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LGBTQ Stuff (split from other political threads)

Another article along those lines.

My (admittedly harsh) take on that article was that the author is saying “they’re gay, not trans”.

Can’t they be both? I worked with one person who is M to F trans, and her partner is also female. They’ve been together for years before she transitioned.
Yes. But one of the issues of the day is whether kids who might end up maturing to "gay" ought to be encouraged to be "trans" based on whatever they happen to express during adolescence.
Pumping them full of hormones or puberty blockers when they are developing isn’t going to help them make that distinction from a clear mindset.
I’m sure that getting hate in various forms for being trans for the rest of their lives is totally worth the medal.
Obviously it is......and I'm sorry, but it may be a discussionable topic with either swimming, running, etc, but we are talking about getting beaten until you can no longer continue here.

Man beats up woman.....no
Trans beats up woman...yes???
Is this about the Algerian boxer who was born a woman and has been a woman her whole life yet is some how triggering more trans panic in the dumb corners of the internet?
Nice smug "I'm so much better then all of you" response.......have you seen her parts, or are you just reading the news like the rest of us?

But whom has failed gender testing before in prior competitions for having xy chromosomes. You know, like born men have....to be continued I'm sure.
Have you?
I'm not calling folks who think this needs some deeper thoughts horrible things. He could have stopped halfway through his sentence, but noooooo...
No discussion allowed anymore here??
I'm not calling folks who think this needs some deeper thoughts horrible things. He could have stopped halfway through his sentence, but noooooo...
No discussion allowed anymore here??
Horribly things he said it causes panic in dumb corners of the internet. Is dumb horrible while smug is fine?

Discussion involves disagreement and argument, he disagrees with you and so e others stance, and where they’re pulling data from. You’re the one who demanded if he’d “seen her parts” so I don’t think you can claim any kind of moral high ground for behaviour.
The Algerian was disqualified from a previous WBA sanctioned tournament.

I saw the bout, the Italian took one punch and walked away.

It was her call.

Let’s see if the next bout is more even.
Horribly things he said it causes panic in dumb corners of the internet. Is dumb horrible while smug is fine?

Discussion involves disagreement and argument, he disagrees with you and so e others stance, and where they’re pulling data from. You’re the one who demanded if he’d “seen her parts” so I don’t think you can claim any kind of moral high ground for behaviour.
Topic was discussion until somehow we became "trans panic". But I guess myself and others should just suck that up for wanting to discuss.

Carry on.....
The Algerian was disqualified from a previous WBA sanctioned tournament.

I saw the bout, the Italian took one punch and walked away.

It was her call.

Let’s see if the next bout is more even.
It was IBA I think? Based on amount of testosterone which is the same issue the South African sprinter is fighting. You can be born with a vagina and XY chromosomes (46 XY DSD Differences in sex development ). In which case your born with a vagina (or the appearance of one), are raised as a woman, and produce testosterone.
Based on amount of testosterone which is the same issue the South African sprinter is fighting.
Previous ruling....wasn't testosterone.

“The athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test, whereby the specifics remain confidential. This test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the required necessary eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantages over other female competitors,” said the statement.
Previous ruling....wasn't testosterone.

“The athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test, whereby the specifics remain confidential. This test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the required necessary eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantages over other female competitors,” said the statement.
Ie they have XY chromosomes which will produce testosterone - that’s the advantage driver between male and female athletes. I assume you read the posted link from the NHS after finding other articles discussing g how she has DSD to broaden your understanding ?