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Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

Early 2006 and as far as I know it was at the Travelodge on Bayfield next door to the Kozlov Mall.

Ok. We had something practically identical happen on my BMQ in Barrie as well. Mine was late 05 and we graduated Early Dec.
I can recall, on one weekend break at a hotel, I saw one of my male fellow-recruits enter his hotel room with another female-recruit who wasn't his pregnant wife...let me say, it was an awkward moment for both of us when we looked into each other's eyes for a split second!  So, uh, weekends off are great but remember to keep your head down if you're doing the naughty  >:D
Binder said:
I can recall, on one weekend break at a hotel, I saw one of my male fellow-recruits enter his hotel room with another female-recruit who wasn't his pregnant wife...let me say, it was an awkward moment for both of us when we looked into each other's eyes for a split second!  So, uh, weekends off are great but remember to keep your head down if you're doing the naughty  >:D

oh that's klassy.  how about maybe just NOT cheating on your SO?  Just because you're away from your dearest, you're not given the license to go out and jump on the next available warm body.    *sorry, hit a bit of a nerve*
Lil_T said:
oh that's klassy.  how about maybe just NOT cheating on your SO?  Just because you're away from your dearest, you're not given the license to go out and jump on the next available warm body.    *sorry, hit a bit of a nerve*

Really!  What is to say she wasn't there to get some booze or something else that he had picked up for her, perhaps homework, or anything other than pleasure.....sex...if you want.  It could have been totally innocent, as showing her photos of his kids.......or perhaps it was just animal lust.  Do you really care? 
I'm just taking it the way Binder wrote it

I can recall, on one weekend break at a hotel, I saw one of my male fellow-recruits enter his hotel room with another female-recruit who wasn't his pregnant wife...let me say, it was an awkward moment for both of us when we looked into each other's eyes for a split second.  So, uh, weekends off are great but remember to keep your head down if you're doing the naughty 

It could have been totally innocent George, but, in my experience innocent people don't tend to behave guiltily.  That's all.    Do I care?  Well, I put myself in the position of the wife for a moment, and I must say that if MY husband behaved that way we'd have serious issues.  I think a better question would have been - Is that any of my business?  To which the answer is obviously no.
Lil_T said:
......... in my experience innocent people don't tend to behave guiltily. 

Neither of us were there, but you can see how this "story" is already developing in the retelling. 
Week 10, Friday, everyone is all pumped up for the weekend and the gas hut.  Things are great, weekends planned, weddings to attend, family to see, etc etc.  At 10:00 we walked into a hall and shredded our leave passes because two idiots threw out half full bottles of Coke into the garbage on our floor.  Big no no on the food and garbage.

Thats how fast your weekends can leave you.

Do what ever you like, just know that shit can sometimes hit the fan.

Good luck!

MedTechStudent said:
Things are great, weekends planned, weddings to attend, family to see, etc etc.  At 10:00 we walked into a hall and shredded our leave passes because two idiots threw out half full bottles of Coke into the garbage on our floor.  Big no no on the food and garbage.

That sounds like my SQ course just it was as a joke and not serious like your situation. We finally come to the first weekend we can have off. Friday at 3:30 they call us all into the hallway, sit us down. The Course WO comes in with a bunch of leave passes, and shreds them. Proceeds to ream us out, etc. Then at the very end he says so I want you all to remember this. Don't do anything stupid this weekend, look out for each other if you go to the bars and be safe. Yells at a MCpl to bring out the leave real leaves passes.

Oh ya it was dreadful.  One by one we all walked to this shredder built INTO the wall, and slid them in.  With the Pl Comd standing there watching us come to attention and shred away our freedom.  Oh well, lesson learned I guess!
We lost a weekend once due to an individual buy thoring knives the weekend before and leaving them in his drawers
D3 said:
We lost a weekend once due to an individual buy thoring knives the weekend before and leaving them in his drawers

I hope he didn't cut anything...oh you mean DRESSER drawers...gotcha.
MedTechStudent said:
Oh ya it was dreadful.  One by one we all walked to this shredder built INTO the wall, and slid them in.  With the Pl Comd standing there watching us come to attention and shred away our freedom.  Oh well, lesson learned I guess!

Yep, s*** happens. I'm sure it won't your last lost weekend either.
Well, this thread got just a little off topic. But I think I get the just of it, thanks guys!

As a side note I write my aptitude and do my medical on Monday! Very excited for that, I'll let you all know how it goes in the recruiting sections for sure.

Thanks again,
You can't get credits for the WEEKEND bmq, but you CAN for the highschool Co-op program.
You have to go through your school to get the credits  :P
I noticed that the last train on Friday nights leaves the Dorval station at 6:30pm. Is there any chance of making this train on weekends off. I am trying to decide wether or not to take my truck down with me. I am planning on coming home once or twice and was curious on my transportation options.

Doubtful.  I don't know how far Dorval is from St. Jean but when you factor lessons ending at 430-5ish.  Then you have to turn in weapons.  My course usually wasn't on our own time until 530-6.