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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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When I was employed in COS J3 Division in NDHQ circa 1993, I was told by an excellent source that when the subject of a name for the unit came up, the CDS directed that no reference to "special forces" or "SAS" be made, as that would be politically unacceptable. As there already was a JTF in existence in Somalia, the unit was titled JTF2.

As the members are happy with the title, let's let the sleeping dogs of war lie.
Some of you guys are way to wrapped up in an effin' name. Jayzuz, the "SAS" name was a bit of bleeding disinformation (which seems to have worked - I've met a couple of guys who still think it's an RAF org.)

Don't you have anything better to do? Like study for that piss test next week?

So the decision went like this?

A: "Don't we already have a JTF?  Maybe we should just call it JTF, too."

B: "Good idea.  I'll write up the papers."

And thus it was written.
Ex-Dragoon said:
I think since JTF2 decided to retain their designation as such who are we to decide they need a cooler name. Esprit de Corps was obtained under that name   through various missions known and unknown to tamper with that is only asking for it. Would be like changing the name of one of the line regiments reg or reserve, now how well would that go over?
Thats about the only reason I can see for not changing it. Although changing the name of other regiments has happened more often then it should.

Old Sweat said:
the CDS directed that no reference to "special forces" or "SAS" be made, as that would be politically unacceptable.

And there is the reason for the name in the first place. Our soft minded politicians wouldn't accept anything that had an aggressive conintantion to it. To be named after a unit known to be trained killers would not have been acceptable. They would rather have the public see them as bubble gum chewing lackeys waving greetings to you. It actually surprises me that they let the media say anything about them in Afghanistan
It is our doctrine to call units that are put together for a specific mission a task force (TF), and if they contain more than one arm they are joint task forces (JTF).   It seems logical that this would have been the default name given to a unit that did not want to be obvious in its role and purpose from the outset.

I found this argument for the "Joint" description of our SF TF.
Yard Ape in "SBS units for the CF?" said:
Our special forces are refered to as "joint" becuase they are expected to meet the needs of all elements (and they come from all elements). In theory, we do not need Army, Navy, or Air specific SF.

Why "2"?   Maybe just because it sounded good.
23 pages and we're arguing about what the name of the unit should be - if any of them a reading this they are probably laughing at us.

This is another reason why I believe that all JTF2 threads should be locked as a matter of principle - they go nowhere....
This is another reason why I believe that all JTF2 threads should be locked as a matter of principle - they go nowhere....
Why not just create a "JTF-2" forum on the board to act as a lightning rod, or maybe be a little sneakier and call it "Special Operations" (shades of SOCNET's old "delta" forum)  ;D
rw4th said:
Why not just create a "JTF-2" forum on the board to act as a lightning rod, or maybe be a little sneakier and call it "Special Operations" (shades of SOCNET's old "delta" forum)    ;D

That's what this is.  :D
I found this on the official JTF2 site, it says it is new



MYTH 1    JTF 2 is a para-military organization.
A1    No, JTF 2 is a military organization comprised of Canadian Forces personnel from a wide range of  occupations. The unit was created on April 1, 1993 when the Canadian Forces accepted responsibility for federal counter-terrorism operations from the RCMP.
MYTH 2    JTF 2 only selects combat arms members.
A2    JTF 2 is comprised of assaulters and supporting members, all of whom are Canadian Forces personnel from a wide range of military occupations and all elements of the Canadian Forces. All members are carefully screened for service in the various elements that comprise JTF 2.
MYTH 3    JTF 2 does not accept female applicants.
A3    Any Canadian Forces member, irrespective of gender, who completes the JTF 2 selection process and is deemed eligible for service may be given an opportunity to serve with the unit. The standards established for selection and employment with JTF 2 are scientifically designed and validated at the Canadian Forces Dwyer Hill Training Centre in order to ensure that the members selected will be capable of accomplishing all tasks assigned to the unit. These standards are not gender specific and encompass the individuals' physical abilities, professional skill sets, integrity, psychological profile, mental aptitude, discipline, and maturity. These standards are not just used for selecting new members, they are maintained throughout the unit and are ingrained in the JTF 2 ethos.
MYTH 4    As a member of JTF 2, your family will never know where you are.
A4    Many of the missions assigned to JTF 2 in support of Canadian security necessitate a stringent operational security policy. As such, many unit missions require that JTF 2 members provide little to no deployment details to their family. Despite these security precautions, every opportunity is made to ensure adequate communication between unit members and their family during deployments. Also, like any other CF unit, JTF 2 ensures that a number of support services are available to unit member's families at all times.
MYTH 5    JTF 2 members have a higher than average divorce rate.
A5    Divorce rates for JTF 2 members are comparable to those of the Canadian Forces average.
MYTH 6    You must know someone within JTF 2 to get into the unit.
A6    Any Canadian Forces member who successfully completes the JTF 2 distinctive selection process for assaulter/supporter training and is deemed eligible for service may be given an opportunity to serve with the unit. The JTF 2 selection process has been scientifically validated, and knowing someone within JTF 2 will not provide prospective candidates with an advantage over others.
MYTH 7    You must be single to serve in the unit.
A7    The marital status of a Canadian Forces member has no bearing on their eligibility for service with JTF 2.
MYTH 8    You cannot have any tattoos to be eligible for service with JTF 2.
A8    Tattoos or other physical identifiers do not have any bearing on a Canadian Forces member's eligibility for service with JTF 2. A prospective candidate who successfully completes the JTF 2 selection process and is deemed eligible for service may be given an opportunity to serve with the unit.
MYTH 9    Recruiting for JTF 2 is done outside the unit chain of command.
A9    Recruiting for JTF 2 is coordinated and conducted under the authority of the unit chain of command. Recruiting drives are conducted throughout Canada, permitting prospective candidates an opportunity to ask questions about service with the unit and counter similar myths.
MYTH 10    Once posted to JTF 2 you cannot leave the unit.
A10    Canadian Forces members who successfully complete the JTF 2 selection process and are deemed eligible for service with JTF 2 may be given an opportunity to serve with the unit. Although time served with the unit varies from member to member, regulations require members to serve a minimum amount of time with the unit prior to returning to their home units.
MYTH 11    JTF 2 conducts activities outside the law.
A11    All JTF 2 activities are conducted within the bounds of Canadian Law. While the employment of JTF 2 personnel is driven by its special roles and unique capabilities, it is governed by the same code of conduct, ethics, and discipline as any other unit in the Canadian Forces. Furthermore, the Government of Canada authorizes the overall missions and tasks undertaken by JTF 2, at all times. The unit is the responsibility of the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff who is accountable to the Chief of the Defence Staff. The Chief of the Defence Staff is accountable to the Minister of National Defence who, as a Minister of the Crown, is responsible to the Prime Minister of Canada.


A good, sensible post...How very soul-destroying for the wannabe's who are out there telling their friends about how you have to kill your wife as part of the initiation ritual...! ;D ;D

Good on you Hatchetman for posting it. :salute:

MCG said:
Why "2"?  Maybe just because it sounded good.

I read somewhere, don't remember where now, that the "JTF" is another unit or government organization, so that is why they needed to call it JTF2. ,
In the book "Canada's Secret Commandos    the unauthorized story of Joint Task Force Two" by
a journalist it says that it is Joint Task Force 4 which is a "combination military and law enforcement which focuses almost solely on counter-drug operations" in the U.S.
calno said:
In the book "Canada's Secret Commandos     the unauthorized story of Joint Task Force Two" by
a journalist it says that it is Joint Task Force 4 which is a "combination military and law enforcement which focuses almost solely on counter-drug operations" in the U.S.

You forgot to add the part were he says that was the basis for the name, because it sounded cool and secretive-ish.
Before JTF2 unit was created in 1993 it was the RCMP who where responsible for counter-terrorism. When JTF2 was created the number "2" appear in their name cause they are the second unit to provide counter terrorism service to Canada.  :salute:
soldiers301 said:
Before JTF2 unit was created in 1993 it was the RCMP who where responsible for counter-terrorism. When JTF2 was created the number "2" appear in their name cause they are the second unit to provide counter terrorism service to Canada.   :salute:

Where'd you get your information?
Mr. Ted said:
The reason this discussion is happening is not because JTF2 might need a "cooler" name but instead a name that actually means something. A name that is at least remotely descriptive of what the unit is.   JointTaskForce2, as a name, doesn't really do any of that.   That's all.   It's not marketing, just avoiding silliness.   It is quite possible that they settled on "2" to somehow insinuate there's a "1" somewhere else and if you don't behave it'll leap over there and smack you. Sounds like it's been mentioned in Parliament that there is no "JTF1".....  

........Mr. Ted

soldiers301 said:
Before JTF2 unit was created in 1993 it was the RCMP who where responsible for counter-terrorism. When JTF2 was created the number "2" appear in their name cause they are the second unit to provide counter terrorism service to Canada.  :salute:

Folks, to clarify this issue on the past naming bit (not whether JTF 2 needs a new name, I think that's not a "value added" effort) there are two clarification to the issue that need to be made:

  • JTF 1 was the Canadian Joint Task Force formed of all the CF units that conducted ops in Gulf War 1.  As "un-cool" or "un-sexy" or "non-secretive" as it seems, JTF 2 was simply the second formally established CF joint task force...nothing more sinister that that.

  • The Domestic CT response capability prior to JTF 2 was the RCMP SERT - Special Emergency Task Force.  Yes, JTF 2 was the second organization to provide a Dom CT capability, but this had nothing to do with the unit's nomenclature.

Being an aviator who flew for both SERT and JTF 2, and being told about the JTF 1 name from a fellow working relatively up in the DCDS group in 1991, I am quite certain about the above statements.

Interestingly, the are lots of JTF's out there...IIRC, Canadian naval presence to OEF fell under the command of the US JTF-159, also referred to as TF-159 -- folks who served on HMCS's can probably correct me if I have the number wrong...

Hey I have a question about the Joint Task Force 2. I know they only recruit from CF, but does anyone know what trade I should get into that would make me elidgible for possible recruitemnt? (waaay, waaay in the future i know, but ya gotta start somewhere right)

thanks to all who answer.

dave  :cdn: