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Just begun the Application Process

Alex252 said:

If you don't mind me asking, exactly what courses do you need? I dont know how it works out East, but i know of some people who were in the same boat as you and went to nightschool,correspondence or summer school. Sure as hell beats returning for a whole semester if you really are sweating it. On the other hand, if you feel a victory lap is what you want to do, give'er!
I need another Science and another Tech course, but since I am going back I am also going to be taking math, world history, and probably a few more.

Baker, complete your education to your satisfaction. It is never nice to have to say to yourself down the road," What if I had".

Three important tools for getting ahead, Education, Education, Education.

Though the military is your target, you never know if for one reason or an other, you may have to leave the military. You need something to fall back on.

Personally, I would explore other career choices before committing to the CF. Make sure the CF is what you really want. If the CF was not possible, what is your second choice?

Like I mentioned, don't let the " What if I had" bite you in the rear after to committ to the CF.

That was exactly what I said to myself, Guns.

As much as I love the CF, and want to be a member, there is the chance that it may not work out for me, so this is why I am taking this route.

Like I have said earlier, the CF will still be there for me.

Baker said:
Sadly, no. I am not close enough to the RNFLDR. As you could expect, I would already be a member ;)

Thanks for your insight, because it is looking like I will stay back, and do a few more courses then I have to. Might even take French again. Too bad they never offered German on CDLI (I'm sure at least SOMEONE on here knows what that is, if not, google it).


EDIT, well actually, I may join the Reserves after I finish all this, and go to MUN in St. John's at the same time, and get an even better education, and then go Regular Force.

Baker one thing I have noticed, and I suppose others also, is you are a smart young man. You express your thoughts in a clear logical manner.
Opportunity opens the door for those who are prepared to walk through it. Finish your high school. And moving to St.John's and joining the reserves both sound like great ideas.  You have a lifetime of opportunities ahead of you ! :)
Baden  Guy said:
Baker one thing I have noticed, and I suppose others also, is you are a smart young man. You express your thoughts in a clear logical manner.
Opportunity opens the door for those who are prepared to walk through it. Finish your high school. And moving to St.John's and joining the reserves both sound like great ideas.  You have a lifetime of opportunities ahead of you ! :)
Why thank you!

Just thought of something.

If I can do my courses online, then perhaps I can go on in St. John's an do it there, an join up at the same time (i.e. this fall).

Have to check out this option later this week.

Education is important. Go for whatever you think will be better long term, but online courses are always a partial solution.

Good luck!
Thanks popnfresh!

Seems that my Principle is gone for the whole week, but I think I will stay here an do what I will have to do, be easier on me in the long run.

Baker said:
Thanks popnfresh!

Seems that my Principle is gone for the whole week, but I think I will stay here an do what I will have to do, be easier on me in the long run.


With age comes wisdom.

Good decision
Yeah I know, I have been posting here quite a lot recently, but I feel I need to share ;)

So, for the past few days, I have been milling in my mind, going over my many options that I have, and not only have I got some things answered for myself, those open up more options that I still have yet to answer.

First off, I will stay here for another year, to get my other credits. This is because it will be a lot easier on me in many ways (my house is here, an so are my parents ;)).

I have also narrowed down the things that I may like to do at MUN, like engineering courses, medical courses, etc.

But, this has also opened up an option I had myself to believe that I wouldn't be good enough at, which is to become an Officer in the Canadian Forces. This is the biggest thought provoking option I have hit, because I have always been told that I could be 'Officer material' if you will.

Yet, due to my laziness while I was in grade 10 (which it was, no need to sugar coat it), I shoved the idea almost entirely out of my mind. But now, since I am going to do the courses I need to do, this idea popped into my head, and honestly I can't get it out :D

Going to talk to the counsellor again as soon as he comes back down, about courses I can do at MUN, and options I have for the Military.

Cheers all

EDIT: Can a Moderator change the thread title to something like Baker's adventure with the CF, or something along those lines?

Baker couple of thoughts:
You express yourself in this forum in a mature rational manner. God stuff for one of your age.
As one who went to university at a later age the most important thing I took away from the experience was how to make decisions based on reason and research and the tools to continue learning.
University is generally a good thing no matter what path you chose in life.  :)

I agree, university is a great choice for anyone. It's not even about the piece of paper you get from it, but you can take some really fascinating stuff there that you would never have even thought you had an interest in. Even if it's useless knowledge, you might be really keen on it, and <gasp> you might even have fun! :O

I know, it's a real shock everyone haha. Fun at school!? Who would think such a crazy thing.
Well, yours truly might be able to go on course this summer for the Reserves ;D

I'll tell you more when I learn of it.
Did you realize that the current CDS Rick Hillier is a MUN grad. You'll be keeping good company.
CFR FCS said:
Did you realize that the current CDS Rick Hillier is a MUN grad. You'll be keeping good company.
;D Yeah I did indeed know that.

Baker, if you do decide to attend MUN after completing your Grade 12. It will provide you the opportunity to join the Reserves. Not only will it give you some military experience but will help towards your education. Stand to be corrected, I believe you could be reimbursed up to $2500.

GUNS said:
Baker, if you do decide to attend MUN after completing your Grade 12. It will provide you the opportunity to join the Reserves. Not only will it give you some military experience but will help towards your education. Stand to be corrected, I believe you could be reimbursed up to $2500.
Yeah I have read some about that, but not so much. Going to have to read some more of it though.

Well folks, I am indeed getting my extra credits (and then some) now, and I'll have that finished in June. Then, in September of '09, I'm going to be doing Law Enforcement Administration ;D

As I have read on here many time, the CF will always be there, and I will be a member soon enough.

Again, thank you all. I've grown to this site, and have grown to respect people here. I would like to think that my being here has helped my life so much, and made me much more then your average civilian like myself.

Thanks guys, you all rock! :D


EDIT: And would a nice Mod be able to change the thread title to suite my current situation? Like Deadpan's quest to join the CF? ;D
So, as some of you may know, I've re-started my application for Reg force.

So now, next week I'm having my CFAT and such ;D

Time to study! :D