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Is there a "cry" for the Canadian army?


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I was wondering, since the American army shouts, "hooah" as a cry and the us marines use, "oorah", does the Canadian Army/Navy/Airforce/Reserves have anything like that, that they shout out?
Yeah, you pucker your lips up and blow hard, attempting to make a farting sound.  :-X

PS.  In the Marines, you are more likely to see Semper Fi.  "Hooah" is something that all soldiers will use, especially after successive bouts of watching Blackhawk Down.
The second post of yours I have read today and I want to cry out something.
kincanucks said:
The second post of yours I have read today and I want to cry out something.

Don't cry out, just make the farting sound....
Infanteer said:
In the Marines, you are more likely to see Semper Fi.   "Hooah" is something that all soldiers will use, especially after successive bouts of watching Blackhawk Down.
Marines grunt "oorah!" or bark. Yes, an actual dog bark.

The American army uses "hoorah!" It started as a Ranger thang, but then every pouge started to copy it to appear hard-core. In Canada, there are certain specific times that we use it. Those who have completed Basic Para know them.
Canadians don't do stuff like that. It's gay. Anybody shouts "hooah!" round me gets harassed mercilessly for being a dork. Reg force light fighters use it in an extremely sarcastic manner, only. When we get told to do something really gay, we generally make a sour face and go "hooah", or when someone is being a bag-lick, one of us will go "Hooah Master Chief" in a loud falsetto.
I was wondering, since the American army shouts, "hooah" as a cry and the us marines use, "oorah", does the Canadian Army/Navy/Airforce/Reserves have anything like that, that they shout out?

Yes. "Yipeeee!"  ::)
Habe you ever been to sea in a ship Billy?
.... well no Capt Hindgrinder.

- your turn in the barrel!

The loudest cry in the army is: " Oh, no, not ANOTHER Germany story....waaaah!"

I missed out...

"Last Call!!" was gonna be my answer as something that made me cry when shouted...



career_radio-checker said:
Here's one to shout out just before the charge:


And here's one to shout out after it:

"Aw too cewl...that was hot!!"
Now wait a minute, guys.  The local reserve engineers go "CHIMO" in unison at the end of every parade.

It's no more or less gay than "hooah".
Michael Dorosh said:
Now wait a minute, guys.   The local reserve engineers go "CHIMO" in unison at the end of every parade.

It's no more or less gay than "hooah".
you're right, which is why I would mock that also. Having worked alongside, and occasionally for, Echo in the past, and considering many of them friends, I have never heard Reg force Engineers shout "Chimo!" except in a few specific instances.

Another problem with "Hooah" is that it is not Canadian in origin. It was taken by people who watch too much TV. "Chimo!" is distinctly a Canadian Engineer thang. It is used by them, or by us when we are either encouraging or teasing them. "Hooah" meant something once, to a specific unit, and it was a mark of respect for those of us who've worked with that unit to use it. Now, it is the name of a friggin' power bar, and is found on bumper stickers. It is used by PONTIs to try and sound kewl and hard-core.

Actually, based on what has happened to "Hooah," I'd say it's a lot more gay than "Chimo." At least "Chimo" has retained it's purity.

Personally, I shout "Go Joe!" or "Cooo-bra!" It pretty much sums up my attitude towards pep rallies and related silliness. Shouting "Hooah!" goes against everything I have been taught about Quiet Professionalism, and Canadian Infantry traditions.
paracowboy said:
I have never heard Reg force Engineers shout "Chimo!" except in a few specific instances.

Actually, based on what has happened to "Hooah," I'd say it's a lot more gay than "Chimo." At least "Chimo" has retained it's purity.
Having been inducted  ;D into the engineer way of life at Alert, I'd agree with this. It was reserved for occasions marking departures to warmer parts south, as a kindred greeting and/or goodbye, as well as reserved for use during a certain song. Much like the RCR "Hoy!" Not shouting out at every inopportune moment. Pure.
paracowboy said:
. Shouting "Hooah!" goes against everything I have been taught about Quiet Professionalism, and Canadian Infantry traditions.

Quiet professionalism sums up perfectly the Canadian regular force. We don't have to yell silly things...We just get the job done and go on our way.

Only the wannabe's have to yell and scream all types of 'warcries!'