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Iran Super Thread- Merged

scoutfinch said:

Riddle me this:  why would a nation with the second largest natural gas reserves in the world (second only to Russia) require nuclear power?

Shake your head.  Hear anything?

Does your house run on oil? That line is the biggest Neo "Con" load of crap. And in any case, Oil is finite- What do they do when it runs out?

Denying them nuclear power is denying them the right to use their resources and scientific expertise as they see fit. What would you say if GWB told us we couldn't have nuclear power? We should just tell all our nuclear scientists to forget everything they've learned and go study English so they can spell hegemon right. I don't think we'd agree to that, and neither should Iran.

So tell us, would you support military action against Iran if they choose to continue nuclear development and, therefore, the possiblity of war with Russian and China?

I refuse to answer rhetorical questions that have been posed as an answer to a previous question.  It simply illustrates the weakness of your argument by demonstrating that you have broad brushed *theories* for which you have no factual background.

Kindly demonstrate with facts/sources where Iran has ever indicated that they want nuclear power because they fear the depletion of their oil or natural gas reserves.

Thank you.
scoutfinch said:
I refuse to answer rhetorical questions that have been posed as an answer to a previous question.  It simply illustrates the weakness of your argument by demonstrating that you have broad brushed *theories* for which you have no factual background.

Kindly demonstrate with facts/sources where Iran has ever indicated that they want nuclear power because they fear the depletion of their oil or natural gas reserves.

Thank you.

Not sure why I have to do your research for you- mabye you're just too lazy. Read this...it may help you attain enlighenment...

In August 1974, the Shah envisioned a time when the world's oil supply would run out, and declared, "Petroleum is a noble material, much too valuable to burn... We envision producing, as soon as possible, 23 000 megawatts of electricity using nuclear plants." Bushehr would be the first plant, and would supply energy to the inland city of Shiraz. In 1975, the Bonn firm Kraftwerk Union AG, a joint venture of Siemens AG and AEG Telefunken, signed a contract worth $4 to $6 billion to build the pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant. Construction of the two 1,196 MWe nuclear generating units was subcontracted to ThyssenKrupp, and was to have been completed in 1981.


or mabye.....


So hard to keep ahead of the posts!!

scoutfinch said:
This isn't so much directed at you as it is to CanuckTroop.... but it is spelled *hegemony*.  And since the end of the Cold War, the US has been the sole superpower (also referred to as a hyperpower) which by definition means it has achieved hegemony (or is a hegemon, however you wish to express it).

I took it as a jab at the misspelling.  "hedge" being the key part, and the "growing them so tall" being the facetious comment.  It does loose something in the telling, though.

CanuckTroop said:
And like I said before, Iran has agreed to "intrusive inspections" so any attempt to enrich uranium to the grades necessary for producing a bomb would be found out. They would be caught in the act long before they ever got enough nuclear weapons to threaten Israel.

Were you to have taken the time and courtesy to read the  whole thread, one of the members who KNOWS what they are talking about indicated that by the time Iran had a sufficient amount of fissile matterial to run one reactor, they would have enough raw material to make several bombs.  Of course they would love to have inspectors watching.  That helps fuel the propaganda as to their nuclear threat.  Once they had the material they needed, they would punt the inspectors and crank out a bunch of bombs.  Have you ever heard of the concept of "hiding in plain view"?

CanuckTroop said:
Let's face it Israel supposedly has at least 200 weapons at this point. Iran has a long way to go and it would be a 200-1 nuclear exchange if they started launching anything- gee who wins that one? That's another thing I take issue with- The urgency with which the US is pursuing this hedgemony and the lack of Diplomacy being evidenced. There is no attempt to talk at all here, they're pushing for war asap. The US refuses to have direct talks with the Iranian leadership- what does that tell you? They don't want a diplomatic solution. The fact is diplomacy is what's needed here, not threats. Threatening Iran is only making them more bold and getting the young population there on the governments side.

Do you really think that if Iran has a nuclear device they will load it onto a sub orbital missile and launch it from a very identifiable ground position on a very traceable trajectory?  (Guess how it would be tracked...one guess....NORAD!! )It will be loaded onto a cargo container or in the back of a truck, and snuck into a city.  Then when it goes off, they won't claim responsibility, but there will be "leaks" that they in fact did it.  The MAD concept (and it is beyond stupidity to even suggest it) will not work when the one side does not have a sense of consequence.  If they WANT to die for their cause, then a nuke is the ultimate ride to glory. 
And BTW, the US isn't the only country that is interested in this scenario. 

CanuckTroop said:
IMO the US and UN (we're a member) cannot start another conflict in that region without disasterous results. Remember China and Russia don't even want sanctions. This is not the time to start WW3 (there is no good time for that). I don't wanna glow in the dark........how bout you?

Again with the nukes?!?!  Have you been in a time capsule since 1979?  All of the major powers have had nukes for decades and managed to get into lots of partisan dust ups without using them.  Russia is a shell of the nation it used to.  It couldn't possibly support a credible ground war at this point.  China is very concerned with getting all the Western money it can before it makes it's move.  They just like the idea of cheap oil and being chummy with a dark horse. 
Dude, you are so far out of your lane you better have off road tires on your computer. 
I think I'm just about done here.
Okay... let me rephrase it so you understand... how about providing some reliable, scholarly, academic sources.  Wikipedia doesn't cut it. 

Moreover, try reading the sources upon which you do rely.  The UPI article you have cited stated that Iran claimed that there were *many obstacles to exploitation and transfer of fossil fuel in the country*.  It said nothing about the depletion of its reserves.

Further to my last, you still haven't spoken to why Iran could not have nuclear energy that would not produce weapons material by-products.  
And quoting the Shah is pretty hilarious.  That was a big "no good deed goes unpunished".

This guy is a wanker who does not know anything about the subject matter.  I am going to withdraw from the thread with the hope that she/he/it will get bored and go away so that the thread may eventually return to its original state, which made for an interesting read... as contrasted to the comedy of errors that CanuckTroop has turned it into.

Have a good one.

China is very concerned with getting all the Western money it can before it makes it's move.  They just like the idea of cheap oil and being chummy with a dark horse.  
Dude, you are so far out of your lane you better have off road tires on your computer.  
I think I'm just about done here.

China has an economic weapon called United States treasury bills that if detonated, will cause more damage than a nuke going off in New York city. If the US decided to impose sanctions, and it appears that's the resolution that they're trying to get passed, they may well decide to use it. The fact is China now has TOO MUCH US money in their Forex reserves and want to dump it. The US is a sinking ship and pretty soon China will detach itself from the titanic. Then we'll see how much they like western money.

scoutfinch said:

This guy is a wanker who does not know anything about the subject matter.  I am going to withdraw from the thread with the hope that she/he/it will get bored and go away so that the thread may eventually return to its original state, which made for an interesting read... as contrasted to the comedy of errors that CanuckTroop has turned it into.

Have a good one.


Don't hit your ass on the way out!
CanuckTroop said:
China has an economic weapon called United States treasury bills that if detonated, will cause more damage than a nuke going off in New York city. If the US decided to impose sanctions, and it appears that's the resolution that they're trying to get passed, they may well decide to use it. The fact is China now has TOO MUCH US money in their Forex reserves and want to dump it. The US is a sinking ship and pretty soon China will detach itself from the titanic. Then we'll see how much they like western money.


You were sleeping in economics class weren't you ?

I was trying hard to stay away from this thread since you chimed in but now......you have realy slipped off the deep end.

CanuckTroop said:
Don't hit your *** on the way out!

Your attitude on this site will not win you any points...i fully expect " banned" to be besides your name by the end of the night
zipperhead_cop said:
Further to my last, you still haven't spoken to why Iran could not have nuclear energy that would not produce weapons material by-products.  
And quoting the Shah is pretty hilarious.  That was a big "no good deed goes unpunished".

Since you seem to know so much about nuclear power, how about the fact that you need 90% U235 to produce a nuclear weapon? Iran has just enriched it to 5%....bit of a difference math major. I've already spoken to your ignorant statement. Iran has said they will allow "intrusive inspections". You can't have a nuclear reactor producing 90% enriched uranium and not have the inspectors know about it......how do you think they know that Iran has enriched to 5%? THE INSPECTORS. I think it's time you reload bud cuz you're running outta ammo.
aesop081 said:

You were sleeping in economics class weren't you ?

I was trying hard to stay away from this thread since you chimed in but now......you have realy slipped off the deep end.

Your attitude on this site will not win you any points...i fully expect " banned" to be besides your name by the end of the night

Please explain economics to me. My BCom is apparently not sufficient to discuss foreign debt instruments. And how should I be banned, after he 's calling me a wanker. If I get banned for that, then it only proves my point that differing opinions are not allowed on this site. Try and be more open minded instead of launching emotional attacks.
CanuckTroop said:
Please explain economics to me. My BCom is apparently not sufficient to discuss foreign debt instruments. And how should I be banned, after he 's calling me a wanker. If I get banned for that, then it only proves my point that differing opinions are not allowed on this site. Try and be more open minded instead of launching emotional attacks.

Oh am i ever sorry i said anything......he has loonieversity !!  Can you spell big words like marmellade and hellamachopter too ?


Didnt know they had nuclear weapons classes for Bcom........

I guess my political science education will be enough to shut you up about Iranian politics then ?
aesop081 said:
Oh am i ever sorry i said anything......he has loonieversity !!  Can you spell big words like marmellade and hellamachopter too ?


Didnt know they had nuclear weapons classes for Bcom........

I guess my political science education will be enough to shut you up about Iranian politics then ?

Not if all you are capable of is random insults without any supporting evidence.
scoutfinch said:

This guy is a wanker who does not know anything about the subject matter.  I am going to withdraw from the thread with the hope that she/he/it will get bored and go away so that the thread may eventually return to its original state, which made for an interesting read... as contrasted to the comedy of errors that CanuckTroop has turned it into.

Have a good one.


Good call.  I just keep hoping it would get back to being an informed thread, as opposed to a Mike Moore wanna be hijacking what was an interesting topic with things so stupid and untenable, it is hard to even know where to start to shoot them down.  Have you noticed the conspiracy child's tendency to only focus on semantics and rhetoric, though?  Another tool that can't answer the hard questions, or come up with reality based solutions. 
I'm sure you are a huge hit with the hairy armpit girls at your local Starbucks, CT. 

ZHC, out.