Crispy Bacon said:
It'd be interesting to see a list compiled of all the benefits that have been cut/frozen/scaled back in this "death by a thousand cuts." You'd think, if that list was compiled, there would be a lot more advocacy against said cuts and the cumulative effect it's had/is having on our members.
Here are a few that come to mind for me:
1) Elimination of severance pay
2) Increased pension contributions
3) Elimination of mortgage cancellation fee reimbursement on posting (though some banks will now waive, but onus is on the member, and not guaranteed)
4) Other scaled-back IRP entitlements
5) Scaled-back IR entitlements
6) Pay for parking (location dependant)
7) Increased PSHCP premiums in retirement
8. New veterans charter (lump sum vs pension)
9) Curtailment/elimination of Class B double-dip opportunities
10) 25 years service (versus 20) for immediate annuity
11) Elimination of annual leave accumulation (admittedly quite a few yrs ago now, but during my time in)
12) FY 13/14 pay increase of 1.5% (2013 inflation 1.24%; currently 2.4% for Jul 14)
A couple of others that I have heard talked about that I wouldn't be surprised if done away with or significantly curtailed:
1) Final IPR move within same geographic locn
2) OUTCAN posting benefits (FSP, PSA, PLA, etc)
On the plus side, if you stick around for 28+ years you get another week of annual leave, which is nice I guess. Can't think of any other policy changes lately that have enhanced my overall compensation package though.
I like my job, and I'm not sniveling, but these are the facts. I'm sure there are likely others, both pro and con. Have at 'er.