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Stay fit, keep focus and don't give up. Keep positive and keep your finger cross. Anyway, looking at other options is never a bad idea but I hope you'll get where you would like to go.
Your experience as a 26 year old is not an uncommon one - transgendered or not. Here I am, 31 years old and still trying to find the right job for me. I had to leave my "good" job four years ago and my jobs since then have been to merely pay the bills and live, as you said.

If you really want to join the army -- keep at it. If your medical says (for whatever reason) you can't do it, work at rectifying it through the appeals processes. If it means you need to set aside your personal life goals in order to obtain a lifelong dream of being in the army, then maybe it's what you need to do.

To give you an example, I'm setting aside my personal  life (dating/having a family) in order to join the forces. I've given up a lot the past six months, to join the forces. I've also gained a lot in the past six months, to join the forces.

I've also learned to "not settle". If you really want this, do what you need to do in order to get there. I know a lot of the debate before was revolving around the timing of transitioning, etc. That's up to you to decide, it's a personal choice. It's not much different than me wanting to start a family... it takes a while to do, can offset when you can/can't join but - it's a decision you need to make

I hope your medical clears. I hope you get to where you need to go. The army is full of all kinds of people :) Both sexes, all sizes, all backgrounds, etc. You will get there, it's just a matter of "when".

Like anyone not cleared medically, you just have to work on whatever the medical "issue" is... for some, it's making sure old injuries are taken care of (which was my case).

Good luck with everything :)

Thank you armychick2009!

I called the RC earlier and stated they are still waiting. They thought it was odd that it is taking this long to get a response from Ottawa, guessing maybe it is the extra air force requirements. So they will send off an email to find out what is holding it up.

I finally received a response from medical...and they are requesting for information I thought I already provided and even offered to provide originally. Medical staff already left for the day, so will have to wait until tomorrow to call them and ask specifically what they need. Alternatively, I can send everything that covers every single aspect of it legally, medically, and liability wise, which may risk swamping them with stuff they do not need/request.

Since the supervisors/bosses of medical section are gone for the holidays, I will have to wait until January 4th as the RC still waiting for the return of my medical file, hence cannot answer my questions. It did get noted by the person I spoken to that they found it odd I would receive a letter and delayed when according to everything she did have, I am fit. Indeed, until after the holidays and more waiting...

I wouldn't send anything more than what they ask. Any extra stuff, could just create more "stuff", which I don't think you really want.

Wait until the holidays are over, enjoy this time and start the new year fresh :)
armychick2009 said:
I wouldn't send anything more than what they ask. Any extra stuff, could just create more "stuff", which I don't think you really want.

True, but feel like I need to educate, and that while I prove with documents (As I am unable any other way until BMQ) that I am fit in every way (body and mind) they should prove why I am not as we start delving more into the politics than the medical. 

Wait until the holidays are over, enjoy this time and start the new year fresh :)

Will do. :)
mellian said:
as we start delving more into the politics than the medical. 

Yes because there is obviously some great conspiracy within DND to keep you out.

mellian said:
they should prove why I am not

"They" [a POTENTIAL employer] have no such obligation......

mellian said:
as we start delving more into the politics than the medical. 

And in reference to your "Report" I believe CDN Aviator's response is warrented  in regards to the "politics" line you dropped.

If I may offer some advice here, [and I'm serious] the world does not stay up at night trying to decide on how we are going to screw Mellian over the next day.
mellian said:
True, but feel like I need to educate, and that while I prove with documents (As I am unable any other way until BMQ) that I am fit in every way (body and mind) they should prove why I am not as we start delving more into the politics than the medical. 

mod mode

I've just read your report and the current issue you have.

There is no dog pile here, nor will there be one. No one has misconstrued what you've posted.

If you feel the urge to reply, feel free to do so.

/Army.ca mod mode

Now for my own take on this situation.

You will be processed through the CFRC in due course and not one moment sooner, regardless of your age, gender, race, religious background etc, just like everyone else.

If it means that they have to pull your medical records officially or wait until an MO puts his blessings on it, so be it.

You are not special and I'm sure there are literally dozens of potential recruits, such as yourself, going through the same thing.

The CF has a tendency to be a slow, lethargic beast at times...you might as well get used to it now.

Be patient.

Given that mellian is quebecoise, I suspect that her mother tongue is french.  "Politics" may simply be a poor translation of "politique", or "policy".  So, we may be delving more into the policies than the medical sounds more likely.

But, if she means "politics" in the anglo-saxon sense of the word, then yes, the conspiracy is on.
Technoviking said:
Given that mellian is quebecoise, I suspect that her mother tongue is french.  "Politics" may simply be a poor translation of "politique", or "policy".  So, we may be delving more into the policies than the medical sounds more likely.

Yes, that is the context that I was using it in. I am bilingual and certain expressions and meanings get mixed in from one language to another, especially living in Montreal and job hunting in french.

Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
You are not special and I'm sure there are literally dozens of potential recruits, such as yourself, going through the same thing.

Actually, problem I am facing with medical is to prove that I am not special and that I can make the requirements of the CF like everyone that get accepted.

Literally dozens? In my exact or similar gray area circumstances that is applying or has applied to the CF? It would be awesome to see the numbers, as would require a policy to be in place for sure.
mellian said:
Literally dozens? In my exact or similar gray area circumstances that is applying or has applied to the CF? It would be awesome to see the numbers, as would require a policy to be in place for sure.

I was speculating....hence the "I'm sure...".

Seeing as there are literally hundreds of potential recruits trying to get in I'd surmise that there would be some very similar cases as your own pending approval.

It's a paperwork thing. Shit happens.

To be clear:

- I am not special and never claimed to be, nor do I seek any special treatment or to become a special case. It is quite the opposite, I expect and seek to be seen, treated and considered equally like everyone else under the same rules and policies, hence pushing and fighting for not being special in anyway.

- If I get denied under medical, I would like to have to be something clear cut like failing ECG, blood work, fitness and other present requirements (which all would prove why I would not be approved). Not a slippery slope or social or some other non-medical related or non-fitness related reason (which would not prove why I would not be approved), especially if there is no clear-cut policy or standards or procedure on the subject for whatever reason and that as already been legally covered provincially and federally requirements. If it becomes the latter, than I will use provided processes to appeal until such a time a clear-cut reason like former is provided why I would not be approved or they stop being treated as special and by other procedures or rules not used with the rest of the applicants.

- My responsibility now is to prove why I am not special to medical via documentation Ottawa ask for and possibly may not ask for depending on what they ask for when I inquire with medical at the Montreal RC after holidays who already signed me off as fit and asked for some signed documents which Ottawa is asking for again.

- No one or organization or institution owes me anything.

- Everything I actually personally do or say is always my fault and responsibility.

- This is a public message board and not the CF as per milnet.ca guidelines.

- Not commenting on this further until I have further updates after the holidays, so now off to take some hours off from this.

edit: This message board is too slow for quick edits...
See, that's the thing with the 'Report to Mod' button. We all get to see it, including your little snit about me closing your thread. Please carry on. You're only justifying my previous decisions. From now on, if you have a problem with the way I do my job, take it up with the site owner.

Milnet.ca Staff
There are some fairly unique aspects to Mellian's application, and that is all that I will say.

Her expectations and frustrations may not be "special" in magnitude, but they are valid nonetheless.
I called the medical section of the RC a hour ago. They were not able to completely confirm what they are requesting as they agreed the letter is a bit vague, but said will take whatever I have and send it off again to Ottawa to see if it fulfills their info request which in the end really legal confirmation than medical.

Beyond that, I have been chosen for my roller derby league's A-Travel Team where I will get to play at higher competitive level. After the experiences of 2009 travel bouts and the WFTDA National champions winning more out of pure endurance, we are also stepping up our own practice discipline and endurance drills. 3-4 km worth of laps in 10 minutes, suicides, pyramids, more push ups/situps, and so on, 2010 is going to be a great derby year. Hence now feeling less impatient presently about the medical delay, hoping to sport the neon colors (we like to obnoxiously blind our opponents) and play several bouts before possibly heading off to BMQ. Now that I have a stopwatch, can start doing proper derby version of Tabitha training as well. 
I received two calls after I woke up for the day, one after the other. The first is confirmation I will get a letter by the end of the month to reinforce the medical side. The second is from the Sergeant I spoke to on the phone the other day. She called Ottawa to get clarifications on the letter for me. As I thought, this will be more of a legal and policy issue than medical, so the information I will provide will focus on that. At least the RC is willing to send the file again to Ottawa with the new information. I may write a letter to summarize the information I will provide, as well quote some of the medical policy that was given to me as part of the medical process. There is no way I am falling in the damn crack.
I spent the last several hours reading up on the Canadian Forces Medical Standards (http://www.forces.gc.ca/health-sante/pd/default-eng.asp) and some of the references (the links that work anyway and could find on google). I also tried to find appeal process info in case they refuse still with the next batch of information I will be providing, but yet to find anything on that even on milnet (with the search and google, with variety of terms and conditions).

The Standards are there for a reason for sure, but the reason they 'temporary refused until further information is provided'  is not specifically listed like myriad of others medical stuff they consider limitations, and the part where it is applicable is left generally empty and references a medical guide. Not a law or policy, but a guide. According to this guide, which the letters from some doctors I already provided and will provide, and life experiences of last decade, I am not suffering from it (at least not anymore) and the treatment listed are optional which they referenced from the letter and when I got more info is not required nor exclusively the only treatment.

Since I already long fulfilled requires of that guide and legal requirements, hence no present limitations from it and no legal liability concerns...I am not special nor a special case, and should be considered and treated like any other applicants. Since apart from that, the RC said I made all other medical requirements within the Standards, really no grounds standards and policy wise to be disqualified from joining (unless they find something else or/and proves that obstacle somehow does pose some kind of actual medical limitation that has no thing to do with personal opinion or social as per the Medical Standards).

So yes...I am presently hyper and felt like writing what I found mainly so others the similar or same circumstances as me that come to Milnet  can find it and possibly help with their application process.

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