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It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

ROB, Michael etc.

This is NOT an issue of history, this is a intelligence issue.  20+ years from now Bercuson can write a book or teach a class on it -- but he cannot give operational level advice on what he does not have access too.  I've taken two classes from him and I liked him as a Prof - but I consider it madness to even add his name or other academic names into this discussion simply since they do not have the information that they would need to formulate a plan of action.

You can blather on to infinity about how your view is right -- I'll bet a lot of you don't beleive Al-Q had training camps in Iraq prior to the Invasion.  However it does not change the fact that they did, they have been seen, photo'd etc.  There is a ton of info floating out there that is not open source and runs way higher than TS SA -- suffice it to say that Someone in a bad suit sitting in academia resting on hsi tenure has ZERO info about the chances of an attack.

This is not a knock on academics - this is ground based reality - that you stick within your arc.

Those fuckers will kill as many of us as they can, however they are patient and wise - and will stick the knife in when they can maximise both the effect - not nec a large body count but a specific target of "meaning".

You can continue to be an oxygen theif in this respect or you can STFU and start looking at what their end state is.

The sort of thing we may expect when they finally decide we are no longer "useful idiots" for their cause(s)


MERYL YOURISH on Palestinian bombs:

    Shrapnel is what killed Phillip Balhasan, who stayed alive long enough to realize his children had survived, and to hug them tightly before he collapsed.

    But even this is not enough for the terrorists. They also soak the shrapnel in rat poison, because it causes hemorrhaging — victims may bleed to death before they can get to the hospital.

    Remember all of this, when you hear the world tell Israel to “use restraint” in responding to this attack. Remember all of this, when you read about the innocent metal shop owners who insist their shops were only making nails and screws for construction purposes.

    Remember all of this, when Israel is the nation that is demonized by the blind, hateful people who wear checked kaffiyehs at anti-war protests, and call Israel an “apartheid state” for building a separation barrier — to keep out the monsters who would use bombs like I have just described.

    Remember this, when you look at the pictures of the results of the bombing, and notice the thousands of dents in the metal surrounding the bombing area — the mark of the ball-bearings and other metal shrapnel.
Seems like a nice little dogpile on a mouthy troller. 

Rules for assessing terrorism in Canada:
Rule 1. If you are not connected to the government, RCMP, CSIS, or CSE, you are going to have a hard time convincing anyone here you know what you are talking about.
Rule 2. Academics who 'teach' intelligence and/or terrorism are theorists about the subject, not experienced experts on the subject.
Rule 3. Academics who write research papers are not experts either, and the information they base their research on is often incomplete or incorrect.
Rule 4. A government spokesperson is not a terrorism expert; they are spin doctors who manipulate information for poliitcal intent.  You dont get to see the actual experts.   
Rule 5. Editors and other reporters who write their opinion in a newspaper doesnt mean that it constitutes 'proof', its only an opinion.
Rule 6. Exemptions - I know of only 2 academics and 4 journalists in Canada who actually know what they are talking about, and its because they have done years of research, investigation, and travel, and have access to experts willing to speak to them on the subject. 
Rule 7. Many of the private organizatons that talk 'impending doom' are trying to keep business drummed up (i.e. personal protection companies).
Rule 8. Politicians who talk 'impending doom' are trying to score political points or gain more funding for a pet project to make them look good.
Rule 9. Americans are experts on the threat to THEIR country, not ours.  See rules 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 for other US representatives who talk on the subject. 
Rule 10. Anyone, even former government employees can talk about terrorism; they just have to use unclassified sources! However, see rule #2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8.

How to find out who knows what they are talking about?
Ask any so-called expert how many types of SAM systems there are worldwide and how many are in Canada.
Ask them to pickout specific ground targets in Canada that would be the target of an AQ attack.
Ask them to describe how this ground target could be attacked based on known AQ tactics.
If it makes sense, you probably have an expert on your hands!  Who knows, you might even have a terrorist!

Its hard to say much more than that ...but then...thats only my opinion..    ;D
Meanwhile INT sources say another attack in Indonesia is just a day away, and our govt have alerted all Aussies in the area about yet another threat. Wanna know more? Try www.dfat.gov.au



Atlanta men met with extremists in Toronto: FBI
CTV.ca News Staff

Two Atlanta-area men met with Islamic extremists in Toronto, where they discussed "strategic locations in the United States suitable for a terrorist strike," according to an FBI affidavit made public Friday.

Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee -- U.S. citizens from the Atlanta area -- met with at least three other targets of FBI terrorism investigations during a trip to Toronto last month, according to the affidavit.

The affidavit said the men discussed attacks against oil refineries and military bases. They also planned to travel to Pakistan for military training at a terrorist camp, which authorities said the 21-year-old Ahmed then attempted to do.

Authorities wouldn't reveal exactly what Ahmed allegedly did, but he was indicted on suspicion of giving material support of terrorism.

Ahmed, arrested March 23, was being held at an undisclosed location. He waived his right to arraignment and pleaded not guilty.

In a joint news conference with FBI Special Agent in Charge Greg Jones on Thursday, U.S. District Attorney David Nahmias stressed that authorities are not calling Ahmed a terrorist.

"We're not alleging that a terrorist act was committed or that Mr. Ahmed, at this point, we're not alleging that he was involved in a terrorist act. We're alleging that he provided support in the form of goods or services, to commit terrorist acts," said Nahmias.

Ahmed's indictment, unsealed by the court Thursday, carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 US.

Meanwhile, Sadequee was arrested in Bangladesh and was en route to New York City to be arraigned.

The 19-year-old was accused of making materially false statements in connection with a U.S. government terrorism investigation.

'No threat' to public

While the FBI says there is no imminent threat to the public, U.S. Department of Justice spokesperson Bryan Sierra said authorities are taking the case "very seriously. It's national security."

Authorities said the two men spent several days in Canada, where they met with others being investigated by the terrorism task force.

Sadequee is accused of lying to officials about the trip when he was interviewed at John F. Kennedy International Airport in August, as he was about to leave for Bangladesh.

The affidavit said Sadequee told investigators he had travelled alone in January to visit an aunt.

When Sadequee's suitcase was searched at JFK, agents found a CD-ROM. The affidavit said the CD contained encrypted files the FBI has been unable to decode, and a map of the Washington area was hidden in the suitcase lining.

A day later, government agents interviewed Ahmed, who was coming back from a monthlong trip to Pakistan, at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.

The affidavit also revealed:

Ahmed went to Toronto with Sadequee in March, and that they had stayed with another conspirator.
U.S. government agents found money for both men's 2005 bus trip from Atlanta to Toronto was withdrawn from Sadequee's account.
They had tickets to depart March 6 and return seven days later. But the affidavit said they returned to the U.S. moments apart on March 12.
In March 2006, Ahmed told agents they had met with extremists and plotted how to disrupt military and commercial communications and traffic by disabling the Global Positioning System.
Ahmed was born in Pakistan and moved with his family to the United States about 10 years ago.

He said he met Sadequee at a mosque in Atlanta, according to the affidavit from FBI agent Michael Scherck. Sadequee, whose family came from Bangladesh, was born in Virginia and lived with his family in Roswell, Ga.

With files from The Associated Press

Excellent article; the point here is not that it was published by 'associated press' but that the information was derived from an FBI affidavit.

10/10 for source credibility, 7/10 for supporting evidence!
Stuff like this is the only reason canada hasn't been hit yet. Our supply of funding and easy access to the US is too important for terrorist groups to lose.

Terror plot allegedly planned in T.O.
ATLANTA (AP) - A 21-year-old Georgia Tech student and another man travelled to Toronto to meet with Islamic extremists to discuss "strategic locations in the United States suitable for a terrorist strike," an affidavit made public Friday said.
Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, both U.S. citizens who grew up in the Atlanta area, met with at least three other targets of FBI terrorism investigations during a trip to Toronto in March 2005, an FBI agent's affidavit said.

The affidavit said the men discussed attacks against oil refineries and military bases and planned to travel to Pakistan for military training at a terrorist camp, which authorities said Ahmed then tried to do.
Ahmed, who was indicted on suspicion of giving material support to terrorism, was being held at an undisclosed location. He waived his right to arraignment and pleaded not guilty. His indictment, which carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000, was returned under seal March 23 and unsealed by the court Thursday.

Ahmed's court-appointed lawyer, Jack Martin, did not return messages left seeking comment.
Sadequee, 19, who is accused of making materially false statements in connection with a U.S. government terrorism investigation, was arrested in Bangladesh and was en route to New York City to be arraigned. Several messages left with his sister and lawyer were not immediately returned.

"There is no imminent threat," said FBI Special Agent Richard Kolko, a spokesman in Washington.
U.S. authorities declined to comment further, citing an ongoing investigation.
"We take it very seriously - it's national security," said U.S. Department of Justice spokesman Bryan Sierra.

Ahmed, who was born in Pakistan and moved with his family to the United States about 10 years ago, said he met Sadequee at a mosque in Atlanta, the affidavit from FBI agent Michael Scherck said. Sadequee, whose family came from Bangladesh, was born in Virginia and lived with his family in Roswell, Ga.
Authorities said the two men spent several days in Canada, where they met with others being investigated by the terrorism task force.

Sadequee is accused of lying about the trip when he was interviewed at John F. Kennedy International Airport in August as he was about to leave for Bangladesh. The affidavit said Sadequee told investigators he had travelled alone in January to visit an aunt.
When Sadequee's suitcase was searched at JFK, agents found a CD-ROM containing encrypted files the FBI has been unable to decode and a map of the Washington area hidden in the lining, the affidavit said.

One day later, U.S. government agents interviewed Ahmed, who was coming back from a monthlong trip to Pakistan, at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. He said he had gone to Toronto with Sadequee in March and they had stayed with another conspirator, the affidavit said.
U.S. government agents found money for both men's 2005 bus trip from Atlanta to Toronto was withdrawn from Sadequee's account. They had tickets to depart March 6 and return seven days later. But the affidavit said they returned to the United States moments apart March 12.

In March 2006, Ahmed then told agents they had met with extremists and plotted how to disrupt military and commercial communications and traffic by disabling the Global Positioning System, the affidavit said. He was arrested March 23.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
  Stuff like this is the only reason canada hasn't been hit yet. Our supply of funding and easy access to the US is too important for terrorist groups to lose.

Thank you Bruce!

BTW, this is a riot, LMAO --> 


Is it possible the terrorists are aiming for an ANZAC Day hit?
Anything is possible these days when you are dealing with gutless cowards, but the threat is especially present in Turkey, where sadly, secuirty forces have to police that event on the 25th. 10s of thousands of Aussies and Kiwis will be there.

However, security forces will be on the prowl in Sydney, and most likely in all capital cities here in Australia. Sadly we all know that radical islam is alive, well and growing here, an its just the reality of today. Try finding a garbage bin in any train station for example. CC cams everyhwere, etc.

I'll be in the march here in Brisbane with whats left of 7 Bde. Apparently two trains full of us. It will all be over by midday, and then to our respective units for more beer, and to the ANZAC SGTs Mess for yet more beer for 1300, so it could be a long day/night. Monday night is just a primer for the following day  ;D

I will endeavor to head home early, as I live an hr's drive out, and I know my limitations with XXXX Gold. It will be a short week in a sense, as I have yet another 24 hr duty this week, and before ya know it, the wknd will be here yet again.


It took almost 2 hours to read this whole thread and all I came out of it with is a head ache and I feel a bit dumber....  :argument:
At least you read it mate, as that alone is a job in itself.


For all those who have messenger, check MSN Today (on 10 May 06). Theres an article of a report made by the CSIS that states that an attack on Canada, in Canada, is probable.

Canada's been on 'the list' for a long time, and nothings happened yet. I tell civvies all the time that if everyone else on the list has been attacked, it logically follows that we are next. Could this be the event that will make Canadians open their eyes and realize they dont live in a bubble? I hate to say so, but I think this is what it takes for the public to take its military and its defense seriously.

Just to be clear, the CSIS report was from November of last year.

From reuters:


OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's spy service, reacting to the release of a report by the agency's head that said an al-Qaeda attack on Canada was probable, stressed on Wednesday there were no imminent threats to the country.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) Director Jim Judd made his remarks in a report last November to then Public Security Minister Anne McLellan.

"The director's comments were drawn from an annual report he submits to the minister ... and were not referring to a specific, imminent threat," said CSIS spokeswoman Barbara Campion. "There are no imminent threats to Canada."

In his report to McLellan, Judd said that while the threat posed by al-Qaeda to Canada and Canadians was mainly centered abroad "an attack on Canadian soil is now probable".

Reuters obtained a declassified copy of the report under access to information legislation.

In recent years Al Qaeda has twice specifically threatened to strike against Canada. In 2004, Judd's predecessor as CSIS chief said "it is no longer a question of if, but rather of when or where, we will be specifically targeted".

Although Canada opposed the war on Iraq, it has 2,300 troops stationed in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar.

Campion said the agency's assessment of the threat facing Canada was not new and had "been shared with the government of Canada and with the public in the past".

© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Sadly, I think it will be more likely with the prevalence of apologist thought in our society that much of the reaction will be focused on "how we brought this upon ourselves".....because I can guarantee you the day it does happen, that's how the CBC will be presenting it.

The only hope is that it will motivate those who currently have chosen other priorities and remain uninformed (as opposed to those who appear dedicated to staying that way) to do some research on jihad and get a clue as to the true nature of the threat.

Matthew.  :salute:
Campion said the agency's assessment of the threat facing Canada was not new and had "been shared with the government of Canada and with the public in the past".

Key phrase, but one that many people seem to forget. Many people seem to believe that our flag is bulletproof and that no one dare attack us. Then they're astounded to find out that the second largest terrorist attack (casualty wise) was Air India flight 182, with most of the passengers being Canadian citizens....
How soon we also forget the Direct Action freaks in the 80's, FLQ in the 70's and 60's - though they were domestic groups, they still blew up people and places.

I don't think Canada will be attacked by terrorists. There's no challenge in attacking a country as open and free as ours. Also, we haven't done anything to bring it on ourselves. We generally don't run around attacking foreign countries for their resources either- like some others do. The other countries that have been attacked are the ones that are involved in Iraq- Australia and GB. Most other people on earth think attacking Iraq based on lies and deception was a mistake, except mabye a minority of hicks in southern USA. That being said, Canada might be making itself a bit more of a target with its involvement in Afghanistan, but I doubt we're seen as a major troublemaker in the middle east. The terrorists can make better statements by attacking the US or Britain.

And anyway, lets not make this a self fulfilling prophecy. You military types might want an attack to say "I told you so" but really? Do you want your friends and family killed needlessly? I hope not.
Most other people on earth think attacking Iraq based on lies and deception was a mistake, except mabye a minority of hicks in southern USA.

What is it with the latest batch of users? Listen up lad, if you can't bring a civil discussion without being insulting than your next post will be your last........
"And anyway, lets not make this a self fulfilling prophecy. "

-And how do we do that?  By provoking them on this website?
WTF, Dude?
