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Its In! Saddam to be hanged NLT 27 Jan 07

Black Watch said:
Even though I think Hussein's death is a good thing, I would have rather killed him after all his trials were done. The just decides to carry on with his most "minor" crime  and the US sentenced him to death so he couldn't speak on how he got those WMD

Black Watch said:
Even though I think Hussein's death is a good thing, I would have rather killed him after all his trials were done. The just decides to carry on with his most "minor" crime and the US sentenced him to death so he couldn't speak on how he got those WMD

What is Saddam charged with?

Iraq's former dictator could face as many as a dozen trials. The first - the only one at present - is in many ways the simplest, and is expected to see Saddam charged with the premeditated murder, torture and forced expulsion and disappearance of the residents of one Shia Muslim town. These all fall under the category of crimes against humanity in international law.


Yes very minor.

Trundle of, and bleat elsewhere champion of the right left.


I have no problem at all with Saddam's death- and I'm one who publicly objects to capital punishment in most cases because of the propensity of the justice system to make errors. Saddam's death was long overdue, and despite my misgivings about capital punishment (again, based on judicial concerns, no moral or philosophical ones) I think the world is definitely better off without him.

That being said, his trial was a joke- yes, the outcome was foregone anyway, but nobody with respect for due process can give the trial itself much credibility. It was a kangaroo court in many ways.

Do I care? In this case, not particularly... But it's not a precedent I like, either. There was no need to rush to kill him when the credibility of the Iraqi judicial system would have been greatly aided by providing a fair and proper trial.
Brihard said:
I have no problem at all with Saddam's death- and I'm one who publicly objects to capital punishment in most cases because of the propensity of the justice system to make errors. Saddam's death was long overdue, and despite my misgivings about capital punishment (again, based on judicial concerns, no moral or philosophical ones) I think the world is definitely better off without him.

That being said, his trial was a joke- yes, the outcome was foregone anyway, but nobody with respect for due process can give the trial itself much credibility. It was a kangaroo court in many ways.

Do I care? In this case, not particularly... But it's not a precedent I like, either. There was no need to rush to kill him when the credibility of the Iraqi judicial system would have been greatly aided by providing a fair and proper trial.

How was it a Kangaroo court?

What was unfair to the defendant, that he did not receive a fair judicial trial?

Please define what went wrong.


the 48th regulator said:
How was it a Kangaroo court?

What was unfair to the defendant, that he did not receive a fair judicial trial?

Please define what went wrong.



Judge removed halfway through... Attorneys assassinated... Political interference... a 'special trial' that was unconstitutional under Iraqi law, defence team members excluded from the courtroom at times (though admittedly sometimes due to disruptive behaviour), defence team not allowed to present their entire case... My source for this is Amnesty International.

Like I said- no problem with the verdict or sentence, but due process was rather lacking at times.
Brihard said:
My source for this is Amnesty International.

Now that is a pile-on invitation.  I think it would suffice to say that world security is not high on their agenda. 
Brihard said:
That being said, his trial was a joke- yes, the outcome was foregone anyway, but nobody with respect for due process can give the trial itself much credibility. It was a kangaroo court in many ways.

I'll take a chomp!

Amnesty Interantional, they're as bad as Al Jeezera! Great source  ::) This pack of lefty granola eaters can twist the truth to suit them again like AJ can or better! This is the same mob who refused a large $$$ donation for the 2004 tsunami from the NRA if I remember correctly, because the money came from.... you guessed it GUNS!

A joke, eh? Why don't you fly out and express your opinion to the MAJORITY of the population, and just see how far you get.

Its a dog eat dog world here pal (literally), and things don't work all happy and PC as they do in Canada. I guess if you spent some time here, and knew how things operated, understood their tribal system, way of life, and how the government works here, maybe, just maybe you'd understand.

The trial was no joke, it was serious stuff, with both the prosectution and defence being threatened and worse by both sunni and shiite. During the trial, I was less than 100 metres from it at times, and observed 'Ole mate' being whisked off in his Rhino, in convoy, and a sea of security to go with it. Thats just the nature of the beast. Don't forget, there is a civil war going on here, not some shoppers arguing over New Years sale prices in The Bay.

I find you comments an insult to the Iraqi people at large, and those of us who are endeavouring to assist in the rebuilding of a flattened nation, crushed by years of dictatorship, war and civil unrest. You have demonstrated your arrogance and ignorance simultaniously.

About the judge in quetion, he was not removed, but stepped down.
Wesley (Over There) said:
I'll take a chomp!

Nice chomp Wesley, and well-deserved at that. Imagine that? Coming from some-one whose experience comes from being there and going through it. Stay well.

Too bad that some people will always rely on MSM and other various interest groups for their "facts" and "data" on any given situation.

The Librarian said:
Nice chomp Wesley, and well-deserved at that. Imagine that? Coming from some-one whose experience comes from being there and going through it. Stay well.

Too bad that some people will always rely on MSM and other various interest groups for their "facts" and "data" on any given situation.

If you say that I can't get my world news from www.seanpenn.com anymore you are going to ruin my 2007  :P
zipperhead_cop said:
If you say that I can't get my world news from www.seanpenn.com anymore you are going to ruin my 2007  :P

Well Zipperhead, I hate to have to ruin your Holidays but......no you can't.
Thanks Vern, but I knew this long before I got here, but being here puts the plan altogether.

It just shytes me to tears how some people can be so niave listen, believe and easily lead by the limp wristed left. The word sheeple comes to mind.

Have a good and safe New Year,

Wes -- funny how everyone here knows this...  But some of the more "knowledgeable on this issue" have never set a single foot inside the country.
  Spot on post BTW
IMHO, 16 years too late.   
:sniper:  The Americans should have taken the shot back in 1991, they had the chance but it would have been "politically incorrect".

Case closed...I believe justice (Islamic justice, an eye for an eye) has been served, and swiftly!
Close the book and move on to the 21st century.
One more despot out of the way.

my $0.02


recceguy said:
Enough of the anti American crap. There's other web sites for you if you want to spout that shyte.
just because I criticize the way Saddam was juged doesn't mean i'm anti-american.
Brihard said:
I have no problem at all with Saddam's death- and I'm one who publicly objects to capital punishment in most cases because of the propensity of the justice system to make errors. Saddam's death was long overdue, and despite my misgivings about capital punishment (again, based on judicial concerns, no moral or philosophical ones) I think the world is definitely better off without him.

That being said, his trial was a joke- yes, the outcome was foregone anyway, but nobody with respect for due process can give the trial itself much credibility. It was a kangaroo court in many ways.

Do I care? In this case, not particularly... But it's not a precedent I like, either. There was no need to rush to kill him when the credibility of the Iraqi judicial system would have been greatly aided by providing a fair and proper trial.
i think the same
Black Watch said:
not at all...I'm just saying that Iraq is now a democratic country and should treat it's criminals with the same regard as in Canada or else. So, they should have not execute him now, but wait for the verdict of other trials.

Why should they use the Canadian system? Malaysia is a Islamic country and also has the death penalty, in fact most Islamic countries do, for such minor things like renouncing Islam, etc. Saddam had more justice than about 85% of the world's population gets. Time to get out and see the real world I think.
Black Watch said:
i think the same

I never thought I'd say it, but 'good grief'!

Obviously. Seeking an auidence too? Trolling perhaps?

With your current train of thought, maybe its better to go and discuss it over a some warm beers and a few bongs with some of your lefty university friends. Together you can save the middle east, or the world for that matter.

Impressed, it was a very short time between verdict and sentence - we could take a few lessons from the Iraqi justice system.  Until then, maybe we can lend them guys like Olson and Bernardo to keep the gallows warm....
Morbid curiousity made me  want to watch that just to make sure he was no longer with us.
I think he got off easy.
Wesley (Over There) said:
I never thought I'd say it, but 'good grief'!

Obviously. Seeking an auidence too? Trolling perhaps?

With your current train of thought, maybe its better to go and discuss it over a some warm beers and a few bongs with some of your lefty university friends. Together you can save the middle east, or the world for that matter.

i do not have to take your insults (I'm not trolling). I was just saying (perhaps I didn't made my point clear enough) that for a democratic country, they might have waitted for other trials to be carrid our. He was a human being after all. Yes yes, I know and I agree to those that say that he was a nasty bastard. I also think that it's not fair. Look at all those criminals, such as Milosevic and Pinochet, whom were not trialed for their murders. So please, stop making fun of different opinions.