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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????


Federal government considers buying hotels to shelter asylum seekers - 4 Jul 24

Extract: Figures from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada show that this year alone, Ottawa has paid for about 4,000 hotel rooms for 7,300 asylum seekers, many of them transferred from provincial shelters.

(While housing refugee claimants is a provincial responsibility, the federal government has been paying for hotels since the pandemic because of overloaded provincial shelters.)

Other figures show that in the 16 months between September 2021 and January 2023 Ottawa spent close to $94 million booking entire hotels to house asylum seekers. This included 10 hotels in Montreal and others in Niagara Falls and Ottawa. On average, asylum seekers spent 113 days in hotels at a cost of $208 per person per day, including meals and security.

Free hotel rooms, meals for refugee applicants reportedly cost $769M in 2023 - 8 Dec 23

Extract: The government rang up a $769-million bill to provide free hotel rooms and meals for refugees and illegal immigrants this year, according to the Department of Immigration.


Federal government considers buying hotels to shelter asylum seekers - 4 Jul 24

Extract: Figures from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada show that this year alone, Ottawa has paid for about 4,000 hotel rooms for 7,300 asylum seekers, many of them transferred from provincial shelters.

(While housing refugee claimants is a provincial responsibility, the federal government has been paying for hotels since the pandemic because of overloaded provincial shelters.)

Other figures show that in the 16 months between September 2021 and January 2023 Ottawa spent close to $94 million booking entire hotels to house asylum seekers. This included 10 hotels in Montreal and others in Niagara Falls and Ottawa. On average, asylum seekers spent 113 days in hotels at a cost of $208 per person per day, including meals and security.

Free hotel rooms, meals for refugee applicants reportedly cost $769M in 2023 - 8 Dec 23

Extract: The government rang up a $769-million bill to provide free hotel rooms and meals for refugees and illegal immigrants this year, according to the Department of Immigration.

Meanwhile, at LPC HQ ;)

Music Video Wtf GIF by Internet Famous
A new challenger enters the field, and they sound reasonable?

If this was started by someone with positive name recognition, I’d say there might be chance. But I don’t think a party started by someone Canadians had never heard of will get much traction.
If this was started by someone with positive name recognition, I’d say there might be chance. But I don’t think a party started by someone Canadians had never heard of will get much traction.
I’m willing to pay attention and see what they have to say. Nice to have an option other than Green as a “you’re all hot garbage” protest vote.
They covered a fair number of bases in my books to spend a bit of time/effort to hear and learn more.
I’ve been following them for sometime And have been getting their updates by email. They were Centre Ice Canadians before that. Their platform is actually really good.

If a candidate runs in my riding I’d consider them. No chance in hell they can win a seat but I’d like to see their share of the vote go up and see them grow.
Here's their first candidate, ex-army officer, business man, a lot of non for profit work.

In one of the upcoming by-election ridings (16 Sept), no less.
... No chance in hell they can win a seat but I’d like to see their share of the vote go up and see them grow.
Likely a bit soon to judge traction for the Lasalle-Émard-Verdun poll, but it'll still be interesting to see results, nonetheless.
A new challenger enters the field, and they sound reasonable?

The Canadian Future Party is the successor to Centre Ice Conservatives (CIC), a political pressure group which was founded in 2022, in the midst of the Conservative leadership race by former Conservative leadership candidate Rick Peterson.

Brief mention on these means two years ago, but other than a slight name change not much dynamic happening since.

Giving a name to moderate (?) Conservatives. Centre Ice . . .

And what's a movement these days without its own web presence.

I am hoping this movement can gain some traction. If they opt to form a new party, I can see myself voting that way. Even if they have little hope of forming government or even having an MP elected, my thought is that if enough votes go there way it may wake the other parties up or at least set up the ground work when and if either party finally implodes for a future election.
Brief mention on these means two years ago, but other than a slight name change not much dynamic happening since.
The released a full platform, raised enough money to form the party, are running candidates in the upcoming bi elections and plan to run candidates in most ridings next year.

Still a long shot for anything but they have my attention.
A Mad Max lite? Could they possibly split the vote on the right enough to give Trudeau a third minority propped up with a second Supply and Confidence Agreement with the Bloc and NDP?
A Mad Max lite? Could they possibly split the vote on the right enough to give Trudeau a third minority propped up with a second Supply and Confidence Agreement with the Bloc and NDP?
Dominic Cardy is hardly Mad Max. The party is aiming for the centre. It’s as likely to steal votes from disaffected liberals as disaffected conservatives.
A Mad Max lite? Could they possibly split the vote on the right enough to give Trudeau a third minority propped up with a second Supply and Confidence Agreement with the Bloc and NDP?

I think Remius pegged it:

Dominic Cardy is hardly Mad Max. The party is aiming for the centre. It’s as likely to steal votes from disaffected liberals as disaffected conservatives.

This party is looking to peel votes from the center of both teams red and blue. Might even grab some from the NDP- disaffected LPC voters who can’t bring themselves to vote CPC.

It will be interesting to see how aggressively they get their name and messaging out there, and who they can attract as candidates. This is going to be a labour of love by people who know they can’t realistically count on a Parliamentary salary any time soon but will keep working it anyway.

It’ll be interesting to see how they play this as the election approaches, and more importantly, how they keep some presence in the likely four years between the upcoming election and the next. These guys need to be looking at this as building towards 2029.