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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

Credit where due.

Point Agree GIF by Ford
Good on the LPC.

There is a cabinet retreat now planned for August 25 to 27. I doubt any federal ministers will attend the Capital Pride Parade. The retreat was announced yesterday. Quelle surprise!
There is a cabinet retreat now planned for August 25 to 27. I doubt any federal ministers will attend the Capital Pride Parade. The retreat was announced yesterday. Quelle surprise!
I wonder if it will be as lavish as the Sudbury one…
More polls, about the same results continuing to show ....

Full details in attached PDFs


We're going to have our own Trumpian/Bidenian tariffs on EVs, steel, and aluminum from China. I can hear skulls popping already.
In some ways, another can't win.
  • No tariffs = letting cheapo EV's in to muscle out Canadian/North American made ones (which also makes it goofy to subsidize the latter).
  • Tariffs = you're trying to force people to buy EVs, and now you're making it harder to buy the cheapest ones?
More from the info-machine ...
... and some specifics about the EV bits ...
... and steel/aluminum products ...
... and MSM (including South China Morning Post)
In some ways, another can't win.
  • No tariffs = letting cheapo EV's in to muscle out Canadian/North American made ones (which also makes it goofy to subsidize the latter).
  • Tariffs = you're trying to force people to buy EVs, and now you're making it harder to buy the cheapest ones?
More from the info-machine ...
... and some specifics about the EV bits ...
... and steel/aluminum products ...
... and MSM (including South China Morning Post)
I hope we know theres going to be a response from China
And in goofier news ....
Doesn't seem to have read the memo saying "if people say "shit's expensive", it doesn't help telling them "but it's not as expensive as elsewhere." "
And in goofier news ....
View attachment 87579
Doesn't seem to have read the memo saying "if people say "shit's expensive", it doesn't help telling them "but it's not as expensive as elsewhere." "
That man is so tone deaf its unbelievable. He literally is the dead weight of the LPC that is dragging the party down to the murky depths...
And if you believe a lot of the commentariat, even him leaving at this point wouldn't help Team Red enough.
wouldnt change mind unless theres some drastic difference. Who is untainted? They going to fix housing/immigration? Am i supposed to to give them credit for fixing a problem they created?
wouldnt change mind unless theres some drastic difference. Who is untainted? They going to fix housing/immigration? Am i supposed to to give them credit for fixing a problem they created?
Some of it is also even with a true knight in shining armour (admittedly harder to find as time goes on), do they have enough time (and money, based on how well bought ads seemed to help Team Blue) to crank up a NEW narrative and an image of "we REALLY aren't Trudeau 3.0, honest" in time for the next election?

I'd bet a loonie right now on "No", but ya never know in politics either.
wouldnt change mind unless theres some drastic difference. Who is untainted? They going to fix housing/immigration? Am i supposed to to give them credit for fixing a problem they created?
Nothing anyone can do for housing is going to mave much impact in time for the next election. Best to leave the furball for the next government.