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Hey look, another one...

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Obligatory Penny-Arcade comic posting (Link does contain rude language if that's an issue): http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19/
mellian said:
That may be true to some extent, but the context is not the same.
Do you agree with anything anyone say's besides yourself?

gcclarke said:
Obligatory Penny-Arcade comic posting (Link does contain rude language if that's an issue): http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19/

Nice one!
mellian said:
I am placed in this box and archetype, and no matter what I say, even if I openly agree or just shut up or follow what I am told, I am forever seen as such from then on. Just saying.

If you recognize this, what have you learned from it?  Perhaps it may be an indicator that you may want to seriously reevaluate your perception of events happening around you and the logic you use to develop your concept of how things operate in society. 
George Wallace said:
If you recognize this, what have you learned from it?  Perhaps it may be an indicator that you may want to seriously reevaluate your perception of events happening around you and the logic you use to develop your concept of how things operate in society.

For the pass hour and when I wrote that, I was thinking how I approach a discussion and how I am perceived as a result, and the differences and perceptions of how I approach a discussion in person, offline. I am told to do this or that, yet I thought I have while I have the perception that they haven't themselves, so who is right or wrong, or both right or wrong in these perceptions. Same subject, in different areas of the internet, yet same general result despite contexts and expressing different perspectives.

That is where my head was when I wrote that. Yet you understood as meaning something different, on how I see and understand the world.

I am over thinking this.

mellian said:
For the pass hour and when I wrote that, I was thinking how I approach a discussion and how I am perceived as a result, and the differences and perceptions of how I approach a discussion in person, offline. I am told to do this or that, yet I thought I have while I have the perception that they haven't themselves, so who is right or wrong, or both right or wrong in these perceptions. Same subject, in different areas of the internet, yet same general result despite contexts and expressing different perspectives.

That is where my head was when I wrote that. Yet you understood as meaning something different, on how I see and understand the world.

I am over thinking this.

Apparently, yes.
mellian said:
For the pass hour and when I wrote that, I was thinking how I approach a discussion and how I am perceived as a result,

Every discussion you have been in has been picking a cause and even though your proven wrong you just continue and continue.If it wasn't from a MOD locking that dragqueen thread you would still be there fighting for transsexual rights.And then to top it all off a transgendered person comes on and DISAGREE's with you.

And from what I have seen of your discussions, I think if it wasn't locked you would be fighting with the tranny about the subject.

Taking a firm stance on certain subjects is fine, I have and will.However half the time your talking about the military and you have zero experience in anything.I noticed your age at 25 and I was surprised.I had figured you for a 18 year old by your rhetoric.Keep in mind many members here had 7-8 years punched in the service by the time they were 25.Seeing you were in your mid twenties surprised me.

Why not try and stick to discussing what you know for a while.You have been shot down by male's,females,and transgendered people on the site so far!
X-mo-1979 said:
Every discussion you have been in has been picking a cause and even though your proven wrong you just continue and continue.If it wasn't from a MOD locking that dragqueen thread you would still be there fighting for transsexual rights.And then to top it all off a transgendered person comes on and DISAGREE's with you.

From my understanding and perception of the discussion, I was talking about one thing which gets misunderstood and taken as something else despite trying to be clearer, and then question points or arguments which I perceived as incorrect or presumptuous. I am trying to have a civil discussion, and I am perceived to be some kind of troll instead. As for Radargrrl, she did not write anything that contradicts what I said, from my perception and understanding.

Why not try and stick to discussing what you know for a while.You have been shot down by male's,females,and transgendered people on the site so far!

That is what I thought I was doing. I know about protesting I have done it and been there, and tried introduce a perspective. I know about trans stuff because I have been involved with trans activism and from my own experiences, hence the specific question I started the discussion with which got somewhat derailed with the article. I do not go on about something I have no absolute nothing about or lacking of apart from asking questions to learn.

Is it not possible many of you automatically perceive me as one thing just because I am not in CF (yet hopefully) and my age, and because I touched on controversial topics which in turn colors perceptions of anything I say afterward?

Someone mentioned to me yesterday could be because I do not do enough acknowledging of other viewpoints and virtual nodding and uh uhs, hence people feel I am not listening...which I also feel myself at times, hence more posts in attempt to clarify. 
mellian said:
Is it not possible many of you automatically perceive me as one thing just because I am not in CF (yet hopefully) and my age, and because I touched on controversial topics which in turn colors perceptions of anything I say afterward?

Ah, i see. It is everyone else's fault but yours right ?

Its not about being in the CF or not. You keep acting like you are now when ( and if) you get into the forces and you will get the same response, no matter what the subject.

Get off your high horse, you are nothing special. You are not smarter than everyone else.

As i told you before, you are behaving like my 14-year old kid.
mellian said:
No. Not what I meant. Never claim to be. If you say so.

Let me leave you with one more thought :

If you are being misunderstood by everyone, it is not their fault. It is yours.

To be frank, it seems to me that you are more suited for a career as a professional crusader than public service.
My apologies for posting through the lock.

Well, I do not fully understand, but that is not necessarily Mellian's fault. This is, in case anybody's forgotten or was never aware in the first place, a pretty poor method of communication, and no method of communication is really much better.

We've seen people here in violent agreement with each other at times, not realizing that they were saying exactly the same thing, using slightly different words, and continue the argument to a lock.

I do not find it surprising, then, when people with different backgrounds and experiences and viewpoints from the majority of site members have a little more trouble being understood/making themselves understood.

I have no problem with that, or the "unique" poster his/herself, so long as the discussion/argument is cordial and respectful.

I do not know what Mellian is really like based upon her posts. Sometimes I find it easy to judge somebody (although I might be wrong occasionally), but not so much this time. Bafflement piques my interest, as I am usually drawn to the unconventional and that which, to me, is novel and not-yet-understood. Perhaps, if "lefties" find her too right-wingy as she has said, and we find her too lefty, she is not so far out-of-balance as those on either side seem to think.

I await her posts after she has spent some time in and shared some of our experiences.

She has certainly generated some interesting, if not necessarily conventional (for this site) or comfortable (for some people), discussion and I see that as beneficial to all, at least those with open minds.

I do not see "the tranny" (and I hope that the earlier use of that term here was not intended to be as disrespectful and dismissive as it seemed), aka RadarGrrl, as disagreeing with Mellian substantially. She said "I can understand why one can't join up while mid-transition.  If you're transitioning, you're placed on TCat, therefore can't train.  So why bring on somebody they can't train?  However, there are a few grey areas here". That looks more like a clarification than a contradiction to me.

It is indeed a grey area. Transexuals are still a new experience for the CF and, given the number, will not fully be understood for some time to come. The CF is bound by Canadian law and, until that changes to better reflect the reality of their needs and realities, and balance those with society's needs and realities, there is little choice at present. Clear, all-encompassing, CF policy is unlikely to appear soon either, given the complexities. I suspect that individual cases are being individually assessed on their own merits for now, and that is the best that we can achieve today. We certainly cannot presume that a given person going through this is a suitable candidate just because they have reached a certain point in the physical process. We cannot afford to, as we deal with harsh realities on a daily basis. I am a big believer in individual rights, but "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few", to quote a certain Vulcan, apply here.

I will freely admit that I am uncomfortable with the concepts of sex-change and male homosexuality, and that is unlikely to change. That does not prevent me from trying to understand better, or treat these people as they deserve.

Regardless, despite the controversial nature of Mellian's preferred topics, the discussion and argument seems to remain within the bounds of civility - thank-you Mellian and everybody else.
I found out today that my file was sent to Ottawa two weeks ago, so it spent six weeks staying at here in Montreal. At least it is not being delayed for other reasons, and now restarting the waiting time clock to two weeks. Average time of response I have been told is five weeks, so we will see by next month. :p
Still no word yet about the medical, despite being five weeks now since it was actually sent to Ottawa, and may be some months yet being December and all. I will try calling Monday to get an update.

While looking for other work as the present part-time employment will not be suffice to fulfill financial requirements, the series of thought as what I will be doing with my life and career as return. About the same time as last year too when I decided to apply for the CF.

Also not sure what I could do or offer, as it feels like now at 26, I have nothing to show that truly counts. Probably lack of self-confidence talking, about but I just do not what I can do contribute. So far, all of the employments I ever had is just a means to provide income that is required to survive. To continue going on that path feels wasteful, and pointless.

So looking around for something that I can do, yet different, and then see if I am qualified for it...as alternatives in case I do not get merit listed, and also until then too. I would something where I can make a difference, and that is beneficial beyond bureaucracy and help make money for someone or company, something more direct. Most of my experience and skills is technical and volunteer/non-profit organizations. Something I can feel competent, confident, and ambitious for.

Possibilities I am looking into is Canadian Border Services Agency, Nav Canada, Security work, and similar.
Thank you for the update, Mellian.  I hope you get a job offer from the CF. It will turn your life around, and your family will be very proud of you in uniform!
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