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Homophobic Tory apologized for his remarks

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OTTAWA AND TORONTO — Conservative MP Tom Lukiwski apologized Thursday after the Saskatchewan NDP released a 16-year-old videotape featuring him and a young Brad Wall that contains sexist, racist and homophobic comments.

The video was taped in 1991, inside the Progressive Conservative campaign headquarters of Grant Devine who was making an unsuccessful bid for re-election as Saskatchewan premier. It was released by the Saskatchewan NDP Thursday, after it was found in an office.

It features several shots of a young staff clowning around. In it Mr. Lukiwski tells the camera: “There's A's and there's B's. The A's are guys like me. The B's are homosexual faggots with dirt on their fingernails that transmit diseases.”

Lukiwski appeared to be a  a smart man, too bad he clueless about video cameras...
If we all had to be jacked up for the young/dumb things we did 15-20 years ago when we were partying and showing off, this site would be sparsely populated....
So one joke and he's a homophobe??? I guess most of the population in Canada are then.  ::)
I consider that qualifies as more than just a joke. Plus, I'm not sure where the humour lies in that comment.

Many of us criticize others for things we did 16 years ago. GAP is correct, as is MG34. This was a snippet of a video at a party by the look of it.
A wise man once said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". It appears to me that the Opposition parties are attempting to make political hay over a 16 year old video tape. I wonder what video of who will pop up next?
Acts of desperation by the desperate opposition. Plain and simple.

Lukiwski's derogatory comment is made early in the recording after the cameraman makes a comment about him being old.

"As we say on tour, I may be old but I'm fucking A," Lukiwski responds.

The camerman retorts: "And who is this A person?"

"Well let me put it to you this way. There's As and there's Bs. The As are guys like me. The Bs are homosexual faggots with dirt under their fingernails that transmit diseases," Lukiwski says.

This is not a joke. He went out of his way to bring up homosexuality. The way he describes homosexuals suggests he has (or at least had) a deep hatred for them. Anyone trying to excuse this away as a tasteless joke needs their head checked. What if he made an equally disturbing comment about race? Would people be saying "oh he was drinking at a party, no big deal"? If you're a politician, you have to be ready to have everything about you examined, especially your past. Unless this guy has had an epiphany in the last 16 years, he shouldn't be in office.
Kilo if any of us were held to account for stupid things we said when at a party or where ever none of us would have a job. The context of the times (1992) have to be kept in mind. Hind sight is 20/20.
Luckily my job doesn't include representing Canadians in his riding (some of whom are probably homosexual), or holding a political office. Obviously we have all said stupid things at a party (or outside of parties on numerous occasions in my case). But read what he said closely. It doesn't seem like an offhand tasteless remark to me. Again, if he had a made a comment about a racial minority group, would we be so quick to use the "party" excuse? I am merely saying that serious questions should be asked as to whether or not he still feels that way.
I wonder how the Liberals or NDP would react if it were one of their members put under the microscope for something they said 16 years ago?
I can tell you right now, there would be a great deal of hand wringing, apologies and consternation over it. Then the inevidable question: Why are you making such a big deal of this,,,it was 16 years ago!!
This is ridiculous. He's apologized. Move on. It's done.
Funny when I read his quote I think he is implying that he is gay

"As we say on tour, I may be old but I'm ******* A," Lukiwski responds.    <--- He says he is F*cking "A"

The camerman retorts: "And who is this A person?"  <--------  Who is A?

"Well let me put it to you this way. There's As and there's Bs. The As are guys like me. The Bs are homosexual faggots with dirt under their fingernails that transmit diseases," Lukiwski says

A's are guys like him!  So essentially he is F*cking guys like himself, or in this case he has totally F*cked himself

That's funny. When I read that quote, it sounds like an incredibly offensive homophobic remark.

I'm not speculating or commenting on Lukiwski's viewpoints now 16 years down the road. But just taking it as it was....yep, pretty brutal thing to say. I've told a few 'newfie' jokes in my day, but *please*. If this is the kind of banter that is still considered just a "joke" amongst the majority, then I'm extremely worried.

Not to mention, these comments were made *at* campaign headquarters while knowingly being videotaped *and* in direct response to a comment made by the cameraman. He was general manager for the PC's at the time. We're not exactly talking about 18-year old frat boy talk at a kegger that's come back to haunt him. I don't feel sorry for him now that he has to answer for these comments.

Either way, it's not like he got sacked. He's apologized, so fair enough. Let's move on...

**edited for spelling**
C'mon people... get real.  I don't care when or why or how these comments were said.... they are offensive.  Even the guy who said it recognizes it and had the stones to make a pretty far reaching apology.  To post here and defend the making of these comments is asinine.

It could be very easy to chalk this up as simply something stupid done when someone was "young and foolish" in a time when this was the norm.  But thinking back to the early 90's, if something similar had been said in public by a politician there would have have been a like uproar.  Seventeen years ago was not the "dark ages" and acceptable public behaviour did not include racist, homophobic or misogynist comments.  While the internet, cellular phone cameras and other technology that can almost instantly broadcast your most embarrassing moments worldwide were not there in the early 90's, more than one celebrity , politician, police department or military (can anyone say Somalia) had been embarrassed by video of compromising behaviour.

As well, what does such behaviour say about a man, who was then 39 or 40 years old, who, though not yet elected to office, had many years experience in the political arena.  It is said that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks".  Obviously no one taught that old dog any usefull tricks, even when he was young.
Lighten up folks! No one condones the crass comments made by individuals many years ago during a party where, no doubt, a few wobbly pops were consumed. We, as a society, should be able to cut some slack to anyone who has some minor lapses in judgement. No need to turn something like this into some major drama.
Jed said:
Lighten up folks! No one condones the crass comments made by individuals many years ago during a party where, no doubt, a few wobbly pops were consumed. We, as a society, should be able to cut some slack to anyone who has some minor lapses in judgement. No need to turn something like this into some major drama.

Major drama would be picketing in front of his office or providing example of letter to send to him. Not there yet. People are just expressing theirs opinions
of what that person said.

Since when alcohol can make it OK to be homophobic ? And since when being homophobic is a minor lapse in judgement ?  He make offensive ignorants comments
(that's not a joke, some homophobic jokes are funny, that ain't fun, that is just plenty crass ignorant sh*t), in front of a camera, in a party headquarter, in an era ("90) at an age (past 40) when he knew better.

I guess I'm one of the politically incorrect then. I think its time to lock this up. Maybe if we drag a skeleton out of everyone's closet....and I'm sure that most of you have one or two that couldn't bear public scrutiny.
He's apologised. Leave it at that.
OldSolduer said:
. . . Maybe if we drag a skeleton out of everyone's closet....and I'm sure that most of you have one or two that couldn't bear public scrutiny.  He's apologised. Leave it at that.

However, the difference is that he is not "everyone".  He is a politician by choice.  He sought and accepted nomination and campaigned for "public" office.  With that comes the expectation that everything he has done, is doing and will do in the future will be subject to public scrutiny.  I already judge all politicians as hypocrites.  It is the microscopic examination of their public lives (everything they do when there is anyone else around) that allows the electorate to judge the scale of their hypocrisy.
perhaps if this guy is truly repent, in addition to his apology, he could do a bit of work with the gay community or aids victims.
Its offensive.
He said he is sorry.
If the voters want to turf him they should, but honestly he has shown himself to be (in this situation) an ignorant homophobic moron, he shouldnt be forced to resign or have legal things happen to him for god sakes!
Its not like he is the only person who says homophobic things, a lot of people can say homophobic things and not be homophobic, its part of the broader culture that makes it difficult to be gay.


As to if he is really homophobic, who knows.
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