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Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

I went through 8 weeks, got 2 1/2 weekends off, got CB 1 1/2weekends.

1. Since you live so close you probably won't have any "firm" plans as you shouldn't.  I recall one guy in my platoon has his parents show up from London ON for one weekend.  He didn't know they were coming, he happened to be on CB for something so he was allowing to visit with his family in the mega!!  They didn't let him out of the building.

2. Curfew.  There wasn't one, but you had to be back by a certain time on Sunday.  I don't recall if those personnel who were naughty got curfew, because all the naughty guys I know about got change parade, and CB.  Thinking about it now, there may be a curfew if you are not staying in a Hotel/Home or a number where they can reach you....... 

I lost my weekends off during a Friday morning inspection, which was uplifting!

Good Luck!!
Weekend #1: Guaranteed you will spend the majority of the weekend marking kit. It's a drag, but if the instructors find unmarked kit (and they ALWAYS check), you will get yelled at/crapped on/a counselling.

Weekend #2: Preparing for inspection! Polish boots, fold this, iron that... etc... Again, a drag.

Weekend #3: War Museum in Ottawa. Pretty cool, take a camera. Don't buy from the shop in the museum, as they are much more expensive there. I think we went to a military cemetary on Sunday...

Come to think of it, I think we also had SHARP training on one of those weekends. Haha... I have ONE good story from SHARP training, but I won't relate it here.

Note that for these weekends, you are confined to your floor except for meals. No CANEX, movie theater, Subway, etc...

Weekend #4 (& subsequent weekends...): Unless your platoon screws up in a MASSIVE fashion, there shouldn't be a problem w/ getting weekends off. I'd heard of platoons losing weekends (military rumour mill), but we never lost any of ours. You can go to Montreal, always nice, though be warned, it can eat into your pay very quickly. Downtown St. Jean was all right too, cafes & restaurants and stuff, people watching & just walking around. Lot of people go out to the bars (La Fiesta springs to mind), but I don't drink, so you'll have to find someone else to suss that out. And if you're on a budget, you can always stay in the MEGA and go to the Bistro or the theatre or what-have-you.
there is also some bar's were army guys cant go ... the ''route 66'' and the ''tequila''. ( at ''la fiesta'' girls are young , mostly 17-19, but the alcool is not expensive... 2$ for beer/shooter )
try the ''Bethoveen'' friday night ... its the best place to go ! trust me ! ( 5$ cover , beer 2 for 6$  LOTS LOTS LOTS OF GIRLS )

if u want to go to the 66, here's a hint : - dont tell u are in the army
                                                          - dont wear your dog tag
                                                          - dont speak english , or say u are from some damn place and u are in trip
                                                          - dont show your CF ID

if u want to meet some french girl....yes... some guy need to have sex in the weekend off ,
here is some hint : - girls from st-jean are use to military guy : so dont say stuff like oof am in the army blablabla am cool blablabla....
                            - wear a cap : yes girls from st-jean know as a FAQ that : if u speak english and u have no hair : U ARE IN THE ARMY !

i know some of u guys may think this is bullshit : but i live in st-jean, ( joining for BMQ  OCT 16TH ) and i know most of the girls around there ... :)

if u want more tricks or place to go add me on msn biquettes@gmail.com :)
Us3D said:
                            - wear a cap : yes girls from st-jean know as a FAQ that : if u speak english and u have no hair : U ARE IN THE ARMY !

Taking off Dog Tags
Not wearing Army logo T-Shirt
Leaving CF ID behind
Forgeting to cover up the high and tight hair cut... Priceless

For everything else, there's always Mastercard :-)
I hope the War museum trip isn't like some grade school field trip.  I'd feel kinda goofy doing something like that at my age. ^-^

Plus I've been toi the museum a couple of times before.
First 3 weeks ur stuck there on the 4th weekend u can go down at the green desk stand in line and sign out.

But staying there u have to be up by 11 and bed made and quarters clean. What to do there bestro, pool,gym, go out for a drive and get some food but u got to be back at 10 i think i forget. I stayed there a few weekends there will be lots of people staying there. If your comign from out of town with no car u will probly stay there.

I was the only guy out of the 2 platoons that had a car lol. So we went out once in a while.


You are posting numerous responses to posts, in the little time you have been on the site.  You missed some of these must reads:

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Infantry FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977

Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Army.ca wiki pages - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.

Hi there all, just a quick question.  Not sure if you'll be able to answer, but I figured I'd ask anyway.  I did some search around and found some answers but nothing really set in stone. 
If a long weekend happens to fall in the middle of a BMQ, will the recruits get that whole long weekend off, or just the Sunday/Monday and have to work the Saturday to compensate?  I know that after week 4 if the platoon is doing well they start to get weekends off, so I was just wondering how that would apply to the May Long weekend coming up which will be the end of my boyfriend's 7th week.  If anyone can answer it would be appreciated :)  Sorry if I could have found the answer elsewhere!
Now this is just from my BMQ and DP1....BMQ the only long weekend that fell was Easter and we got it off.  On DP1 we got Canada day weekend, a shortened block leave, labour day weekend, and thanksgiving weekends all off.  But ultimately it`s upto your course chain of command whether or not you get out.
Hey everyone, I did a few searches to see if there was a thread about this but couldn't find anything. My apologies if it's been addressed in another thread.
I'm just wondering if, on your weekends off, anyone's had experience or had someone come visit them on the weekends? Whether you payed for a plane or train ticket for them to come visit?
And also, what are the weekends like? From other's I have heard that you hit the bar scene a lot, but do you get yourself a hotel for the weekend so you can get some extra sleep time in or must you always stay on base?
Again, sorry if these questions have been asked. I'm sure they have, I was just having trouble finding them.
Thanks in advance,
Lots of people get a hotel in town when they are allowed out. IIRC the comfort inn (St-Jean) is usualy full of recruits on weekends.

Paying for visitors to fly in ?

Sure you can do that but lt me give you a little bit of advice. Your weekends off....they are not a guarantee. You can lose them at a moment's notice. If you pay for someone to come visit and your weekend disapears........well.....you see what i'm getting at.
On my course we did have a few people come to visit others for a day, then take the person off base or leave after a day of walking around the base.  Are you asking if someone comes to visit would they be allowed, or what are you asking by putting in the paying for a plane ticket?

The weekends were excellent to get time off training and catch up on sleep (among other things like doing laundry).  However, as mentioned above they can be lost at any time, as happened with a few platoons for various forms of unacceptable behaviour.  They're excellent time to recover and hang out for a bit, and even go out as you mentioned.  Just as long as it's not abused and the course has been performing up to the staff's standards, you should be fine for getting weekends off.
Yes both of my buddies have had weekends off revoked for unacceptable behavior within their platoons. I am aware of this, and I see what you guys are getting at. Thank you for the advice, I was just wondering if you are able to have someone come visit you for the weekend and stay at a hotel with you if they choose to do so.
I didn't mean visiting on the base per say, more of a spend time with a few buddies from back home for the weekend if they feel like doing a road trip to Montreal haha.
I wouldn't see why not.  Even if they waited for you at the front gates and took you off base to another area, I don't see how there could be a problem (if you have your weekend off).
LukerB said:
Yes both of my buddies have had weekends off revoked for unacceptable behavior within their platoons. I am aware of this, and I see what you guys are getting at. Thank you for the advice, I was just wondering if you are able to have someone come visit you for the weekend and stay at a hotel with you if they choose to do so.
I didn't mean visiting on the base per say, more of a spend time with a few buddies from back home for the weekend if they feel like doing a road trip to Montreal haha.

If you have the weekend off, people can visit you on or off the Garrison.  If its on the Garrison, there are places you will not be able to take them (like, your quarters).  If you leave the Garrison, and your friends/boyfriend/ girlfriend or someone comes to visit, the CF isn't particularly concerned about that. 

As always, you'd be smart to not get into trouble at the hotel and/or bars, etc.
      When I had my first weekend off for basic training, I did the usual things people do on their first weekend off. Hit up the rippers in Barrie, go out with all the boys to the clubs, hit the mall, etc. It was all well and good, but after the weekend was over I felt hungover, tired, and not as impressed as I thought I would be. And then it was back to the grind and getting up at 530.
      The next three weekends off, I booked a hotel room for myself (and didn't tell anyone where), ordered a pizza, bought a case of beer, and soaked in the hot tub. The hotel three weeks in a row was a bit expensive, but seeing you have no opportunity to spend money during the first month made it a non-issue. TRUST ME, it was the BEST three weekends during the whole of BMQ. Granted the bar scene no longer did it for me, but the opportunity to unwind my own way was great for my sanity. If you go that route, ask the hotel if they have DND rates. Many do.

        As for not causing trouble in the hotel, here's a tip. If a platoonmate is turning the age of drinking/majority and other platoonmates decide to congregate in his hotel room while he is in the bathroom "getting to know" the escort they hired as a birthday present to him, don't stick around to find out how it turns out.
    No, not from experience. Just from hearing the stories after everyone returned to the shacks for roll call on Sunday afternoon. While they were engaged in that (albeit in the same hotel as me) I was spending my own relaxing night with a certain Mr A. Keith's.
As for not causing trouble in the hotel, here's a tip. If a platoonmate is turning the age of drinking/majority and other platoonmates decide to congregate in his hotel room while he is in the bathroom "getting to know" the escort they hired as a birthday present to him, don't stick around to find out how it turns out.

When did you do your BMQ?? That sounds like an awfully familiar story. That didn't happen at the Howard Johnson on Dunlop by any chance did it??
Early 2006 and as far as I know it was at the Travelodge on Bayfield next door to the Kozlov Mall.