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Its In! Saddam to be hanged NLT 27 Jan 07

The trap door has opened, and 'ole mate' swung. Saddam has done the jig.

Yes, its done! woke up to the news on BCC, and got out of bed to watch CNN. Here in Baghdad, its really quiet so far. Not one shot, eriely quiet.

The calm before the storm??

Time will tell. Meanwhile December has proven to be the bloodiest month for US Forces, with KIAs topping 100 now.

I would imagine as Baghdad rises this cold morning (its 1C here right now),  the city might choose to come to life, one way or another.

So at 0605h this am local time, he climbed the 13 steps. The good news is I won the Saddam lotto, picking 0630h as the time, and one had to be closest to it without going over.

Regards from an exceptionally quiet cold winter morning. If anything thing signifigant happens, when I can I'll post it on here.

Happy fire has started, lots of gunfire into the air as I type this out.......

What goes up, must come down!


Sic semper tyrannis.  Shame he went the easy way, I agree he should have had some of his own medicine with gas.  Hopefully 07 will see the end of more bastards like him, the AQ/Taliban leadership comes to mind.

Hope the locals take this easy for your and the guys Wes.  Good luck in the coming days.  BTW, I am a morbid sod, what was the pot at??
Here's a little CTV description of his rise and fall if anybody's interested: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20061227/saddam_execution_061227/20061229/
You guys remember the scene from South Park with Sadaam and his lover, the Devil?


Cheers to those who fought to bring him to his hopefully painful end.

Well, its 1115h. The 'happy fire' has seemed to die down somewhat, and now its just another day. Little wind, its brisk though, and not a cloud in the big blue sky, no mist, no dust, no smog even, as at times its quite hazey here. You'd never even begin to guess what has happened at 0605 this am. In a way, its almost peacful, the hellhound who sneaks into our compound is sleeping in the sun, on top of a pile of sand, pigeons fly about, yes the odd pair of Blackhawks buzzing about, the sound of moving armoured vehicles in the distance, shy of the odd siren and gun shot, it is not that bad at all.

Lets hope it stays that way.

A page has turned forth in the history books, and for the better we hope.


Infidel-6 said:
Yeah -- celebratory fire woke me from my sleep -- I was pretty sure a running gun battle was going on in our compound, locals laughed when I popped out dressed in my knuckle dragger gear ready to rock.
The question is, though, did you fire in the air as well?  ;)
I am sure we'll all get a tracer show come tomorrow evening, around the witching hour of midnight, welcoming in the New Year will be even more outragous with today's hanging. I reckon it will be combined 'happy fire' for both occcasions, plus a good time for the insurgents to use it all as cover for something more sinister.

Just before 1630h local now, and still so bloody quiet, shy of a big crump in the distance a short time ago. I would imagine it killed many. One must have to checkout CNN.

Today, I was out and about, and it was traffic and work as per normal for all, or so it seemed. Spoke to a few locals who did not even mention it. Just another GHD.

Its cold here, the wind is sharp, and has a bite. It must be snowing to the north, it sure feels like it anyways.


This looks like the closest thing to a video so far:


Good night, Skippy.  When you go forth to The Judgement, I hope all the earthly fun will have been worth it.   :P

This is pretty much the same, however a little better quality.


Good riddance to bad garbage. Lets hope this is the end and not the start of terror in Iraq.
Let me just add that I hope that trap-door slammed his a$$ on his way out.
The Librarian said:
I believe that the execution of his two cronies was post-poned!!

According to the Halifax paper the two went too!


"Also hanged were Saddam’s half-brother Barzan Ibrahim and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, the former chief justice of the Revolutionary Court. State-run Iraqiya television news announcer said "criminal Saddam was hanged to death and the execution started with criminal Saddam then Barzan then Awad al-Bandar."

Even though I think Hussein's death is a good thing, I would have rather killed him after all his trials were done. The just decides to carry on with his most "minor" crime and the US sentenced him to death so he couldn't speak on how he got those WMD
I still feel the spin doctors dropped the ball with Saddam.  He was a global villain, almost universally hated, but was transformed into the guy you felt sorry for. He will be viewed by some as a martyr…someone who was killed because of an unjust, American influenced, trial.

It would have been better if they had put him down in the dirt cave where they found him.

good point...

Black Watch said:
The just decides to carry on with his most "minor" crime and the US sentenced him to death so he couldn't speak on how he got those WMD
Black Watch said:
Even though I think Hussein's death is a good thing, I would have rather killed him after all his trials were done. The just decides to carry on with his most "minor" crime and the US sentenced him to death so he couldn't speak on how he got those WMD


You actually think they didn't squeeze him for any information?  Remember when nothing was heard of him immediatley after his capture??

