NightrainFXSTB said:
I have no problem with Smiting Evil...that's great.
well, we agree on something. Let's build on that. See that's what civilized folk do. Bad guys, now, they don't. They just use force to get their way.
The problem is that EVIL is not always black and white- it's a grey area.
No, it isn't. If you are willing to place someone else's welfare above your own, you are Good. If you place your own above others' you are Evil. Selfless = Good. Selfish = Evil. Kindergarten children can grasp that. It takes years of ignoring reality to get confused.
Allot of what I see going on today is people saying stuff like 'you're with me or against me'. It's just not that simple.
You mean like people saying you will worship my god, under the rules I demand, or I'll blow up your children on a school bus? Yeah, that's a problem.
The Palestinians are a product of their environment.
As are we all. Decent folks recognize that they may have to rise above their environment, and work to make it better. Bad folks just use that excuse to explain away their selfish actions.
If I grow up in Palestine, there's a good chance my brother has been killed by the Israeli forces, or sent to a prison or what have you.
There's also a good chance that he deserved it for, I don't know, participating in the murders of innocents.
If this had happened to your family you would want blood too.
Don't tell me what I would think or do. You don't know, and neither do I. But, if I had spent my entire infancy and childhood being told by my parents, religious leaders, and teachers that I should want to commit mass murder, then, it's extremely likely.
It's a vicious cycle that really can't ever end unless the Palestinians become as prosperous as their neighbors.
And they can only do that by changing their focus from being professional victims, and working to make their society functional. Instead, they choose to slaughter each other, and export murder. If they spent half the amount of effort into reconstruction that they do in destruction, the Palestinian authority would be miles ahead. But, then, they couldn't spend their days and nights gnawing on their victimhood like a dog with an old bone, could they?
In a sense, that 's the whole problem of terrorism. Haves and have nots.
ah, not so much. The problem of terrorism is bad people enforcing their will on others through violence, or the threat of same. Hence the name.
As members of a "have' society" and in typical conservative fashion, most people in wealthy nations believe that "anyone can pull themselves up by the bootstraps". That's simply not true- it goes against the laws of physics. Have you ever tried to pull yourself up by your bootstrap(whatever that is)?
nice attempt at humour, but you're mixing it up a bit, and it loses its' bite that way. But then, both economics and physics are dry subjects, to begin with, so good effort. Boot straps are flaps that used to be sewn on the tops of boots to pull them on with. They kind of looked like ears, dangling down, and got caught on stuff, so they were eventually sewn into lops on the top of boots. for an example, look at modern day "cowboy" boots.
And anyone can make themselves an economic success. If they choose to, and put forth sufficient effort. It takes ingenuity. About the same level of ingenuity as making IEDs.
Liberals have come to terms with this and this is why they are labelled 'bleeding hearts".
again, not so much. Liberals (in the modern sense) choose to propagate the Cult of the Victim. It goes so well with their bizarre self-flagellation for being born into a functioning society.
Conservatives prefer to live in a la la land where it's okay that there are others suffering for their "ribbons and bows " as Leonard Cohen would say.
No. Conservatives (again, in the modern sense) prefer to work towards making the world a better place through direct effort. They prefer to offer opportunities for others to help themselves with some assistance. Liberals (again, in the modern sense) prefer to reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator (except, naturally, themselves. Due to their inborn superiority, they are part of the priviliged few to whom all others must look for leadership, but not too closely as their corruption would become all too apparent.), by enforced, albeit arbitrary, rules.
I just can't ignore the truth, I guess that's my problem.
You just can't see the truth, that's your problem.
As far as this relates to terrorism in Canada. I'm about as afraid of terrorists as I am of getting struck by lightning.
good. We'll keep working to ensure you can maintain that state of blissful ignorance. You're welcome.
Some people need to take of the skirts and stop being such fraidy cats.
and others need to either help, or shut up and get out of the way.
Oh no....the poor people are coming for us....RUN!
I'm not scared of the poor. I work with them, and for them, quite often. What, exactly, have you done for them? YOU. Personally?