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Jagmeet Singh, probably the biggest political loser?

One of the reasons why O’Toole was subject to, and defeated in, a leadership review.

Thats tenuous. You want the LPC you just dont want the LPC part of it.

Its cool to be a Liberal man, I actually would come back to them under the right leadership and a drawing closer to the centre.

For my money they, the LPC, have set a course that has gone to the left flank of the NDP, and that has skewed the playing field.
I have a doorbell camera. I ignore anyone at my door carrying a clipboard or tablet. Similar for phone surveys, just FWIW.

Sampling my generation is probably challenging for pollsters.
I’m old school: I open the door, say “Sorry, not interested!” Then slam the door in their face.

I always hang up on pollsters and other telemarketers. If it shows up on call display, I don’t answer. Too busy for dat!
I always hang up on pollsters and other telemarketers. If it shows up on call display, I don’t answer. Too busy for dat!
Try this:
Answer the phone and ID yourself as a police detective - Inspector should be a good rank - and tell them the occupant has been found dead - murdered - and what do they know about it?
And you likely won’t be upset at those that vote the way they want. But I bet a few are upset or will be on how you vote.
For my own personal views, I am going to say something that is unholy

Vote for Trudeau Liberals (or whatever party) if it really suits your needs (If you work in public sector as government employee or your in a company that benefits from that brand of Libs, it makes sense). Don't vote for Trudeau and his brand of liberals for lame reasons such as always vote Liberal (Not a sports team), I like his hair or Pierre really scares me. That is what pisses me off.

Also, don't list lame reasons for NOT voting someone (like the complete pile of dogshit going around about Pierre P right now is nonsense such as he will privatize all healthcare, cut spending everywhere or is going to give huge payouts or breaks to corporations, none of those are in anything he has said he will do)

Voting logically makes sense. Voting based on emotional driven hyperbole is what I have an issue with.

On that note, Trudeau is in the toughest spot, he has to defend his actions, inactions and overall government performance for the past 9 years (Its called leadership)
And you likely won’t be upset at those that vote the way they want. But I bet a few are upset or will be on how you vote.
I don’t care less who people vote for, as long as they vote.

For my own personal views, I am going to say something that is unholy

Vote for Trudeau Liberals (or whatever party) if it really suits your needs (If you work in public sector as government employee or your in a company that benefits from that brand of Libs, it makes sense). Don't vote for Trudeau and his brand of liberals for lame reasons such as always vote Liberal (Not a sports team), I like his hair or Pierre really scares me. That is what pisses me off.
Absolutely - politics is not a sport.

Also, don't list lame reasons for NOT voting someone (like the complete pile of dogshit going around about Pierre P right now is nonsense such as he will privatize all healthcare, cut spending everywhere or is going to give huge payouts or breaks to corporations, none of those are in anything he has said he will do)
At the risk of sounding a bit conspiracist-like, why would Poilievre say any of that now, or ever? That is a sure-fire way to sink whatever lead you have, hatred for the LPC or not.

What folks are inferring is that the last CPC govt cut spending, etc. If Poilievre publicly denied that his CPC govt is anything like the Harper govt, then I missed it. Poilievre rails on how much the Liberals are spending, so wouldn’t it make sense that a CPC govt would oppose that?

Also, Conservatives (typically) are the “business-friendly” party so it’s not too far a stretch that it would propose policies that would help business.

I’m also crossing threads here but one point that has always stuck out is the security clearance thing. He is the leader of the Official Opposition, in a time when there are credible-enough things to be read in. Why doesn’t he have a security clearance?

Voting logically makes sense. Voting based on emotional driven hyperbole is what I have an issue with.

On that note, Trudeau is in the toughest spot, he has to defend his actions, inactions and overall government performance for the past 9 years (Its called leadership)
Absolutely. It’s easy to be the opposition when your only job is to punch holes in the Govt’s actions or inactions.

I’ve said this since Poilievre became party leader - I am very interested to see what he will be like if/when the CPC forms govt, because then he’s the one responsible.
At the risk of sounding a bit conspiracist-like, why would Poilievre say any of that now, or ever?
He didn't. Singh is the worst offender but Liberals lean in on it too.

Also, Conservatives (typically) are the “business-friendly” party
How many BILLIONS did Trudeau give to the EV industry? Why did he want SNC-Lavalin let off the Hook? How much was blown on ArriveScam? I would rethink your ideology.

Comparing CPC to previous CPC is not really ideal, at all. Different times, different context. That being said, Harper did tighten the belt and help Canada get through the 2008 meltdown with the least economic damage possible. And on the topic of comparing to previous governments, no one compares Trudeau to Martin, Chretien or Trudeau the elder.

I’ve said this since Poilievre became party leader - I am very interested to see what he will be like if/when the CPC forms govt, because then he’s the one responsible.
Thank you for making my point. Pierre is the best possible option going forward. He deserves a chance to succeed or fail.
Also, Conservatives (typically) are the “business-friendly” party so it’s not too far a stretch that it would propose policies that would help business.
Don't you get it? Business create opportunities, jobs, innovation, expansion of the tax base, etc.

What folks are inferring is that the last CPC govt cut spending, etc. If Poilievre publicly denied that his CPC govt is anything like the Harper govt, then I missed it. Poilievre rails on how much the Liberals are spending, so wouldn’t it make sense that a CPC govt would oppose that?
This country is in financial hurt locker. Just a sample: Trudeau created more Debt than all the previous PM's (incl two World Wars) since Confederation, combined. We annually pay more on the Debt interest than we pay for ALL the funds allocated for health care.

When the CPC forms government and gets a look at the books, even they are going to be surprised. A review of Stats Canada may well be to verify the validity of their reporting under the Liberals.

The next government is going to have a very, very big challenge to straighten the country out of this mess. In these days where people demand instant gratification, a very tough task indeed. All the while the media will be looking for a "got you". Others, will just moan as they do now.
We annually pay more on the Debt interest than we pay for ALL the funds allocated for health care.
I wish those quick to criticize Pierre P or hesitate to hold Trudeau accountable pay attention to issues such as this (its a BIGGY!)
Thank you for making my point. Pierre is the best possible option going forward. He deserves a chance to succeed or fail.
The best possible option for your point of view.

You said it upthread that people should vote for whoever matches their needs. Your example for the LPC is if you’re a govt employee, then it would make sense to vote for the LPC.

I’m in the govt. I guess I should be voting LPC then?
I wonder if thia one incident may turn into Singh's "boxing match with Brazeau" moment and elevate his perception from lightweight to leader.
And according to polls, he is doing just that.
And that is fine. But no politician deserves a thing until they are democratically chosen for it. Then they have their chance. Nobody should be campaigning on a slogan that says “I deserve this”. That’s my point.
He didn't. Singh is the worst offender but Liberals lean in on it too.

How many BILLIONS did Trudeau give to the EV industry? Why did he want SNC-Lavalin let off the Hook? How much was blown on ArriveScam? I would rethink your ideology.

Comparing CPC to previous CPC is not really ideal, at all. Different times, different context. That being said, Harper did tighten the belt and help Canada get through the 2008 meltdown with the least economic damage possible. And on the topic of comparing to previous governments, no one compares Trudeau to Martin, Chretien or Trudeau the elder.

Thank you for making my point. Pierre is the best possible option going forward. He deserves a chance to succeed or fail.
Under the 4 PM's I served under, JT is the worst.

Chreatin was corrupt, but knew how to balance a budget and play the political game.
Paul Martin was competent, not very flashy , general more sympathetic to defense spending than Chreatin.
JT is complete and utter trash, only there thanks to his name. Even in 2019 I had senior Managers saying "How are we going to afford this?"