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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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What a dick head.

However, there are books available on the JTF. basically they will tell you everything the world knows

Good call. Books that are written by reporters   or civilians about the JTF, what an excellent way to cut through all the BS and really find out what its about. Trust everything you read in a book kiddies, don't trust the guys on here with 20 years of experience who have worked with the jtf and have buddies there.

What makes you the biggest loser of all is digging up an old message from July 17, 2003 because you thought you had something clever to say.
I have never read someone post here that they are "ex delta", go take pictures of yourself all dressed up.
Ghost778 said:
I have never read someone post here that they are "ex delta",

Nor have I Ghost...And we usually spend quite a bit of time trying to "catch" the wannabe's who like to pretend!
Also about the American respect thing.. It's not enough that they bash our country I thought it would be self satisfactory to know alittle bit about our elite squad.

Most Canadians dont even know about JTF-2......why would you expect Americans to?

This is obviously a heated topic about the JTF2 team. A little info on the web, and some books. Actually, there was only one book that has been published to my knowledge, unauthorized of coarse. I know that some of you have served I am sure with members of JTF2, and some I am sure have or actually are on the JTF2 team. Personally, I work with the wife of one of them. He's a "door kicker" she said. No names here obviously, but she actually gave me a book, unauthorized of coarse, all about the JTF2. Her husband recomended it because it is the only accurate source of info out there. Alot of it is inside info regarding this and that, operations, commanders so on and so forth. It was a a fascinating read. 230 pages in all, has lots of cool photos and referance information too.

The most interesting thing I found in the book, were the pictures of Canadian VIPS that travel abroad. Adrianne Clarkson in Kosovo 1999, with a JTF2 escort, Chief war crimes prosecuter Louise Arbor in Kosovo 1999, with JTF2 Escort. General Baril in Zaire in 1996 with JTF2 escort.

One other thing that I found quite interesting, was some of the stories. News events that you would not have given a though too reading in the paper, or seeing on the CBC nightly news. But, the JTF2 have been involved in allot of events throughout Canada and around the globe over the years. I am sure we all remember the Afghanistan boondoggle for Art Eggleton. Couple of baddies being frog marched out the back of a C-130 by CadPat fatigued troops.

I have all of the info on the book, I dunno if I am allowed to post it on here though, so maybe if a moderator can let me know if I am allowed, or if anybody wants the title of the book and the author,drop me a private message.
Yeah, I'll say it is.  My girlfriend bought it for me at Christmas, it sounds like the same one.  Definitely taken with a grain of salt.
You wanna know who the REAL experts are? The guys who play ghost recon and delta force. They'll tell you what kind of boots the JTF wear and why they like the MP5SD over the UMP.
QY Rang cdt said:
Yeah, I'll say it is.   My girlfriend bought it for me at Christmas, it sounds like the same one.   Definitely taken with a grain of salt.

yeah i bet it is too, i wonder if it's canada's secret commandos he's talking about... or the new one... yeah DEFINITELY to be taken with a grain of salt... and if her husband is really a "doorkicker" in the jtf2... i doubt he would be recommending it.
If you wanna doubt me, it's Ok,. All I know is what I was told. Maybe it's true,Maybe not. Maybe your right, maybe your wrong. I really do not want to get into an argument with anybody over this. I really don't. Other than the book. That's it. So, If you wanna doubt me, feel free. It's a free country and you can do as you wish. I was merely providing information that I know is out there already. As Ghost778  pointed out, no, you shouldn't read everything in a book, and maybe someone who is "in" may have more knowledge than us common folk and thats the way I at least want it. The less I know, the better. But, the fact remains there is info out there, not much but it is some. As posted earlier, I think everybody here knows their mandate. Everybody knows the equipment, and everybody knows the tactics. Just open a book on the SAS, Seal, Delta and GSG9. It's all there. What is not known is the who and the where, and that obviuosly is a matter of national security, and should remain that way. Enough said outta me.
Honestly, these JTF conversations are like beating a dead horse.  They never go anywhere they haven't gone before, so whats the point?
It's always fascinating to see guys like Six pack crap on my book, anonymously of course, by claiming that it's not accurate or that all the information in Canada's Secret Commandos is fabricated. Please enlighten me what's not accurate; the photos of JTF2 that I got through DND Public Affairs? The unit logo released to me by JTF2 via the Access to Information law? The briefing I received at UN headquarters in 1996 in Haiti and at the presidential palace about JTF2 operations ...and then asked not to use it several hours later because DND personnel realized they screwed up and weren't supposed to talk about JTF2. Or perhaps it was the interviews I did with CF personnel in 1995 in Bosnia about the proposed JTF2 raid to free the 55 Canadians being held by the Serbs? Or maybe it was the declassified report on the accident in Victoria, BC when a JTF2 assaulter lost his hand when a defective stun grenade went off while he was holding it? How about it Six pack? Let us in on all the inaccuracies.

a journalist
Wow... this conversation has gotta chill before it turns into a national security concern.

Every one wants in JTF2 - especially us new recruits and as mentioned before, it fuels our drive to succeed in the CF and to push our selves harder and faster so go with it and support.

To our boys in black - excellent work.

The man's got a point.  You kids come on this site and slag the man's livelihood - If it is in fact him.  Defend your rantings!

Or...... take a hot, steaming, frothy cup of SHUT-THE-FUCK-UP. 

See, the problem is, someone might confuse your ill-informed, speculative, nil-experienced, rumour-filled, third-hand information as the voice of the CF.

My point is not to tell the young and less experienced to lose their voice, it is merely to advise them to listen and think before launching.

Accountability for one's words and actions is one of the foundations of maturity, confidence, and nobility.
See, the problem is, someone might confuse your ill-informed, speculative, nil-experienced, rumour-filled, third-hand information as the voice of the CF.

Excoelis is quite right.
As everybody should have noticed, this is now against the rules on these forums, so stay in your lanes if giving advice or information.
It is David Pugilese, I got it to that argument before and lost (he sent me an email from his work address).  And just why do we need to concern ourselves if the Americans know anything about us.  Americans who have trained with us know what we are capable of (both conventionally and spec-ops).  My unit went to Florida for 2 weeks this June, and we conversed with many American Soldiers (we were training with the Georgia National Guard), those who had some active service had trained with Canadians before (mostly CAR).  I met a Special Forces (Green Beret for those who do not know the difference between SOF and SF) Medic, who mentioned he had trained a few time with JTF2.  He was impressed by them and would fight alongside them (his words). So there is no need to worry about what the US thinks ok people.
Six Pack...that quote from a friend does not help your point at all in fact it makes it look more out of whack.
"well a friend told me"

See what I mean?
JTF has a job to do - as does David. One can talk about his job - the other can`t. What part of that don`t you understand?

Shall we try and infiltrate the Bank of Canada next - or the Customs Dept?If you have to ask you don`t need to know
Well since we know nothing of your friend and his/her experience on why he/she feels David's work is wrong then your friend's credibility is sadly lacking.
Ex-Dragoon said:
then your friend's credibility is sadly lacking.

well that's fine, the reply was directed towards David anyway.
well that's fine, the reply was directed towards David anyway.

Then you should have PM'd him with it.

As far as YOUR friend, if he wants to debate an Army.Ca member, then he should join the site and do so. If he or you can't be bothered, then drop it.

A good portion of the members here have little or no credibility with the BTDTs - a mysterious 3rd party "he said" response is going to have ZERO credibility. We just went through all of this, and created rules regarding the factual posting of information vs opinion or hearsay, because it was such a problem.

Please get the thread back on topic. Non-constructive jabs, quibbling, or exchanges needs to be taken into private. Information pertaining to the topic that is useful - feel free to post, wth the appropriate qualifiers.

Here is the link for the Qualifying Informationguidelines.
