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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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I don't see a problem with David at all coming to defend his book actually I would encourage it whether or not I agreed with it. Why should you(and of course your most knowledgeable friend) have the right to trash something he has worked hard on and he can't come in and defend it? Maybe if you and your friend listened to David's views you might have learned something.
I'll second that Ex-Dragoon.  Perhaps sixpack could explain how its journalistally unprofessional to defend one's articles/books.  This is a public forum and David P. has as much reason as you, sixpack, to state his opinion.  I didn't feel that it came across as self-promotion at all.  Sixpack, time to wind your neck in a bit.

Also, I think its time we all agree to disagree and end this "pissing match" as Infanteer put it so eloquently.
I agree wholeheartedly with brin11, Ex-Dragoon and Infanteer. Everyone has a right to post here so long as they obey the rules and everyone has the right to reply to posts and defend themselves if attacked again, so long as they obey the rules. If David P didn't believe in what he had to say/write he may not have replied but it is obvious to me that he does and you can not fault someone for that.

First and foremost: personal attacks are not permitted on these means. Period.

You can disagree with stated facts and opinions (as you did initially) but once you cross the line to insulting a person's intelligence etc, you've earned yourself a warning.

Six pack said:
i still don't think it's right for an author to come on to a public forum to try and defend his books.  It's just plain unprofessional.  because, like i said, there are always going to be people that are opposed.

Not to belabour the point, but this doesn't make any sense to me. If I knew that my name was being dragged through the mud, either personally or "professionally," you can be sure I'd step in and respond. Journalists don't take a secret oath where they forsake the right to publicly defend themselves. I suspect that you'd do the same, even if someone was casting aspersions on your work (vice on you personally). Would that make you unprofessional?

Six pack said:
I think he just took the opportunity for some self promo.

Seems you started this thread up again after a week's silence. If a journalist kept coming back, bumping the thread, I'd cry foul. However he's never once "pushed" his book, and only ever defended his work and his reputation when it's brought into question. So while you may be trying to irritate him with your derogatory comments and unfounded accusations, you're only really steeling his supporters and making new publicity for him.

As a side note: Posting "for a friend" is fine, but don't confuse that with amnesty. If you post it, you will be held responsible for the content. That means people need to know they can't hide behind the fact that it's someone else's opinion. The act of posting it means you're culpable for the contents.
Further to my last, Six Pack, you claim to have discussed several items from this forum with your "friend" and claim to have replies from said "friend". The very way you use the term "friend" would lead one to believe that this person has a working knowledge of the very topic we are discussing, it suggests that his working knowledge is far better than any of ours. So, then what is a person doing discussing the truths, half truths or lies about a unit which he hints that he has intimate knowledge of with a sixteen year old girl? This makes no sense to me. Perhaps, as was suggested earlier, your friend should post for himself. He does not have to divulge anything he does not want to, it would do far more to enhance his credibility, and yours, if he were to stop hiding behind you and you speaking on his behalf...unless that is you are his sixteen year old lawyer? You also state that your friend said If Dave P can't do the minimum then how can he criticize? Hey, you can't do the minimum either, but I guess to you it's OK to criticize because you do it under the pretext of it coming from a friend, that is chickens**t.

I applaud your interest in the CF and hope that you further it. But take the time to consider your sources. Dave P is a proven one, your friend, sorry to say, is not.

As I can see the futility that can only follow the remarks on this thread, I am going to lock it for the following reasons:

1) Seeing how Sixpack's mysterious friend is the source of classified information, she is either giving us a load of bullshit or is getting info from someone violating the law.  If she feels the need to further classify this, she can contact one of the moderators.

2)  JTF2 is a small group of dedicated soldiers that has a large degree of OPSEC and PERSEC for good reasons.  Futher discussing matters pertaining to this may either put those policies at risk or spawn half-truths and rumors, both of which we seek to avoid.

3)  The debate between Mr Pugelise and Sixpack has essentially been quashed, with Sixpack's bogus attack being critically dismissed.  Ms. Sixpack, ensure you read the board policy on qualifying information as you post it on these forums.  You have forced the Bossman to come down and lay down the law as you have aroused alot of ire here and I can assure you we will be watching your posts in the future.
Im looking for more information on the JTF 2. My goal for my military career is to attain sergeant in the JTF 2. I think that Im cut out to be of a different type of soldier. From what I understand, the JTF 2 is the Canadian equivalent of the American 10th mountain or Rangers. I would just like to know more about the type of work they do, where they are based out of, what different elements are in their force, how big it is, and how tough it is to make it. Im willing to put everything on the line to make it into this unit.

just to clarify, im brand new to this board and i have no clue where to find the faq's or anything. i've been attempting to read more about the JTF2 but i cant seem to find any answers, just more questions.

desjardins said:
Im looking for more information on the JTF 2. My goal for my military career is to attain sergeant in the JTF 2. I think that Im cut out to be of a different type of soldier. From what I understand, the JTF 2 is the Canadian equivalent of the American 10th mountain or Rangers. I would just like to know more about the type of work they do, where they are based out of, what different elements are in their force, how big it is, and how tough it is to make it. Im willing to put everything on the line to make it into this unit.


you got some hard work to do man, i wish ya the best

But one thing, JTF-2 is Special forces
10th mountain and rangers are not..

Firstly, as a Pte you have to learn your trade. JTF2 is a composite unit into which personnel are recruited from across the service. The recruiting info can be found here:


In short, Reg F with 2 years svc and Res F with 3 years service can apply. Regardless of the 2yr or 3yr requirement, JTF2 looks for experienced troops. Those guys who worked for me and made it to JTF2 had between 6 and 8 years RegF experience. The other requirements are high physical fitness, a team player, a stable personality (they don't want the "Gung Ho" types), a sharp mind, initiative.... and lots more.

As I said, learn your trade first, and then apply.
Sorry to hijack this thread but I want to attain the rank of Captain in the prestigious Ninja Sniper Battalion.  Can anyone help me out.
hahaha, good one CFL.

desjardins,I suggest you focus on getting into the regular infantry, or any trade for that matter, first. Rather than setting a goal like this off the bat, setting yourself up for a dissapointment.
I'm just wondering what is, if in existence, Canada's equivalent to elite teams like the Navy Seals or the SWCC, etc.

What are they called? What do they do? Do they have a website?

I'm not interested in applying, just interested in learning.

Thanks in advance.

Presidential Unit Citation for JTF-2
Josh Pringle
Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Canada's J-T-F 2 Unit has been awarded the U-S Presidential Unit Citation for heroism in battle.

It's just the second Canadian military unit to receive the honour.

U.S. President George W. Bush made the presentation in California to the American commander of the multinational force in Afghanistan of which JTF-2 was a part from October 2001 to April 2002.

Military officials have refused to release details of JTF-2's exploits in Afghanistan.

Interesting, anymore sources about this information?

Good on them boys though!