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Islam-bashing film sparks fears of violence

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George Wallace said:
Gosh!  I wonder what your opinion of the Spanish Inquisition would be.  "Adopt Christ or Die and be Baptised in Death".  Talk about not looking at the facts.  So Christianity is a few hundred years ahead of Islam, does that change the fact that once upon a time Christianity had just as "fanatical" sects in its midst as Islam has today?   

I'm an atheist. I don't distinguish between the torture, mutilation and murder committed in Christ's name from that done in Mohammed's name. I've looked at the world around me and what I see is that religion kills. Religion is like a childhood disease that Humanity is suffering from, once we mature as a species then religion will wither on the vine.

The Spanish Inquisition was the Catholic Church's attempt to stamp out Free Speech and Free Thought and to exert political control through the systematic use of terror and oppression; this is no different than what islam is trying to do today. I see no difference between the two.

Religion is the cancer, freedom is the answer.
the_midge said:
Those are some of the scariest pictures I've seen in a long time. Not entirely surprised, but disturbed....quite.  :o

Here's my stupid question for the day (don't mind me folks, I'm the ignorant agnostic): why the obsession with those who *aren't* part of your religion??

In middle ages "religon" was equal "control".
That is main reason of religious expansionism and forced baptism that was practiced in these times.

Now some extremists try to cover their intentions with these old-day principles.
Flanker said:
It is a very large assumption.
I assume you are Christian.
Are coming to manifestation to denounce crimes every time a Christian fanatic kills someone?
Are you considering guilty yourself for these crimes?

??? Excuse me?  Obviously you pay little attention to history.  You are no doubt bound then to make the same mistakes over again.  

I would say that Christians have done quite a lot at improving their attitudes in the last Century.  Perhaps you may remember a person by the name of Hitler and some of his gang of followers.  Did "The Christians" of the 1940's and 1950's let his kind off without paying for their crimes?  I suppose you have heard of the Neo Nazi organizations around the world that have been closed down and members prosecuted.  I suppose you also have heard of what has happened to the KKK in the US of A.  I could go on and on, with references that debunk your above statements.  

I take your comments as an insult to my intelligence, and the total lack of education on your part.
George Wallace said:
??? Excuse me?
There is no insult. There is a question.

Do Christians manifest loudly their protests every time a fanatic naming itself "Christian" kills some one?
No, they don't. Why are you blaming and expecting something other from muslims?
Flanker said:
There is no insult. There is a question.

Do Christians manifest loudly their protests every time a fanatic naming itself "Christian" kills some one?
No, they don't. Why are you blaming and expecting something other from muslims?

Again, I say "EXCUSE ME!"

You do insult me.  You don't read what is posted.  That; or you wish to ignore what doesn't agree with you.
George, its obvious that flanker's mind is brainwashed, and he favours the other side.

We can't change his views. He thinks he is right

Its his type that scare me, right here in our own countries.


George Wallace said:
Again, I say "EXCUSE ME!"
You do insult me.  You don't read what is posted.  That; or you wish to ignore what doesn't agree with you.
You seem to pretend that Islam countries do not evolve.
They develop as well. As an example, in some Muslim countries rights of vote for women was permitted earlier that in several Eropean countries and Canada. Several countries become secular states in 20th century.
However, I should also note that 2 of them with help of United States have been converted recently back into religous states.
They are Iran (1979) and Iraq (2005).

Wesley  Down Under said:
George, its obvious that flanker's mind is brainwashed, and he favours the other side.

We can't change his views. He thinks he is right

Its his type that scare me, right here in our own countries.



Well said Wes

Well Flanker, Religion has been used by a number of dictators as a form of control; and when I look at the middle east, thats what I see.

I am not religious, (tho I do have my religion on my ID disks), IMO actions speak louder then words; so when someone feeds me that Islam is a peaceful religion, I say BS.  Why you ask, because when I look back through history (the crusades onward), all I see in Islam is violence; among there own people or trying to spread there control over other countries (turkey for example).  So if it is so peaceful, why do they need to kill everyone that dosen't share there beleafes, instead of learn the word TOLERANCE? 

just my 2 cents worth
Richie said:
I'm an atheist. I don't distinguish between the torture, mutilation and murder committed in Christ's name from that done in Mohammed's name. I've looked at the world around me and what I see is that religion kills. Religion is like a childhood disease that Humanity is suffering from, once we mature as a species then religion will wither on the vine.

The Spanish Inquisition was the Catholic Church's attempt to stamp out Free Speech and Free Thought and to exert political control through the systematic use of terror and oppression; this is no different than what Islam is trying to do today. I see no difference between the two.

Religion is the cancer, freedom is the answer.

Various atheist movements have done just as bad. Mao's cultural revolution in China, Stalin's gulags/purges in Russia, Pol Pot's killing fields in Cambodia and on and on and on. The cancer is totalitarian and undemocratic states. The answer is embodied in the US Constitution. Things like limited government, separation of church and state, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the rule of law under which all are equal, the right to due process and the right to petition the government. I don't think it's an accident that countries that embody these principles the most are also the most prosperous and those that don't follow any of them are much less prosperous.
Flanker said:
You seem to pretend that Islam countries do not evolve.
They develop as well. As an exemple, in some Muslim countries rights of vote for women was permitted earlier that in several Eropean countries and Canada. Several countries become secular states in 20th century.
However, I should also note that 2 of them with help of United States have been converted recently back into religous states.
They are Iran (1979) and Iraq (2005).

Because Saddam's thugocracy was better than a democratically established Islamic republic?  What are you smoking. 

You realize of course that you could as easily call the United States the Christian republic of the United States of America in that law in the USA, and the rest of the western world for that matter, is based exclusively upon the moral code found in Christian religious tradition.
DBA said:
I don't think it's an accident that countries that embody these principles the most are also the most prosperous and those that don't follow any of them are much less prosperous.

You mix the cause and consequences.
The country that reach a level of economic development becomes democratic.
Not the inverse. Economy is the basis of political system.

So as long as economy is poor and ruined, democracy cannot appear and stay long time.

Flanker said:
You seem to pretend that Islam countries do not evolve.

Islam at one time was at the leading edge of civilization.  It had produced many leading theologians, scientists, philosophers and artists long before Christianity did in Rome.  Then Christianity caught up to and left the Muslim world in a cloud of dust.  You have stated that Iran and Iraq were leaders their day.  Both, however, turned on each other in the last Century.  Lebanon was once known as the "Paris of the Mediterranean".  Look what Religious zealots have done to all of these nations.  For all the advances that were made, fundamentalists have turned back the clock by centuries.  They are taking all of Islam back into the Dark Ages.
Reccesoldier said:
Because Saddam's thugocracy was better than a democratically established Islamic republic?  What are you smoking. 

I am smoking the new iraqi Constitution that establishes Islam as the official state religion and obligates all law to be compliant to Islam rules. I have not seen anything similar in US Constitution.
George Wallace said:
Look what Religious zealots have done to all of these nations.  For all the advances that were made, fundamentalists have turned back the clock by centuries.  They are taking all of Islam back into the Dark Ages.
One should not forget that the majority of these countries were colonies of West for centuries and gained independence not so long ago. So I am not so sure about causes of underdevelopment.  ::)

Iraq - 1932
Indonesia - 1945
Iran - 1942
Algeria - 1954
Morocco - 1955

It is just illogical to expect they will pass in 50 years the 300-year path of western development.
Flanker said:
One should not forget that the majority of these countries have been colonies of West for centuries and gained independence not so long ago. So I am not so sure about causes of underdevelopment.  ::)

Iraq - 1932
Indonesia - 1945
Iran - 1935
Algeria - 1954
Morocco - 1955


Once again with the "I'm a poor visible minority" BS.  Frankly, I don't buy any of that BS.  I have to put up with that too much on a daily basis.  People who don't have the skills, or knowledge, or aptitude, or work ethic, or the morals to do the job right, or whatever; who try to cover their shortcomings by pulling out the RACE CARD.  Bull.  Don't hide behind that to gain merit.  It is a sign of weakness. 
George Wallace said:

No it is not. These are facts.
Do you remember when the history of democracy in US starts?
Independence day, Boston tea party etc.

How do you expect that countries like Iran, which gained independence in 1942 become democratic in a moment?
It takes some time.
May be a hundred years. But it should be faster than on the West.
Flanker said:
No it is not. These are facts.
Do you remember when the history of democracy in US starts?
Independence, Boston tea party etc.

How do you expect that countries like Iran, which gained independence in 1942 become democratic in a moment?
It takes some time.


You are comparing Iran in 1942 to the Thirteen Colonies of 1772.  I would say that this is not even the remotest of even comparisons, but I'll leave that to your warped sense of time and space.
What really confuses me is this.
These muslim protestors are saying death to freedom.Now why would they immigrate to a land known as a land of freedom?A land that is built on that principle.
People landing from these countries as refugee's commonly say they cannot return due to fear of death for them being homosexual,or for other political reasons etc.


I think it would do a world of good if some Muslim's who are happy to raise their kid's in a free country,protesting against these idoits.

All I keep hearing is crickets from the moderate muslim community.Which in turn makes me think.

Flanker said:
I am smoking the new iraqi Constitution that establishes Islam as the official state religion and obligates all law to be compliant to Islam rules. I have not seen anything similar in US Constitution.

How about you read what is written.  The law of the United States is based on the moral code of Christian belief.  That is why there are still places in the US where sodomy is a crime.  That's why in our country up until recently there was no shopping on Sunday.  That's why in Germany variations of the same laws can be found, and the UK and the rest of the Christian west.

That we live that way is no different than Islamic countries living under Islamic based law. 

Is Islamic law right?  I don't think so, are our laws right?  Again I don't think so, but Christianity has proven it's ability to evolve and to coexist not only with other religions but even more importantly with those who deny that it is right or even that it has the right to exist at all.  Islam has not.

Islam is in dire need of it's own Reformation.  The sooner the better.
Flanker said:

How do you expect that countries like Iran, which gained independence in 1942 become democratic in a moment?
It takes some time.

Are you serious?

You really do bat for the other side! Your thoughts really do concern me.

Ya, this country (Iran )lead by a nutcase who claims there is no homosexuals in his country, wants the A bomb, says there was no holocaust, hates Israel, the west ,etc. He is an islamic Hilter.

A war is coming to Iran, airstrikes will be a matter of time, and I FULLY support it. No way should this country have nuclear power.

Mate you are living in the wrong country, and belong in the dark ages in Iran or Iraq, along with the whole bloody lot.

You are not only defending the extremists, but you also agree with them.

Are you a home grown jihadist, or an import sucking off the jugular of Canada. Your heart is not for the betterment of this country, its for the enemy. You make that obvious.

Shame on you. Your thoughts cat a huge shadow of disrespect on those Allied soldiers killed in this war, the wounded, and those fighting now.

You are a traitor, a brainwashed cancer, who 50 yrs ago, would be hung.
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