected from outside the sitting Caucus, if and when there is a cabinet shuffle, maybe some outside viewpoints can be sought out and included. I am available  ;), but there are plenty of smart. willing people who might agree to work for the nation for a short period of time.
Just like Belinda, it happened, get over it, and in 4 years or less you will have your chance to either agree or disagree.
Much as I'm still a little uncomfortable with it, the bottom line is David Emerson was elected, .....see above.
a_majoor said:
Since Cabinet ministers can be selected from outside the sitting Caucus, if and when there is a cabinet shuffle, maybe some outside viewpoints can be sought out and included.

This is why I think the optics would have been better if Emerson sat as an independent.  Part of his reasoning was that he was "apolitical".  If that's the case, he can represent the best interests of his constituents and the country at large by not getting in bed with either political party, and just go about his job as a cabinet minister (which he is well suited for).  This would have the added benefit of appeasing those that argue against crossing the floor too easily (which were mostly Tories, not too long ago).  Harper would be seen as creating a "big tent" government of the center, instead of trading "Not fair!" and "Is too fair!" arguments with the Liberals, now that the shoe is on the other foot.
From my perspective, Mr Emerson was elected by his Constituents as being the best person to represent them in Ottawa. It would have to be assumed that they believed in his jugement - wherever that would take him.

If he believes he can best represent his constituents - seated as a member of the Cabinet, I don't see a problem..... lord knows there isn't that much of a difference between the Conservative & Liberal platforms.
Armymatters, I think we all get your point.

He made this switch just mere weeks after being elected. And from friends, they are all shocked and outraged, even though all of them voted NDP. Unlike Belinda, who did it on a matter of values, Emerson did it just for a cabinet post, and nothing else.
Belinda did what Belinda felt was best for Belinda
I am more of a angry constituent than a bitter Liberal... I say we constituents of Vancouver-Kingsway recall this idiot and replace him in a by-election.
There should be rules regarding MP's that want to switch parties, and this behaviour is totally unacceptable. You can bet there is outrage from his constituents (including me), and we will probally try to force a by-election through a recall petition.
. The people of Vancouver-Kingsway will have something to say about that. I was just talking with a few neighbours who live in the riding with me, and they are outright furious. There is even the start of a rumor that a petition will be created to force Emerson resign his seat.
I had a chat with people living in the riding, and to say it bluntly, they are pissed off. I am hearing there may be protests outside Emerson's constituency office by people living in the riding to voice their displeasure. And Vancourites in general are also very angry, so he is now representing a very angry crowd of constituents. The president of the local Liberal riding association wants Emerson to pay back almost $100,000 in donations, and resign to force a by-election. In short, the word on the street is that everyone is angry.
I passed his riding office last day, and there were protests by constituents outside his riding office. And about the rumor I have regarding a petition: there is one started online, and there is word that there is another petition circulating by paper around the riding.
You see, people voted for a Liberal, not a Conservative.

And frankly, put it, the riding has been represented in the past by a back bencher, and from the opposition as well. The riding wants a Liberal, not a Conservative. If they had wanted a Conservative, they would have voted mostly Conservative.
You don't say!!
We, the voters got screwed over in the end. Like with any other mistakes or blunders our politicians make, in the end, the electorate gets screwed over, one way or another.

So, I take it that you're slightly miffed about the whole situation? ::) Sorry for the jab, really, it was a fine opportunity, though.

Lemmesee...Armymatters, you have posted about 10 times in this thread and I have gathered two things from those ten posts:
1) There is a meeting tonight to discuss this fella's fate.
2) You're choked.

Did you really need to repeat yourself all those times? Like has been said, Deal with it.

You want him out? Then get your petition signed and start the process.

Want to change things? Hang out your shingle and hope to get the vote.

Do not repeat yourself over and over on the internet, ranting and raving like a child. Do not go around pretending that the Liberals or the NDP are pure white, that is not the case. Don't give me any double talk about Belinda or any of the others who've crossed no matter from what side. They're all just as guilty.

Rant off, back on topic.
What people outside of BC fail to realize is what Emerson brings to the table.  He is widely respected in business circles here, especially in the lumber industry.
RangerRay said:
What people outside of BC fail to realize is what Emerson brings to the table.  He is widely respected in business circles here, especially in the lumber industry.

Oh I see. So those of us "outside of BC" have to just settle for the guy we voted for in our ridings. Maybe we should just not bother having elections, since there's no guarantee that the guy we stupid voters choose will be "widely respected in business circles".
I'm just saying that's why Harper asked him to join Cabinet.  He's a heavy weight who is the most qualified to move these issues forward.  A conservative principle used to be giving jobs to qualified people, not political allies.

David Gray of the Free Trade Lumber Council has said that Emerson is the right person deal with softwood lumber.
If you voted for your MP, you must've thought him "the better man" the best qualified to represent you in Parliament.... compared to the others that were also running in your riding.

On that basis, Mr Emerson obtained the best "deal" he could get for his constituents...