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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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Well, in that case I vote for the Canadian Special Air Service.

Very Commonwealth, i.e. England, Australia, even New Zealand S.A.S.  All interoperate, send troops on exchanges, share the wealth, that sort of thing.

We already had a Canadian S.A.S. for a short time post-war.  

Why not now?  I agree that the original JTF-2 moniker was a little poorly-thought out.  It was deliberately misleading in both it's "Joint" as well as it's "two" components.  

Now that more is known about the unit and how close in scope it is to the Brit/N.Z./Aussie units, it makes sense to call it what it is.

A certain weight goes along with the statement, "We're sending the S.A.S." that "We're sending JTF-2" never did.

Mr. Ted

P.S.  While we're at it, please bring back the CAR and call it the Canadian Parachute Regiment with 3 reg and one reserve battalion.  Move the reg force up to 5 permanent infantry regiments(one more west coast, one more east coast) and additionally the paras.  Buy a bunch of older Starlifters and C5 Galaxys from the Yanks along with the supposed 150 SuperCorbras the Marines aren't using.  And some of those A-10s they're phasing out.  And Blackhawks, and ......
Zipper said:
2. Lets get rid of that stupid name JTF2. Its silly and no long reflects what the unit is all about. It is an entirely military unit. It no longer relects the multi-organizational (RCMP, CSIS, Military) make up it used too. It now engages in "offensive" and "other" type operations and thus should be properly named. Whether that is CSAS or some other more military sounding name is up to whoever.

In otherwords. JTF2 just doesn't sound right anymore.

What about GSG9 ?
'Fraid you lost me there mate.

In the midst of your sarcasm may indeed lurk a nugget.

But I didn't see it.

Mr. Ted
Mr. Ted said:
'Fraid you lost me there mate.

In the midst of your sarcasm may indeed lurk a nugget.

But I didn't see it.

Mr. Ted

The SAS used to be known as the William Tell association, due to the use of the crossbow and other silent, deadly non-firarm methods of mayhem...

I believe that to be the case.

I think that perhaps we should call the unit, the Canadian Special Air Service. Much akin to those of the commonwealth countries. I also think that we should create a Canadian Marine Regiment. But this is all pretty wishful thinking.
Futuretrooper said:
I think that perhaps we should call the unit, the Canadian Special Air Service. Much akin to those of the commonwealth countries. I also think that we should create a Canadian Marine Regiment. But this is all pretty wishful thinking.

Agreed on the first part. Second part...          ...we cannot even afford to support what we have without trying to expand our capabilities.

BBJ - GSG9 sounds good. However we have very little contect or affiliation with said org. as you know already. CSAS is my choice.

I vote "Spongebob-Squarepants 2"; a very innocous name that is liable to get kids interested in the military at about age 4....
I seem to recall reading a newspaper article a few months back which stated that the idea of changing JTF's name came up, and the unit itself quashed it.  Apparently, having fought in Afghanistan under that name, they feel an attachment to it, and want to keep it.

If I find the article, I'll post it, unless someone else knows...
I hadn't heard about that ...It would be interesting to see.

Do you know who wrote the article?

It was said with a touch of sarcasm.  JTF-2 is well known in the community.  It shines very favorably!  Don't have an inferiority complex and who cares about PR for the masses.  Try finding much out about the SBS for example.

JTF -2 is good.
Sorry, it was a while back. I was hoping it might ring a bell with someone here - I haven't had my coffee yet this morning  ;D

I vote for a return to the Special Military Reaction Force- SMRF. ALthough it might raise hte ire of Gargamel and Asriel.
Historically speaking, Canada has had a CAR, Can Para Bn, SAS, and a few other Combat and Specialist (Secret) organizations which have their own histories and pride.  JTF 2 has created their own history and quibbling about their name is ridiculous.  Do any of you think that when the SAS came into public knowledge, someone may have thought that their name was not 'glorified enough' to accurately portray them on the World stage?  They created their own reputation and live in that 'mystique' today.  Let our guys develop their own reps and myths amongst JTF wannabes.

Actually Im pretty sure I remember reading that same article where they wanted to change JTF-2's name but the unit heatedly and quickly rejected it.
Ill look around for the article and post it if I find it but its been a long while.

The reason this discussion is happening is not because JTF2 might need a "cooler" name but instead a name that actually means something. A name that is at least remotely descriptive of what the unit is.  JointTaskForce2, as a name, doesn't really do any of that.  That's all.  It's not marketing, just avoiding silliness.  It is quite possible that they settled on "2" to somehow insinuate there's a "1" somewhere else and if you don't behave it'll leap over there and smack you. Sounds like it's been mentioned in Parliament that there is no "JTF1". 

So, if the above is the case, and that's why forums like this exist, to debate this, then maybe it's time to re-name the unit with at least a suggestion of what it is. Remember that carefully spaced in along with all the secrecy of a unit like this is carefully released nuggets of information to deter possible trouble-makers.  So to re-name the unit something along the lines of the Canadian Special Air Service, etc might not be such a bad idea.

Just my .02, that's all.  No offence intended.  Let's just not call it "Alpha Force" and makes movies about it starring Chuck Norris, *shudders*...

Mr. Ted
Who cares what the name is, really? By calling them CSAS, GSG9, Team Snoop & Poop or whatever, will it make them better? 

By all accounts they do a good job and are well respected by their peers domestically and internationally. That's what matters. They could call themselves the Jackson 5 for all I care.
I think since JTF2 decided to retain their designation as such who are we to decide they need a cooler name. Esprit de Corps was obtained under that name  through various missions known and unknown to tamper with that is only asking for it. Would be like changing the name of one of the line regiments reg or reserve, now how well would that go over?