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Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

Forest-gump, first and foremost be well aware of the fact that you are going on Basic and during this period you will be nailed with various duties (or extra duties on the weekend if you are a trouble maker). Usually the indoctrination period lasts the first 4 weeks but it can be longer if the staff chooses it be (this falls in direct correlation with the platoon's behaviour/progress). As posted by SeaRoom, St. Jean is no more than 6 hrs from Toronto and fairly easy to get to and from but at this point DO NOT commit to anything in the distant future unless you are sure of it, the staff usually doesn't give back the leave passes until the Thursday or Friday prior to the weekend. Best of luck! :cdn:
Quick question...

IF a recruit gets a weekend off at basic are there any restrictions as to where he/she can go? Any max distance from the base? Obviously it wouldn't be advisable to leave the country....but lets say A 3 hour bus ride home for example. This is of coarse assuming the recruit is back on time.


Check with your course staff, but I wouldn't predict any free weekends.
Ryan, as long as you are over the age of majority, and you are given leave, you can leave the base overnight. In Borden, there was a map with a big circle on it....you could travel within that circle. It included Toronto. Some people went to their homes (Hamilton was one place I recall) but I believe they got permission for that.

After about week 4 we were given leave forms to fill out and getting leave depended on a number of things. When and if leave was granted, those whose leave applications were approved, could leave for the time granted on the form and to the destination they put on the form. If you're not back on time, you are considered AWOL and I have no idea what happens to you then!
GNR said:
Check with your course staff, but I wouldn't predict any free weekends.

Most weekends after the INDOC period are free, IIRC. That depends on your platoon staff too, of course. 

  Where is the closest nudie bar to Borden and how do I get there? 4 weeks with not being able to see good lookin' girls in their tight jeans and short skirts is going to take its toll on me. Also, are there bars on the base in Borden? I'm no alcoholic or anything (alcoholics go to meetings) I just enjoy a nice cold brewsky after a hard days work. Cheers. :salute:

you'll find that most courses will have 1st 1 or 2 weekends with recruits Confined to base.
Thereafter, as long as you get "leave" and are back on time.... bon voyage.
  But the question still stands....where is the closest nudie bar? ???  And I thought that we were confined to base for the first 4 weeks???

  On another note, during our weekends when we are confined to base, what is there to do for us recruits? What kind of facilities are there to keep us occupied? I understand we'll be spending plenty of time polishing boots, ironing uniform, etc. but surely that won't take all day.  :salute:

Well, they can   do inspections over the weekends, I think on the first weekend on my BMQ we had like 10+ inspections, fun times!

Don't worry about this kinda stuff, your find out all about it when you get to StJean or Borden.
Bradboy said:
  But the question still stands....where is the closest nudie bar? ???    And I thought that we were confined to base for the first 4 weeks???

  On another note, during our weekends when we are confined to base, what is there to do for us recruits? What kind of facilities are there to keep us occupied? I understand we'll be spending plenty of time polishing boots, ironing uniform, etc. but surely that won't take all day.   :salute:


I think we are confined for the first 4 weeks. As for the strip club, I wouldn't have a clue.

Fry said:
As for the strip club, I wouldn't have a clue.

DAMMIT FRY!!! Looks like me and you will have to do some very important reconnaissance work our first weekend with leave! Women are an essential part of life. No man can live without them. Well, maybe some....but that's a topic for a different forum. Cheers.  :salute:

Haha, some recce indeed Bradboy! I have a few stories I can tell you about the strip clubs in St. John's, NL! It's innapprioate talk here, so msn me and I'll fill you in!

Hilarious post though! Look forward to working with you at Borden.

All the best.
Nudie bars?????
they don't call it Camp Boredom for nothing...........

If you have some spare time and that's a big "if" all bases have a sports centre with Gym, courts, pool, swimming pool, dry cantine, movie theatre and probably dvd/CD rental
Then you can also hang around the laundry room..... so long as you promiss to leave the ladies undies alone.
Easy there boys! They are also really good places to get into trouble. keep your eye on the" prize"....and that "prize" ain't wearing a thong.

So i know some are interested in the nearest bar, but what about time for Gf's to come viisit..  Is it for sure that they will get a break about halfway through basic??  And as for the drinkers, i think you should be more concerned with passing your course.  Staying focused should be a priority,not getting into trouble. think about it.
OK, I don't go to clubs...yet, but I know theres a couple about 25 minutes away in barrie. Theres the ROXX and the Jam nightclub. I remember my brother going to those a couple times when he was on some kind of training. Hope this helps  ;D I sure wont be going to any while i'm on BMQ :salute:
In regards to boozing on weekends........dont count on it first four weeks at least, and even then only if you are 19, thats legal drinking age for those coming from out of province.  If under 19 and you get time off on weekends, you will be back by 1 AM for a bed check.  As for bars the ROXX, rocks, thurs night used to be university night, weekends same as any other bar," The Jam " is a small watering hole just outside the gates of the base in a the local town of Angus, about 10 min away, the ROXX is dowtown Barrie, for those interested there is a Nudie bar just down the way from the ROXX called the silver dollar, and another one on the outskirts of Barrie as you enter the city from the base, the name escapes my memory but whoever asked about it obviously frequents those sort of establishments and probably has a keen eye and will see the sign out front of the place.  To the best of my knowledge you as recruits will not be partaking in any fine amber ales while on the base, I beleive any establishment that serves booze on base is strickly VERBOTEN.
All the out of bounds area's will be given to you by your staff , PS dont try to sneek in to any out of bounds areas, you will get caught even if there is no instructors there does,nt mean they dont have freinds there, all eyes will be on you.

S.A.Blundon said:
I sure wont be going to any while i'm on BMQ :salute:

Suit yourself, I will be!!! ;D

grayman said:
In regards to boozing on weekends........dont count on it first four weeks at least

  darn man! I guess at about week 2 the DT's are gonna start kickin in! Ohhh the pain! :crybaby:

Removed due to in appropriate comment ...PM inbound

grayman said:
To the best of my knowledge you as recruits will not be partaking in any fine amber ales while on the base, I bbelieveany establishment that serves booze on base is sstrictlyVERBOTEN.

So when should I expect the DT's to start setting in? Beer has become a necessity of life. Nothin' like a cold brewsky with the boys after a hard days work.

grayman said:

Will do!   :salute:

Hey Brad if your in Fry's BMQ as am I and I used to live in barrie like 8 years ago.  I know where to find pretty much everything but the nudie bar, I remeber where the ROXX is I belive and at least one or two other sports bars, and of course the 2 movie theaters.  Beyond that thats a race track that should be pretty easy to find it's not favorite place but its there. 
The other strip club in Barrie that I know of is Mistys, least I think thats what its called, only been to it once.  I woulden't spend to much time at places like that, expensive(if you get a lot of dances, drinks, etc), plus they get boring.. but whatever floats your boat.

The ROXX is pretty good, but like most clubs, if you want to talk to someone, you gotta yell into their ear from 2 inches away.