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Its In! Saddam to be hanged NLT 27 Jan 07

the point is...I have some problems making my point in English and people seem to find that funny...
Black Watch said:
truly sorry if I'm francophone

Oh really, whats wrong with being a Canadian who speaks French?

If you wanna make it outside of  your home province, better learn the other official language.

I guess I was good enough to make my Bacc. at Concordia...I was just stating my opinions as someone who truly believes in a State of rights. I was not saying that he didn't deserve to die (I agree with all of you on that point). I just think that he could have been trialed for all of his crimes. Would have it made a difference? Maybe. Maybe we would have found out why the U.S. of A. (no offense to anyone here) did not intervened when the Kurds were being gazed (please do not tell me it's because of the International laws). I also wander if Saddam and his regime was that much of a threat to the international security. Please, I'm eager to know your opinions on that issue, but PLEASE, be respectfull this time. Thank you.
Black Watch said:
truly sorry if I'm francophone

So am i......what is your next excuse ?

Black Watch said:
I guess I was good enough to make my Bacc. at Concordia...

Again...do you want a medal ?
I was just stating my opinions as someone who truly believes in a State of rights.
What about a state of resposibilities and civic duties ? I am a big fan of those.
I was not saying that he didn't deserve to die (I agree with all of you on that point). I just think that he could have been trialed for all of his crimes. Would have it made a difference?
He would still be dead...so i turn what difference does it make if he was executed now ? Justice delayed is also justice denied.

Maybe we would have found out why the U.S. of A. (no offense to anyone here) did not intervened when the Kurds were being gazed GASED (please do not tell me it's because of the International laws).

I wont tell you its because of international law.... it was because of international politics...two different beast.  One day when you hit the real world you will figure this out.

I also wander WONDER if Saddam and his regime was that much of a threat to the international security. Please, I'm eager to know your opinions on that issue, but PLEASE, be respectfull this time. Thank you.

Someone made the determination that he was a threat........and did so a long time ago.  Are you telling us that he was not.
"justice delayed, justice denied". Not true for all cases. Yes Saddam would be dead anyways. However, the Iraqui GVT did not have the right to judge Saddam for crimes against humanity. This term can only be used by the UN.

When it comes to the international laws, the U.S. of A. broke them with their preventive war. Such attack is forbidden by the current laws. So, why the American GVT did not broke this rule back in '88 when those kurds were being killed?

Btw, I would like poeple to be a little more respectfull of others...
Black Watch said:
Btw, I would like poeple to be a little more respectfull of others...

I am not going to get into a pissing contest with you.  I havent seen anything so far in this thread that requires moderator action.  You can always use the "report to moderator" function to complain but ...i'm already here.

Stop with the anti-US retoric and make a GOOD case for yourself instead of regurgitating the same tired old crap.
again: criticizing some old foreing policies thignies that involves the U.S. of A. does not mean I'm a anti-us hippie. I do like and have respect the great American people.
Black Watch said:
"justice delayed, justice denied". Not true for all cases. Yes Saddam would be dead anyways. However, the Iraqui GVT did not have the right to judge Saddam for crimes against humanity. This term can only be used by the UN.

When it comes to the international laws, the U.S. of A. broke them with their preventive war. Such attack is forbidden by the current laws. So, why the American GVT did not broke this rule back in '88 when those kurds were being killed?

He was tried in Iraqi Court.  He was charged with murder.  Mass Murder.  What more do you want?  

Black Watch said:
Btw, I would like poeple to be a little more respectfull of others...

I am sorry that the sensibilities of a grown University student have been dished, after he was informed of the "Spell Check" function below the "Reply Box" with which he could correct many of his spelling errors and improve his post.  Perhaps respect for those who give good advice is also called for.

I see you have already been repremanded, but will still post to reiterate the use of the Spell Check function.
Black Watch said:
I guess I was good enough to make my Bacc. at Concordia...

Must have been before the University Writing Test requirements.

Oh, wait, right. Because Concordia is in Quebec, the UWT can be written in French too, if you are a Francophone. Never mind that it is a unlingually English university.

Ummmm.... aren't we off topic here?

How about them hangin' videos, eh?  I vote for tracking down Idi Amin and stretching his neck next.
daftandbarmy said:
Ummmm.... aren't we off topic here?

How about them hangin' videos, eh?  I vote for tracking down Idi Amin and stretching his neck next.
so am I.
daftandbarmy said:
Ummmm.... aren't we off topic here?

How about them hangin' videos, eh?  I vote for tracking down Idi Amin and stretching his neck next.
You mean to tell me that Idi is still alive after all these years?
Didn't he die of old age awhile back?
But, I'm not bitter. ;D
Rats... you're right. I should have done my homework first.


Still, there are a host of despots (e.g., Mugabe) out there that could be knocked off as a prelude to some good old fashioned nation building. Who knows? We might save millions of lives and billions of wasted $ in foreign aid. The way that Saddam was dealt with is a good precedent.
Blackwatch, lets see Saddam attacked Israeli on several occasions, remember 91 when Saddam used Scud missiles against Israel even though it was not involved in the fight against him?

He got involved in a war against Iran that caused 1.2million deaths, invaded Kuwait and attacked Saudi Arabia. He oppressed his own people and used WMD's on them. He ignored UN sanctions, corrupted the oil for food program and the UN, spent money meant for medicine for his people building palaces. His nuclear program was only found out because of a defector, he was developing long range missiles in contravention of the UN sanctions. He caused two major environmetal disasters by draining the swamps so they could kill the Marsh Arabs and destroying the oil fields. He caused the infastructure of Iraq to be destroyed so he could retain power.

Have I missed anything? Do I have a problem with him being hanged, just wished they would have been able to do it in 1991.
Black Watch said:
1. "justice delayed, justice denied". Not true for all cases. Yes Saddam would be dead anyways. However, the Iraqui GVT did not have the right to judge Saddam for crimes against humanity. This term can only be used by the UN.
2. When it comes to the international laws, the U.S. of A. broke them with their preventive war. Such attack is forbidden by the current laws. So, why the American GVT did not broke this rule back in '88 when those kurds were being killed?

Response to your para 1 - How old were you in '88? Do you remember it, I sure do. I have even served with a guy from that Kurdish vill, who got out hours before, and watched this demise from a near by hill. He was only 9 yrs old at the time.

The Iraqi government had a trial for one of THEIR citizens who was found guilty and was hanged. The US had nothing to do with his trial or its outcome. To suggest otherwise is fanning a conspiricy rumour, nothing more. The US Forces only held Saddam for security reasons.

WTF! Since when has the UN had such exclusive rights to that phrase? You don't have a clue, and trying to make you understand is like beating my head against a brick wall. I just won't get through.

Response to your para 2 - You are now irritating me beyond a joke, as for respect, you are showing none for us here. We are here in Iraq, and in the middle of a most dirty war. Whinging and bitching about the issues you have brought forth does nothing but inflame the issue. Your are part of the overall problem, not the solution.

More anti US propaganda spewing from your mouth. If you want, come over here and bat for the otherside's media groups. You'll fit like a glove. Ya, you know the guys, who bomb, torture and kill their own kind, ya, the ones that supported Saddam, and the Baath Party.

Its a bigger picture (iraq is just a small piece in a big jigsaw) than your textbook student mentality can even comprehend. Lets prosecute this war the right way (more troops and media restrictions), get on with it, meet our goals, and leave when its the right time, when this horrible hellhole of a place can stand on its own, and only then.

I, along with countless thousands of US and Coalition Forces are here, and quite frankly, it really pisses me off with 'Alpha Hotel' shyte disturbers of your calibre gobbing off when they know SFA about the truth and the facts at the pointy end, aside from what they are told by their professors and read in certain media groups. Meanwhile here in Shyteland, we cop it, well you discuss this on here, warm, happy, fat and 21. Eating pizza and sleeping in a warm bed, when your only worry is "gee did I plug my car in, or it won't start and I'll be late for school".

Either your trolling for an audience, seeking reaction, or you have a mental problem.

Your credibility is shot with me, and your just wasting bandwith on a good thread.

Proud of yourself?

The only thing you have succeeded in is raising my BP!

I was under the impression that the trials Saddam was sentenced in were for Mass murder; and the ones regarding War-Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity were to take place later. Therefore Iraq did what any nation does when it has a criminal; introduces him to the Justice System.
UN intervention (hypothetically speaking if they were the only authority for War Crimes/ Crimes against Humanity) should not be required for a "domestic" Iraqi trial; dictator or not right?

Edit: I realise my grammar is probably terrible. Don't worry school resumes on Thursday.
Edited again to try and fix comma splices and other irritating little things...
JesseWZ said:
I was under the impression that the trials Saddam was sentenced in were for Mass murder, and the ones regarding War-Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity were to take place later. Therefore Iraq did what any nation does when it has a criminal; introduces him to the Justice System. UN intervention (hypothetically speaking if they were the only authority for War Crimes/ Crimes against Humanity) should not be required for a "domestic" Iraqi trial, dictator or not right?

Correct and BINGO!! He was tried and convicted and sentenced by fellow Iraqis.

Edited to add:

I'll figure these new buttons out yet!!
FWIW -- the US Mil guarded Sadam for several reasons primary being.
1) His safety
2) Safety of the guards

The Iraqi MOI has enough problems internally and externally.

IMHO IT WOULD BE CRIMINAL at this junction to turn over the entire of Iraq to Iraqi's.  Much like Africa in the 60's and 70's, the people have not developed enough to be able to administrate themselves in a moral or competant manner.  In Africa that was due to ruling class oppression, the same as here -- the rule of law is run by who has the largest militia. 
  I can only hope that Sadam's death will prove a turning point here -- and that both the Iraqi gov't and the coalition will seek to stamp out the instigators of the violence.

I'd start targetting the militia leaders and make it unhealthy to run a group of thugs -- thats just me...
Surgical Violence does have a place in this society.

Infidel-6 said:
Surgical Violence

Surgical violence, I have learned a new phrase for today, ha (and I agree - 'surgical' is better than 'complete/total' so far in this case anyways).

Stay safe Kevin,

