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Iran Super Thread- Merged

You know...if this was the 1800's we would have already figured him for a witch and would be getting the wood ready for the burning at the stake by now...unless of course...he weighed the same as...A DUCK!

zipperhead_cop said:
Good call.  I just keep hoping it would get back to being an informed thread, as opposed to a Mike Moore wanna be hijacking what was an interesting topic with things so stupid and untenable, it is hard to even know where to start to shoot them down.  Have you noticed the conspiracy child's tendency to only focus on semantics and rhetoric, though?  Another tool that can't answer the hard questions, or come up with reality based solutions. 
I'm sure you are a huge hit with the hairy armpit girls at your local Starbucks, CT. 

ZHC, out.

You hot boxing your armor again cabbie? What have I said that is remotely Mike Moorish? or conspiracy related? You have no argument- all you have is BS. I said give Iran nuclear power- it's their right. That's it. It's my opinion. How do you back an opinion with FACTS. There is no Reuters article that says "Iran should be allowed to have Nuclear technology just like every other sovereign nation" for me to quote. So once again, what is so stupid, or untenable, about my OPINION? Facts please.

Let me know when you're done flippin' burgers at Mcdicks.

CanuckTroop said:
Let me know when you're done flippin' burgers at Mcdicks.

THAT...from a guy demanding facts and deploring insults  ::)

At least when i throw insults its because i dont expect anything else in return...........Thats because i'm edumacated

Anyways , i'm just having fun at your expense and sugest that you add a Poli Sci degree or an MA in International relations to your Bcom....looking at things stricly from an economics point of view ( i am refering to your China bit) is missing half the picture and ignoring reality ( symptomatic of a large portion of university geeks).

Good day to you
The mark of a good tanker is to know when intimate support is required.  Let's see where Iran stands on cooperation, shall we?

the Agency has repeatedly requested Iran to provide additional information on certain issues related to its enrichment programme. Iran declined to discuss these matters at the 12–14 February 2006 meeting in Tehran referred to in paragraph 6 of GOV/2006/15 on the grounds that, in its view, they were not within the scope of the Safeguards Agreement. Iran reasserted this position in a meeting which took place with Agency inspectors in Tehran on 8 April 2006.

The implementation of the Additional Protocol and Iran’s full cooperation in this regard are essential for the Agency be able to provide the required assurance concerning the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran.

Iran has also said that it is unable to provide any documentation or other information about the meetings that led to its acquisition of 500 sets of P-1 centrifuge components in the mid-1990s. The Agency is still awaiting clarification of the dates and contents of the shipments containing those components.

On 10 April 2006, the Agency met with Iranian officials to seek further explanations concerning the inconsistencies identified in that analysis.  Following that meeting, in a letter dated 17 April 2006, Iran reaffirmed its previous explanations of the inconsistencies. In the light of the Agency’s findings, the Agency cannot exclude the possibility —
notwithstanding the explanations provided by Iran — that the plutonium analysed by the Agency was derived from source(s) other than the ones declared by Iran.

A.6. Voluntary Implementation of the Additional Protocol
23. Since 5 February 2006, Iran has not been implementing the provisions of its Additional Protocol.

Although Iran agreed to provide further clarifications in relation to efforts to procure balancing machines, mass spectrometers, magnets and fluorine handling equipment, the Agency has yet to receive such clarifications. Further access to the procured equipment is necessary for environmental sampling. Iran has continued to decline requests by the Agency to interview the other former Head of the PHRC.

27. As previously reported, the Deputy Director General for the Department of Safeguards met with Iranian authorities in February 2006 to discuss alleged studies related to the so-called Green Salt Project, to high explosives testing and to the design of a missile re-entry vehicle, all of which could have a military nuclear dimension and which appear to have administrative interconnections.

28. As indicated in GOV/2006/15, Iran stated that the allegations with regard to the Green Salt Project “are based on false and fabricated documents so they were baseless,” and that neither such a project nor such studies exist or had existed. Iran stated that all national efforts had been devoted to the UCF project, and that it would not make sense to develop indigenous capabilities to produce UF4 when such technology had already been acquired from abroad. However, according to information provided earlier by Iran, the company alleged to have been associated with the Green Salt Project had been involved in procurement for UCF and in the design and construction of the Gchine uranium ore processing plant.

29. The Agency is assessing the information provided by Iran during these discussions concerning the Green Salt Project, as well as other information available to it. However, Iran has yet to address the other topics of high explosives testing and the design of a missile re-entry vehicle.

However, gaps remain in the Agency’s knowledge with respect to the scope and content of Iran’s centrifuge programme. Because of this, and other gaps in the Agency’s knowledge, including the role of the military in Iran’s nuclear programme, the Agency is unable to make progress in its efforts to provide assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran.

Source:  Board of Governors, International Atomic Energy Agency, Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran, GOV/2006/27, 28 April 2006  (gotta love primary sources)

So, we have a state, led by Islamic extremists, calling for the destruction of a neighbouring state, interfering in several others, squashing human rights (including participation in the torture and murder of a Canadian citizen) and actively pursuing an nuclear weapons programme and this is what passes (in the opinion of some) for cooperation?

Just sayin'... ::)

TR, jockeying now...
OKay, its obvious that he DOESN'T weigh the same as a duck... :blotto:

This thread was VERY interesting and informative to me about something I know very little about quite honestly...and now...CT has turned it into a kindergarten class argument.  I did get some chuckles out of it though

aesop081 said:
Oh am i ever sorry i said anything......he has loonieversity !!  Can you spell big words like marmellade and hellamachopter too ?

I laugh EVERY time I read that one!  :rofl:

What did they do to someone if they didn't weigh the same as a duck?????    ;D


1 question.  What is your national origin (i.e. where are you/your family from...I am guessing....Iran??)
Mud Recce Man said:
1 question.  What is your national origin (i.e. where are you/your family from...I am guessing....Iran??)

No way.  I'm betting multi generation white bread Canadian, as WASP as they come.  Only that demographic can spawn this calibre of ungrateful, narrow minded malfeasant who thinks he is owed everything for having sacrificed nothing.  Picture:  dyed jet black hair feathered across face, multiple piercings, 5'7", 132 lbs with a Phish concert shirt and $300 pre-ripped/stained/punctured Guess Jeans mock combat pants with huge wallet chain, studded wrist bands and skin so pale from lack of sun it appears as the background of the post editor.  Perma scowl and only reaction to confrontation in person; a rolling of eyes up and way over to the side, and a "PFFFF, whatever" comment, punctuated by a stop sign hand gesture at roughly waist level.
Course, I could be way off... :P
Maybe he is from here....locals here i call CAPE

Citizens Against Practicaly Everything
Teddy Ruxpin said:
The mark of a good tanker is to know when intimate support is required.  Let's see where Iran stands on cooperation, shall we?

Source:  Board of Governors, International Atomic Energy Agency, Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran, GOV/2006/27, 28 April 2006  (gotta love primary sources)

So, we have a state, led by Islamic extremists, calling for the destruction of a neighbouring state, interfering in several others, squashing human rights (including participation in the torture and murder of a Canadian citizen) and actively pursuing an nuclear weapons programme and this is what passes (in the opinion of some) for cooperation?

Just sayin'... ::)

TR, jockeying now...

UNBELIEVABLE!!! Someone actually posted useful information.
CanuckTroop said:
UNBELIEVABLE!!! Someone actually posted useful information.

Oh just go away......... You and Pike can have a "meeting of the minds"
Teddy Ruxpin has just brought this back within our boundaries...that was good info.  So..its basically them saying "no no we aren't doing anything" while they are doing something.  And the "world" or parts of it aren't buying it.  And will eventually act on it.  So they are figuring out now...how they are going to act on it.  Got it.  Bugout kit is packed.  :o
Seeing as this thread has now degraded into name calling for at least the past 6 posts due to someone's inability to put forward hard evidence to backup his claim...I'm locking this one up.

If someone deems it nessisary to add something worthwhile to the real topic .....wait out for 24 hrs, I'll open it then.

And how should I be banned, after he 's calling me a wanker. If I get banned for that, then it only proves my point that differing opinions are not allowed on this site. Try and be more open minded instead of launching emotional attacks.


Hmmmm.... pot meet kettle.

Don't hit your *** on the way out!

Oh...and this little jab just earned you a Verbal.

I'm new to this forum (first post) - I'll introduce myself: I'm a civilian, Canadian, 28 single male, west coast guy, uni-grad, traveled in Asia off and on for 5 years or so.  I'm left-leaning in many regards.

Now, I'd like to say that I very much admire all of your decision to join the CF and stand up for freedom - that which I must admit too many of us Canadians take for granted.  Hats off to all of you stationed in Afghanistan and elsewhere. 

Now to Iran and the world situation: Personally, I'm frightened - frightened for what might soon become world war 3.  Come to think of it, though, I've been frightened of just that since as long as I can remember.  Vaguely, I recall looking at the world map as a kid and being so fearful of that huge menacing U.S.S.R.  Growing up, there had always been this underlying sense that a nuclear war could flare up at any moment - like a constant nagging stress, something I couldn't really put my finger on or understand but was always there.

Then the late 80's - early 90's rolled along and the Eastern European communist blocks started to unravel.  Soon thereafter that huge Soviet monster suddenly kealed over.  We all had a brief repose in those 90's as most of us recall: times were generally good and the world seemed it was finally coming together quite well.

In hindsight, we could say it was the calm before the desert storm: 911, the invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, etc..

We were left in shock, many of us still are, I think, and we don't know what to make of all that's going on.  I sure don't.  Our leaders have asked us to trust them and we've gone along with it so far.

Now, will our kids grow up looking at a map with fear in their eyes?  Which countries will they be looking at?  Iran?  North Korea? Our own, Canada?  Will they grow up afraid of getting on a bus in their home town?

We had our lingering constant vague fear of some kind of world war 3 with the U.S.S.R..  If the terrorists succeed in their plan, our kids will have it far worse than we ever did. 

Let's not forget what we're fighting for, regardless of what our leaders say or do.

Xeno, welcome to the board. 
I was also one who grew up worried about Ivan the Red Commie Dog.  It was my original motivation to sign up with the Reserves when I was 17, so I could have some good training before the draft (I was young, and easily excitable.  Now I'm not young). 
That nice in between time of which you speak was just that--nice.  While we were watching Ghost Busters and listening to Depeche Mode, in another part of the planet a bunch of trained guys that had a heap of weapons looked around and said "this is our house to have fun in" and started planning.  Think of it like getting to the gym.  If you go regularly, you maintain your shape and can enjoy eating whatever you want.  However, if you enjoy yourself for a decade, and never do anything strenuous, then all of a sudden you have a problem (fat) and it is that much harder to get rid of than if you had taken care of business all along.  We were so caught up with the Soviets, and so relieved when the Wall came down, everyone (including myself) said "phew!  Maybe we will see something like world peace in our lifetimes".  And we rested, drank, and got politically "fat", ignoring a critical part of the world.  Hindsight is 20-20, but now that we realize what has transpired while we were kicking back, and it is going to be harder to solve the problems than if we had been on top of them from the get-go. 
Again, welcome.  It will be refreshing to have someone from the left coast who has an appreciation for the CF.  :cdn:
Opened for buisness.

Now that everyone has cooled off, keep the thread on topic.

Any unwarrented personal attacks from here on out will be dealt with.

Although Iran may not have nukes (deliverable) for 10 years, is it unavoidable that we become adversarial?  Democracies have trusted each other as employment is the kiss of death; even China has not used them.  Is it simply that Iran is a non-elected Theocracy and therefore not really accountable to its own people?

I would like to think that the internet and Iran's youthful population (30 million out of 60 million under 25 years) will promote democracy.  Perhaps I'm being too optimistic. How close is Iran to a democratic government?

"Victory is not final, Failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that matters" - Winston Churchill
Worn Out Grunt said:
Although Iran may not have nukes (deliverable) for 10 years, is it unavoidable that we become adversarial?  Democracies have trusted each other as employment is the kiss of death; even China has not used them. 
This is old ,so not a big thing anymore, when we were developing one of the missiles for the chinese,One asked me with a large grin on his face.Will it  reach Taiwan?
From my reading on the subject (relatively second hand) Iran is a potential target for the "Purple Finger" strategy. The median age of the Iranian population is @ 24 years old, all they have ever known is the Islamic Republic. On the other hand, the resurgence of the Revolutionary Guard and religious police to enforce various religious edicts, banning of "western" music, television, books, TV and films and attempts to monitor or censor the Internet (they ought to talk to their pals in China about that) would suggest the Theocracy who make up the Supreme leader and Council of Guardians are rather worried that their brand of Islamic society isn't very popular.

Unfortunately, rather than form "Orange Power" or "Cedar Revolution" type mass demonstrations to express displeasure with the government, Iranians seem to have withdrawn into a sort of sullen passivity (as expressed by the low turnouts for the last elections. After all, if the only candidates who can run are hand picked by the Council of Guardians, why bother). Of course I can't really sit here and blame them, a protesting crowd is likely to be met with gunfire from the Revolutionary Guardsmen, for a Persian replay of Tienanmen Square.

There does not seem to be a well organized opposition or Government in Exile which could be tapped to create a nucleus for a real revolution (although I could be wrong about this), so if direct action needs to be taken, then a decapitating head shot at the Theocracy and Revolutionary Guard is a "must", once they have been crippled the Iranian people will be less constrained by fear and oppression and can finish the job. Let them find the hidden centrifuge cascades and destroy them (or we can offer to buy the centrifuges and contents for a good sum).

Just as a BTW, for the non nuclearly enlightened, mildly enriched uranium is good for running reactors, and the reactors supply irradiated fuel rods which are reprocessed for Plutonium, which doesn't need enriching. While all fission reactors produce Plutonium, natural Uranium reactors (i.e. CANDU) produce far less. I would bet a lot of money that the Iranians are working on some sort of "breeder" reactor which pumps out loads of Plutonium, which isn't very good for producing nuclear energy in a slow, controlled reaction, but excellent for the very rapid (on the order of milliseconds) uncontrolled type.

edit for spelling