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Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

FRY, AD ARTY course will most likely be in sunny Gagetown seeing as thats where the school is I think thats a good bet.
I don't know about you guys but if i have the opportunity to leave on weekends i will find a bar or a place were there are women and i will chat one and make love to her at her House or even in the Park  :P well if its not too cold. After a big week or day i like to have some moment with a beautiful women  ;) and after take a beer with my buds.


Wolf  :cdn:
Good aspirations there wolfe...

Here are my husband aspirations...

GET THROUGH BASIC.. Screw the weekends... If there are any? Study, sleep, whatever it is that will help him get through!

but have fun with that and hey.. make sure you leave your dog tags out  ::)
Yeah theres a few ski resorts around here...(barrie - like 30 mins from borden if that)

Horse shoe valley
snow valley (in barrie)
uhh blue mountain in collingwood...

Oh and find a beautiful woman? HA good luck with that mission!

Although i do agree, i would be more concerned with BMQ then trying to find a girl on the weekends.
Armyjewelz, you should lay off on the kids, because that's what they are, 18 year old alpha males about to make good money. So what if your husband is older and will not be out looking for woman or going to the bar, who cares. Do you think that young males don't do this stuff everywhere. Weekend clubbing and looking for a good time go back to the beggining of time in the forces. It is going to happen, and it's not just the guys that do it either.
Mmmmm hmmm.. .Thanks for pointing that out for me...Seeing asa how I am only 25 myself.. I remember being young.  PErhaps my point is that I find it amazing while 80% of the people are here, planning out their careers, there is this small # who are all getting testosterone about their first weekend out... while I understand the need to breed and the hormonal aspect of no sex for at least 5 weeks... (How do you think my husband will handle that NOT being able to go out and get women) and I am all for fun at the right time... (Radio Chatter perhaps?) but when reading informational posts and planning out the next 8 months of our life in a NEW CAREER, it is a little annoying to have hormonal alpha males having nothing better to worry/think/post about then getting laid on a park bench? 
dearryan said:
Quick question...

IF a recruit gets a weekend off at basic are there any restrictions as to where he/she can go? Any max distance from the base? Obviously it wouldn't be advisable to leave the country....but lets say A 3 hour bus ride home for example. This is of coarse assuming the recruit is back on time.



See.. informational question... not..

Hey yall what ya gunna do on your first weekend off... THat I would expect to see in Radio Chatter...

Also, Please allow myself to correct myself... Alpha Males and Beta girls...  I am more than aware of afew gals heading in and planning their party weekdn but they aren't posting about it under recruiting. :) Cheers!!!
Thanks piper...

I think it's important that people realise I have NO problem with partying, NO problem with getting laid and NO problem with nudie bars... The reason I have objected to those two posts are that A) They are in THE WRONG PART OF THE FORUM and B) I find more focus going into the services on what to do with your first weekend off (BY SOME) that the actual course... there is a reason that 50% on average do not make it through these courses...

That being said.. This has gone off topic and I wish you all well regardless of what you choose to do with you weekends.
Please think about starting a thread in Radio Chatter titled "What to do your first weekend" because I notice this coming up quie often in threads... :)

Sorry to be a Bag!
I do believe that there is a casino DECENTLY close to barrie ?? i think its casino ramma isnt it?


Bradboy said:
  But the question still stands....where is the closest nudie bar? ???  And I thought that we were confined to base for the first 4 weeks???

  On another note, during our weekends when we are confined to base, what is there to do for us recruits? What kind of facilities are there to keep us occupied? I understand we'll be spending plenty of time polishing boots, ironing uniform, etc. but surely that won't take all day.  :salute:


I think you will find that the staff will give you more then enough to keep you occupied  ;)
No doubt! Ha! I would be curious from those who have gone through already how many oppurtunities they really had to fill their own time..

From what I have heard, typically most of the weekend inspections and preparing for Monday etc... I know -I- wouldn;t want to do that hung over... EEK
armyjewelz said:
See.. informational question... not..

Hey yall what ya gunna do on your first weekend off... THat I would expect to see in Radio Chatter...

Also, Please allow myself to correct myself... Alpha Males and Beta girls...  I am more than aware of afew gals heading in and planning their party weekdn but they aren't posting about it under recruiting. :) Cheers!!!

As my question was intended to help newbies going off to basic (including myself) gain some knowledge as to when and IF they will get the odd weekend off to possibly visit their family/friends. I really don't care what "clubbin" you boys are going to do the first time out of the cage. Maybe someone that has been there could comment on what actually happens. If not I personally think this ones done.


I really hate to say this but I honestly think that drinking and partying is a big part of the BMQ.  Not that it is a bad thing but it adds to the closeness and bonding that is necessary for the men and woman to do when they are away.  They also will be very very stressed out and will need to unwind and that is one of the ways to do.  My DH was not and still is not a partier but there were a few 2 in the morning phone calls made to me after a visit to the Bistro.  I unlike some found them very amusing and looked forward to talking to him and his platoon mates.  ;D

The other hard reality is that the majority of guys and girls are going to be looking for some release of tension during this time, SQ training and their trade training and dont' forget deployments.  It doesn't matter if they are married or single.  Now I am not saying that all married individuals mess around but if you take a good look at the facts the percentage of cheating both from military members and their spouses are very high.

Just keep an open mind that yes partying is a part of the this BMQ process and don't be paranoid or get upset by what they are doing while you are home with the kids.  As long as you are secure in your relationship than you have nothing to worry about. 

They do say if you have a weak realtionship this experience will make it weaker and if you have a stronger relationship it will make it stronger.
Umm.. Shadow... I know you from elsewhere and have to say this thread surprises me from you...

Not only I, but my husband disagree 100% with what you have said.. I also do not take kindly to the insult in which you say I would get upset being at home with the kids? Never once did I say my husband wont do it.. Never ONCE did I say I was not ok with it and NEVER ONCE did I insinuate that I am not strong enough to handle it!  Please don;t put your self on a pedastool not knowing what I am talking about.

And to condone cheating by saying it is a statistic?? Mmm... might be the way you choose to live your life... Not me.  I have 100% faith in my husband as does he in me.

I am sorry that you feel the way you do....

Once again I have to reaffirm my original problem

THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THIS CONVERSATION!!  This is for people who are FOCUSED on the BMQ Process not what happens on the side.

P.s. My husband wishes to say in his view alcohol does not have to play a role in forming relationships.
I say a lot people who have been there and done that disagree.  >:D

Ya, me too....

If necessary to drink to be friends with people see below....

You guys are whacked!!!!  There is no excuse for cheating or going out and getting drunk as a way of release. I don't care, there is something else you can do...go to a hockey game, movie, dinner, something. Nailing some strange girl is gonna get you trip to the doctor, or a baby. I guess that is really up to you. But I totally disagree with anyone thinking this is okau. Shadow cat....you can't say that if your dh cheated you would be okay with it. YOU who agree with this way of release are CRAZY!!! Get a life.
Yes I do know you from somewhere else. TML.

I think that you may have taken my comment the wrong way.  I do not put myself on a pedestal at all.  There are going to be so many emotions that you will go through you once he is gone and you have no control of them and you can not prepare for them.  I myself have suffered from the little green eyes monster once in awhile.  I usually sit back relax and think a little about it and it passes very quickly without my DH ever hearing that it crept out.  That is all that I meant by that comment.

I personally do not think that it is right that people mess around but it happens more than what most people would think. There is actually a whole class that your DH will be taught and a video on what to watch out for and how to catch you mate cheating.  Pretty pathetic really that they need to educate the people on the hard realtiy of the military world.  I can also tell you that I know of quite people that I never would have dreamed that would cheat and they have and I look and talk to their spouses on a regular and it pains me to think that I never thought that it could happen and it did and they have no clue.  Oh and the reason that I can't say is becuase what happens stays in the military and if someone was to rat on them than there are reprocusions to the miltiary member.  Really the military is almost promoting that.  

Personally I am secure in my relationship with my DH.  I make sure that we see each other every month and a half to ensure that we both get our needs satisifed.  

I just want you and your DH to be prepared for the change that is about to take place.  Like you we felt that alcohol is not needed to have fun.  In fact if you on any giving day came into our house the only alcohol you would find in our house is from people that have left it behind to go bad.  There is just something about BMQ that makes them need that relaxation.  Granted not everyone will need it but you both need to be prepared for this possibility.  

My DH has completed his BMQ and his SQ and is on PAT and he doens't drink again.  There is not that stress and need to unwind and bond that was there throguh BMQ.   BMQ is truly another world.

Like I said before I have a very very strong realtionship.  We have been together for 14 years.  Becuase we have a strong reltionship we will make it.  As long as you have a strong relationship you will too.
babybug said:
You guys are whacked!!!!   There is no excuse for cheating or going out and getting drunk as a way of release. I don't care, there is something else you can do...go to a hockey game, movie, dinner, something. Nailing some strange girl is gonna get you trip to the doctor, or a baby. I guess that is really up to you. But I totally disagree with anyone thinking this is okau. Shadow cat....you can't say that if your dh cheated you would be okay with it. YOU who agree with this way of release are CRAZY!!! Get a life.

Not once did i say that I agree with it.  In fact if my DH was to ever do that to me, that I knew about, I would kick him to the curb without a second thought or glance.  It would be very disgraceful to me and to what I thought our relationship was about.

The hard facts are that alot of military members and the spouses mess around.  You need to wake up and smell the roses girls.
I don't think there is any need to mention oither sites, hence why I didn't.

Hun, I never said I was worried about cheating and I have no idea where it even came from?!

This is way off topic.  Can someone close this?
Shadow? How can you make it through the night thinking it was that real ?  That must haunt you. What your dh must be doing. Tsk tsk