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It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

NightrainFXSTB said:
I don't think Canada will be attacked by terrorists. There's no challenge in attacking a country as open and free as ours.
how are the United States (still the preferred destination of refugees everywhere), the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Bali, et al less free and open then Canada? .

Also, we haven't done anything to bring it on ourselves.
How did any of the above do so?

We generally don't run around attacking foreign countries for their resources either- like some others do.
oh, yes, of course. The usual "America is eeeeevil and is only involved with other nations to steal their resources" tripe. Give your head a shake.

The other countries that have been attacked are the ones that are involved in Iraq- Australia and GB.
ah, not quite. You left out just one or two.

Most other people on earth think attacking Iraq based on lies and deception was a mistake, except mabye a minority of hicks in southern USA.
hmmmm, another Jan Brady. Seems to be a lot of them these days.

That being said, Canada might be making itself a bit more of a target with its involvement in Afghanistan, but I doubt we're seen as a major troublemaker in the middle east.
or much of anything, to anyone, anywhere. Except for the Bin Laden guy who put Canada in his top five targets quite some time ago.

The terrorists can make better statements by attacking the US or Britain.
oh good. So it's fine that they contine to murder innnocent people, as long it's not Canadian citizens?  They can go right on, merrily slaughtering any Brits and Yanks they can find? That's cool?

And anyway, lets not make this a self fulfilling prophecy. You military types might want an attack to say "I told you so" but really? Do you want your friends and family killed needlessly? I hope not.
you little punk. That is not an acceptable way to talk to the men and women who place their lives on the line to allow you the privilige to spout off with your ignorant kife. We're dying for you. Precisely so our friends, families and complete strangers won't be "killed needlessly".
From the profile of Nightrain:

"I seen Platoon once"

.........That makes a good reference source for the purpose and aim's of allied military forces. I saw brokeback mountain once??oh oh!!!

Paracowboy says it how it is. We're on two lists of countries to be attacked. They have attacked everyone else on the list. One would be an idiot to think they wont attack us as well. Process of elimination dictates that we are next. We are not making a self fulfilling prophecy; we seem to be the only Canadians who take the threat seriously, and when that threat is acted on, we'll see who was right in the end. I dont like it anymore than you do, but thats how it is. In fact, I would venture to say that we like it far less than you, because in the end, we're the ones who get deployed, and youre the ones who stay home and spout off while making no contribution. Lets educate you on something... the enemy does not care where we are involved. They care that we are a western nation with western values. That to them is enough. These animals would kill you, your friends, your family, everyone you've ever known, and everyone you see walking by you on the street. And theyd be proud to do it. Pull your head out of the sand.
And if you don't believe paracowboy maybe Muammar Gaddafi can convince you :


Muammar's options for you?  Become a Muslim or declare war.....

Choices for Westerners then are apparently become Muslim, die or kill all Muslims.  Pretty stark.  Fortunately not not all Muslims are Gaddafi.  Unfortunately some of the are.
Recon_Guardsman said:
we seem to be the only Canadians who take the threat seriously, and when that threat is acted on, we'll see who was right in the end.
I prefer to hope that, precisely because we (and here I include our brave police officers, intelligence personnel, and other people such as Coast Guard, customs agents, etc) DO take the threat seriously, the threatened attacks will never have an opportunity to take place.

I would vastly prefer that our sheep never face this danger, and can, in years to come, laugh at us for being war-mongering paranoids. I don't want them to have to wake up. I would rather they live out their lives blissfully unaware of the horrors they never had to face. And if we all do our jobs properly, hopefully, they can continue to graze peacefully, occasionally casting a glare at us for barking at them, in order to keep them from the cliff they wander too close to.
paracowboy said:
I prefer to hope that, precisely because we (and here I include our brave police officers, intelligence personnel, and other people such as Coast Guard, customs agents, etc) DO take the threat seriously, the threatened attacks will never have an opportunity to take place.

I would vastly prefer that our sheep never face this danger, and can, in years to come, laugh at us for being war-mongering paranoids. I don't want them to have to wake up. I would rather they live out their lives blissfully unaware of the horrors they never had to face. And if we all do our jobs properly, hopefully, they can continue to graze peacefully, occasionally casting a glare at us for barking at them, in order to keep them from the cliff they wander too close to.

Sadly this is where your pride in a job well done has to satisfy you.  For when you do your job well, the people you are protecting will never know what dangers you have protected them from.  It is also the most frustrating part of the job, because you can not tell them for fear of causing mass panic, or, more importantly, tipping off the "Bad Guys" as to how much you know of their intentions and how you are gaining that information.
Paracowboy: I prefer to hope that, precisely because we (and here I include our brave police officers, intelligence personnel, and other people such as Coast Guard, customs agents, etc) DO take the threat seriously, the threatened attacks will never have an opportunity to take place. I would vastly prefer that our sheep never face this danger, and can, in years to come, laugh at us for being war-mongering paranoids. I don't want them to have to wake up. I would rather they live out their lives blissfully unaware of the horrors they never had to face. And if we all do our jobs properly, hopefully, they can continue to graze peacefully, occasionally casting a glare at us for barking at them, in order to keep them from the cliff they wander too close to.

Wallace: Sadly this is where your pride in a job well done has to satisfy you.  For when you do your job well, the people you are protecting will never know what dangers you have protected them from.  It is also the most frustrating part of the job, because you can not tell them for fear of causing mass panic, or, more importantly, tipping off the "Bad Guys" as to how much you know of their intentions and how you are gaining that information.

Well said.

As with all events, several detailed books will likely be written by several persons involved... but not for about 20 years!   :-[
NightrainFXSTB said:
I don't think Canada will be attacked by terrorists. There's no challenge in attacking a country as open and free as ours. Also, we haven't done anything to bring it on ourselves. We generally don't run around attacking foreign countries for their resources either- like some others do. The other countries that have been attacked are the ones that are involved in Iraq- Australia and GB. Most other people on earth think attacking Iraq based on lies and deception was a mistake, except mabye a minority of hicks in southern USA.

That is one of the stupidist things I've read in a while.

You do realise that 88 Australians were killed in a  terrorist on October 12 2002, long before the Iraq Invasion dont you? And that September 11 2001 was also a date that preceded the 2003 Iraq conflict? Ever heard of the bombing of the USS Cole? Im guessing you dont/havn't because you clearly have such a lack of grasp on the issue and it's involved events that it is all too obvious you will just use anything to attack American foreign policy and anybody right of the loony left.

Australia was first specifically named by AQ in 2000 due to our lead in East Timor, and you sure cannot call that an American Crusade. Odds are if you have been involved in any sort of overseas mission (peacekeeping included Canada) then the bad guys will use it to try and spread their hatred.

The fact is that Western socieites are attacked because they disagree with our way of life; gambling on sports, drinking alcohol, strip bars, multi-culturalism. Don't think for a second  that Canada is immune and that this all began with the effort to rid the Iraqi people of Saddam Hussein.
Australia was first specifically named by AQ in 2000 due to our lead in East Timor, and you sure cannot call that an American Crusade.

Australia/US/Britain are all seen as part of the same package these days. Canada, thanks to our former PM, is not. This is because we drew the line in the sand and said "Iraq is not a legitimate war". The terrorists, who claim to have poliitical motives, would be declaring themselves as pure anarchists with no real agenda if they attacked Canada (or France, unless they get involved in Iran). They don't want to do this. Canada is known for welcoming other religions from around the world, not as a "great melting pot" like the US. If anything, Canada is more likely to be used as a staging ground for attacks on the US. I don't like to hear people talking about how "it's just a matter of time' till Canada gets attacked and such crap. It's fine for CSIS to worry about that without advertising it. This whole debacle isn't about east versus west, it's a political/religious game being played out through violence. Osama been hidin even declares in most of his messages that he's some kind of politician looking to help out his bretheren. He certainly wouldn't, at this point, want to attack Canada unless we begin to be seen as in-line with US foreign policy. The "list' everyone refers to, from AQ, was made before the war in Iraq  which Canada did not give its approval to (of course that's assuming the "list "wasn't doctored to get more worldwide support for the US position).

If you really believe in protecting Canada, and aren't just a bunch of trigger happy war mongers, you would agree that there is only one way to avoid terrorism at home. Our leaders have to distance themselves from US foreign policy, since it is the cause of terrorism to begin with.

If I'm wrong, and terrorists from al Qaeda do launch an attack on Canada, then we have no choice but to retaliate. Until then, we should try to promote our international image as being one of accepting all religions and not of being pawns of Israel- like the US. Israel was a the biggest mistake of the 20th century.
Out of curiosity, what's your stance on the Khadr family?
IMHO, they are a prime example of why terrorists are hesitating to strike, because we inadvertently support them by making Canada a prime place for them to study, plot, fundraise and a nice place to come back to for healthcare. At least we recently put the Tamil Tigers on the list of known terror groups...

But, in the meantime, as Paracowboy stated, we'll continue doing out job trying to bring a semblance of stability and security to countries shattered by war, taking the brunt of the terrorists angst over here, so that the Canadians we're sworn to protect don't have to deal with it here.
NightrainFXSTB said:
Our leaders have to distance themselves from US foreign policy, since it is the cause of terrorism to begin with.

Interesting comment: when exactly did terrorism 'begin', if US foreign policy is the cause of terrorism?

1776? 1914? 1949? 1980? 1991?  Tell me if Im getting close. 

~RoKo~ said:
Out of curiosity, what's your stance on the Khadr family?

Just because Canada doesn't fan the flames of terrorism, doesn't mean we condone it either. That family clearly has ties to a terrorist organization and should be exported back to Afghanistan. The kids just need counselling and foster parents or something- they've clearly been brainwashed.
Interesting comment: when exactly did terrorism 'begin', if US foreign policy is the cause of terrorism?

Terrorism is a tactic. It's been around for centuries. I'd guess feudal Japan?
Terrorism as we know it, or as the US government likes to term it(one mans terrorist is an-others freedom fighter) stems from the creation of Israel. If Israel were suddenly moved, then the Arabs would be happy and throw a big party.
NightrainFXSTB said:
Terrorism as we know it, or as the US government likes to term it(one mans terrorist is an-others freedom fighter) stems from the creation of Israel. If Israel were suddenly moved, then the Arabs would be happy and throw a big party.

Nighttrain, it might interest you to look into the history of the Barbary pirates, their record and justifications for their actions before you make such absurd and ignorant statements.

Actually, more than that, I challenge you to go read about it now, and then tell us if you still believe the same thing....

Matthew.    :salute:
NightrainFXSTB said:
Australia/US/Britain are all seen as part of the same package these days. Canada, thanks to our former PM, is not.
I have no idea how you figure this.  Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand and Britain are all seen as the same in the eyes of the people of the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

NightrainFXSTB said:
This is because we drew the line in the sand and said "Iraq is not a legitimate war".
Another warped statement.  We are looked at as being a Western, non-Islamic, nation.  They don't care about our participation in the war in Iraq or the lack of participation in the war.  We are just Infidels to them.

NightrainFXSTB said:
The terrorists, who claim to have political motives, would be declaring themselves as pure anarchists with no real agenda if they attacked Canada (or France, unless they get involved in Iran).
Wake up and smell the coffee.  France, Italy, Spain, Holland, as well as the UK have been targeted for Terrorist attacks already, as have several other European countries and Pacific Rim nations.

NightrainFXSTB said:
They don't want to do this. Canada is known for welcoming other religions from around the world, not as a "great melting pot" like the US.
So?  The UK, Australia, New Zealand, the US, Holland, France,............almost all nations in the Western World accept people of different faiths.  No points for you here.

NightrainFXSTB said:
If anything, Canada is more likely to be used as a staging ground for attacks on the US.
Not too many of us are comfortable with this idea.  To us, if Canada is to be used as a 'staging ground' for attacks on the US, then it can be considered an attack on us.  Would you accept a gang of robbers in your house, staging a robbery on the bank next door, perhaps tunnelling in through your basement?  You have now become an accessory to a crime.  Thanks, but No Thanks!

NightrainFXSTB said:
I don't like to hear people talking about how "it's just a matter of time' till Canada gets attacked and such crap.
This is a MILITARY FORUM.  We anticipate and train for any eventuality.  If you don't like it, go join a Left leaning, Birkenstock wearing, group on another site.  Your freedom of speech also includes the freedom to walk away.  Perhaps I should say RUN!

NightrainFXSTB said:
It's fine for CSIS to worry about that without advertising it. This whole debacle isn't about east versus west,
Yes it is.
NightrainFXSTB said:
it's a political/religious game being played out through violence.
It sure is.....and it could be coming to a neighbourhood near you.

NightrainFXSTB said:
Osama been hidin even declares in most of his messages that he's some kind of politician looking to help out his bretheren.

Again, an Us against Them argument.  Islam against the Great Satan or the West (of which we are part of).  All us Infidels must die.

NightrainFXSTB said:
He certainly wouldn't, at this point, want to attack Canada unless we begin to be seen as in-line with US foreign policy.

OK.  Are we pawns or in line with US Foreign Policy or not.  Make up your mind.

NightrainFXSTB said:
The "list' everyone refers to, from AQ, was made before the war in Iraq  which Canada did not give its approval to (of course that's assuming the "list "wasn't doctored to get more worldwide support for the US position).
I don't think you have your facts straight on that.  I wonder why Canada is still on the list then?

NightrainFXSTB said:
If you really believe in protecting Canada, and aren't just a bunch of trigger happy war mongers, you would agree that there is only one way to avoid terrorism at home. Our leaders have to distance themselves from US foreign policy, since it is the cause of terrorism to begin with.
Now you have bounced back on that again.  Are we or aren't we?

And I do take offence in your reference to us as being "Just a bunch of trigger happy war mongers".  Is an apology coming?

NightrainFXSTB said:
If I'm wrong, and terrorists from al Qaeda do launch an attack on Canada, then we have no choice but to retaliate.
Who is talking retaliation now?  Why should we not be prepared to defend ourselves from an attack being launched on Canada?  Do you want the crime to happen first, or try to take steps to prevent it?

NightrainFXSTB said:
Until then, we should try to promote our international image as being one of accepting all religions and not of being pawns of Israel- like the US. Israel was a the biggest mistake of the 20th century.

Sounds an awful lot like a Conspiracy Theorist statement, which you have been claiming not to be up until now, or a statement that a White Supremacist might have made.  I would prefer to think of you as more of the former, than the latter.
Sounds an awful lot like a Conspiracy Theorist statement, which you have been claiming not to be up until now, or a statement that a White Supremacist might have made.  I would prefer to think of you as more of the former, than the latter.

White supremacist? If I were that, I'd be all over the "WOT". I just don't believe in stealing peoples land. Don't come at me with the old "if you don't like Israel you're racist" crap. That's getting old.
NightrainFXSTB said:
White supremacist? If I were that, I'd be all over the "WOT". I just don't believe in stealing peoples land. Don't come at me with the old "if you don't like Israel you're racist" crap. That's getting old.
Hey....you made the statements.  I guess you are in the other boat then.  A Conspiracy Theorist, who thinks that 911 was a US plot to justify the attack on Iraq and then move into Afghanistan.  A Theorist, that figures that the poor Taliban and OBL are being demonized by the West for reasons that can only benefit the almighty American Imperialist goals.  Your tirades are getting very old.
I guess you are in the other boat then.  A Conspiracy Theorist

I didn't' know the creation of Israel in 1947 was a conspiracy? The muslims had owned that land for centuries. Only later on did the Jewish folk show up because of persecution elsewhere. Then of course they divided it up and everyone  got mad. End the madness, end Israel by moving it elsewhere.