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Homophobic Tory apologized for his remarks

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Yes! In today's PC Culture it is offensive.  It was, however, almost two decades ago when the PC movement was no where what it is today.  It was at a social function that included alcohol, at a time before alcohol became tabu and no longer an excuse.  It was no doubt run through several digitalizers to upgrade the quality of the tape (Has anyone ever kept Video tapes at home, not properly stored, and had good quality video after ten years?) by an "Opposition Party" whose objective is questionable. 

I wonder what we would find on old tapes of NDP'ers out for a few ales, from two decades ago?

The man has apologized publicly.  The Gay and Lesbian Community has accepted his apology, but do not forgive him (as stated on the  CTV news by one of their representatives.)

Time to move on to our next Political Controversy.  ::)
Here's the thing, I dont think there is any time limit on bad behaviour  - 16 months, or 16 years.  If he is truly changed, I would like to know how he has since behaved towards Gay and Lesbian Canadians and what is his position on their legal rights.
sgf said:
Here's the thing, I dont think there is any time limit on bad behaviour  - 16 months, or 16 years.  If he is truly changed, I would like to know how he has since behaved towards Gay and Lesbian Canadians and what is his position on their legal rights.

Although I would like to think people will change over a decade or two, as I have witnessed on this site, some just never do.  You may have a point; and you may not. 

I was stupid, thougthless and insensitive.

Yes, he was. I however have to say that his apology is one of the best of these last few years.
He didn't hid in a coin, give a 5 minutes statement made by professional and recognise that
his comments were made (didn't try a they blink the tape).

I like his apology. didn't change my mind on his comments...

If the voters don't like him, or what he said, they'll have opportunity soon enough to vote him back in or turf him.

The morally outraged had better take a long stare in the mirror before they presume to judge others.

If the opposition wants to set the campaign bar for the election by starting down low in the mud, they had better watch their step. It will come back and bite them in the ass.
Homosexuality was still a condition for which you could be removed from service in the CF right up till 1991.  Perhaps all of us Neanderthals that served at that time as well as all those in government should publicly apologize for our implicit support of that directive.

Was it wrong of him to hold those views, sure it was and is, has he changed?  Surely that would be easy enough to confirm or deny.

The voters will have their say.

This brings me to a thought though.  Within our PC, white bread world where everyone knows and or understands that there are things that "you just shouldn't say" or beliefs that are too distasteful to voice we are allowing the homophobe, racist and biggot and chauvinist to exist, to hide beneath a PC veneer.

I know a guy who came back from Germany at the same time as I did.  When We got to pet we began to hang out a little, everything seemed fine.  then one day he's at my house for a coffee and he starts going on about "those people" and "nig-nogs" and all sorts of other racial slurs.  I was floored.  I kicked him out of my home and I've never spoken to him again.

The reason I tell this story is because had it not been for PC I would have known just what a piece of crap this guy was.  I and everyone else would have been able to ostracize and condemn him publicly and viscerally at every turn every time he opened his mouth and spouted his crap.

Instead we insist on politically correct speech, and like rats these people are able to live, some even thrive in the sewer just beyond our reach.

“The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.”
Reccesoldier said:
Homosexuality was still a condition for which you could be removed from service in the CF right up till 1991.  Perhaps all of us Neanderthals that served at that time as well as all those in government should publicly apologize for our implicit support of that directive.

I'm sure gays in the military are simply happy to be able to fully and openly serve their country, unlike our U.S. counterparts.

sgf said:
Here's the thing, I dont think there is any time limit on bad behaviour  - 16 months, or 16 years.  .

Here's the thing,......your a moron. I was in big trouble 32 years ago and I guess your world I'm still a pathetic criminal.

No I'm sure you would forgive me since I'm not a card carrying Conservative. ::)


Folks, don't let your political stripe make a complete idiot out of you.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Here's the thing,......your a moron. I was in big trouble 32 years ago and I guess your world I'm still a pathetic criminal.

No I'm sure you would forgive me since I'm not a card carrying Conservative. ::)


Folks, don't let your political stripe make a complete idiot out of you.

I meant what I said about there is no time limit on bad behaviour, its all part of what makes a person. I certainly do realize that everyone has made bad mistakes, spoken out of turn, etc.. I also realize that people do change and learn from their mistakes. I am just really not buying that this guy has changed his feelings all that much. He certainly has said he was sorry, but I have to wonder if hes truly sorry or sorry that the tape came out. I would be more inclined to believe him if he would step up and do a bit of work with Aids Victims, donate some of his time and use his position to ensure that the message gets out that its not correct to call Gays a faggot. Frankly I could care less if hes a Lib or a Con, I would think the same of anyone in this position.
sgf said:
I meant what I said about there is no time limit on bad behaviour, its all part of what makes a person. I certainly do realize that everyone has made bad mistakes, spoken out of turn, etc.. I also realize that people do change and learn from their mistakes. I am just really not buying that this guy has changed his feelings all that much. He certainly has said he was sorry, but I have to wonder if hes truly sorry or sorry that the tape came out. I would be more inclined to believe him if he would step up and do a bit of work with Aids Victims, donate some of his time and use his position to ensure that the message gets out that its not correct to call Gays a faggot. Frankly I could care less if hes a Lib or a Con, I would think the same of anyone in this position.
Well, I for one, think he is sincere, and he needn't prove it further. I guess I just take people at face value till they prove otherwise.

Opinions are like assholes................
sgf said:
Frankly I could care less if hes a Lib or a Con, I would think the same of anyone in this position.

Bullshit,.....if this was a Liberal or an NDP instead of a Conservative this whole thread would have the exact same posts, the only difference would be whom was posting them.

Its no wonder we send mindless plonkers to Ottawa, they just evolve from the mindless wannabe plonkers whom post in threads like this.

Ya know, I'm starting to think most of those whom only post in the political parts of this forum would have followed Hitler had he been "their" party leader.
One thing that I do agree with is this


Folks, don't let your political stripe make a complete idiot out of you.
One thing the media and population forget is how people grow and opinions change as time goes on.

Let me see, what did I believe in 1991?
-Women had no place in the Cbt Arms and,
-Gays have no place in our military....

But times have changed, my opinions and beliefs with them to the point where I think that what I used to believe 15-20 years ago were not correct to the point of idiocy.

That video was a grand attempt to brand certian politicians. Too bad for those lower life forms who made it public, the effects will not last until the next election.

There is no condoning the MP's words........however,

If the tape had quietly stayed on the shelf, who would be offended?

The words are offensive, so we broadcast them far and wide and make sure we are all offended by them?

In a sense the NDP have employed a double standard. Their motive was of course to embarrass the government. Maybe the MP doesn't get re-elected. Maybe he shouldn't.
But, trotting crap out of the past to offend everyone with, does nothing at all to further the values they are trying to defend. As such, my frail sensibilities were offended by the actions of the NDP.  That they made a stooge out of a Conservative was no great thing.

Just a thought.... ;)  

Ultimately it will backfire on the opposition if they keep pushing for his resignation, and constantly harping about it in the Commons. It will become more and more obvious that this whole hoopla was never about concern for gays and lesbians, and more about gaining cheap political points. How can anyone be sure what prejudices lay in the hearts and minds of any politician, really? Isn't it perfectly possible for a politician to pretend to be sympathetic cause, just for the sake of gaining votes (this is a question that doesn't even *need* to be answered)?

The apology has been given, and if he decides to do anything further to show his change of heart, that should be his decision and he shouldn't be forced into anything to save face. It should be genuine, or else it's a useless gesture.

Beyond that, I say that Ottawa should return to business as usual (if they ever really do it in the first place, instead of useless bickering). 

Flip said:
There is no condoning the MP's words........however,

If the tape had quietly stayed on the shelf, who would be offended?

The words are offensive, so we broadcast them far and wide and make sure we are all offended by them?

In a sense the NDP have employed a double standard. Their motive was of course to embarrass the government. Maybe the MP doesn't get re-elected. Maybe he shouldn't.
But, trotting crap out of the past to offend everyone with, does nothing at all to further the values they are trying to defend. As such, my frail sensibilities were offended by the actions of the NDP.  That they made a stooge out of a Conservative was no great thing.

Just a thought.... ;)  

but the NDP could have saved this tape until the middle of an election.. and didnt.
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