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LCIS - something wrong here?

tsokman said:
I never said I would refuse any period or type of training necessary for LCIS Tech...just maybe the spring or fall is more ideal...:)...I hope I get one of those spots!!

If I were you I would quit now while you were ahead before the people you are asking some out to lunch questions of all the time become irate with you and stop answering you and those others who will be caught in the backlash.

Milnet.Ca Staff
I never asked if I had a choice when to do my BMQ, just what my preferences were.  I dont see anywhere in the QO and R that youre not allowed to have preferences...Originally, I never said I wanted to choose my BMQ but that because my application was running long I may not be loaded until the Fall if Im enrolled.  And I never quit anything in my life there bud...
Read what I said...quit asking out to lunch questions, do some research on your own, show some initative you will be doin yourself and everyone else here a favour. Continually being a pest will get you out of here faster then you can finish a double double.

Milnet.Ca Staff
tsokman said:
I dont see anywhere in the QO and R that youre not allowed to have preferences...

It is "QR&O" .........if you want to look like you know something, it helps to get it right. If you ever make it in, you will find out that having preferences means jack shit.

And I never quit anything in my life there bud...

If you are going to be like that all th time now, stop asking questions.
tsokman said:

You will have to understand a few things if you plan to integrate well into the CF community.  One, our humour tends to be deeply rooted in sarcasm and irony.  Two, we have little patience for the same questions over and over, especially if they have already been answered ad nauseum; you will learn quickly that your supervisors will not like repeating themselves.  This is a great site with lots of resources but it is best to stick with what you know vice what you think (thus the ubiquitous "stay within your lane" reference) and when looking for answers, formulate well thought out questions rather than smearing the boards with a shotgun blast of inarticulate nonsense.  I think I speak for everyone on this board when I say we wish you a happy and long career, but please try to understand where we are coming from as it will only aid you in this endeavour.  Take this as you will from a guy with a post count of 42.  :salute:

Hey all, this is my first post on these forums after reading quite a lot of them.

I wish to apply at the Toronto CFRC later this month, with one choice being an LCIS tech NCM, and i have a strong background in math as seems a requirement for the position, especially from reading this thread. My problem is i lack any background in physics, does this mean i will not be able to be enrolled as an LCIS tech, or does it just make me less favorable compared to say somebody who has a background in both math and physics.
Well I have finally applied and passed my CFAT. The recruiter said I did very well. I am applying for LCIS/ATIS which is a good fit as I was an Electronics Technician for 14 years. I am also a major computer/audio/video nut! I like the idea of doing something that has many different things to do, not just one specialised area! This was part of the reason why I lost my job... not enough work for the specific stuff I worked on...

I am getting a PLAR done for my College diploma (2 years Electronics Technician) and my work experience. Hopefully that won't take too long...  :crybaby:
well i'll let you know that my PLAR took around 3.5 months, it was looked over from october 28th/09 - feb 9th/10 and my diploma is pretty much the same as yours, i have a dual diploma in electrical and electronic technology so yeah, just sit tight and be patient, lol, all i can really say
For what it's worth i was in the recruiting center today talking about what jobs would best suit me, and the recruiter almost jumped out of his seat when he heard i had grade 12 advanced functions, he basically threw the LCIS position at me and sold me on a quick process and a job offer in a short amount of time. Short story is they are most definitely still looking for LCIS techs. Just my :2c:
I was an Electronics Tech for 14 years. I applied in March to the CF for LCIS and ATIS. I got an offer for LCIS 2 months later, having no problems or hold-ups. I asked them to do my PLAR after I got an offer as getting in sooner was more important since I am out of a job right now, and BMQs were filled up to October (When my EI runs out). The PLAR can sometimes hold you up for months... My offer was for July 24th instead of October or November because someone else quit, opening up an earlier spot.

I got another call today telling me my PLAR was done (it took 3 weeks, can you believe it?), and that they want me to bypass the POET training. Great stuff, though I might have to brush up on some of the "theory" parts of POET, as its been 15 years since I learned some of that stuff!

Congrats. POET is a major source of frustration, as you might spend time waiting for a course to form. Now it just means waiting for a QL3 loading. Just hang tight.