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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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So . . . two, based on the names only. Strong case.

In northwestern Ontario, many First Nation members have Scottish surnames. Never saw one wearing a kilt or flying the Satire.
C'mon lenaitch, now I gotta google it for you too? I didn't know you were in the Air Force.. Just kidding.

1-Eli Grossman:
“Activism and being pro peace has never been separate from my Jewish identity,” said Eli Grossman, one of the students who was arrested.


2- Ariela Rosenzweig:
Ariela Rosenzweig: I grew up in Brookline, a suburb of Boston. And I grew up in a very traditional, establishment, Zionist American Jewish family. I went to Jewish day school. My parents are big supporters of AIPAC.


Guys, I really recommend listening to or reading the works of many Israeli and/or Jewish anti-zionist intellectuals. Palestinians are not resisting Israeli occupation because it's Jewish (as much as Israel would like to frame it to be) ... But because it's an occupation, period (whether it was atheist, Christian, hindu or even Muslim occupation).

Here's a brief list of prominent Jewish scholars who are anti-zionist (and not just a kid with daddy issues like Mosab Hassan Yousef 😉):
  • Ilan Pappé - Jewish Israeli Historian
  • Daniel levy - British–Israeli analyst and former Israeli negotiator in the Peace process in the 90's
  • Avi Shlaim - Israeli and British historian
  • Gideon Levy - Israeli journalist and author.
  • Norman Finkelstein - Jewish American political scientist and son of Holocaust-survivors
  • Noam Chomsky... Who doesn't know Noam Chomsky
  • Gabor Mate - Jewish Canadian-Hungarian physician, author and son of Holocaust survivors and victims.
  • Miko Peled - American Israeli activist, son of an IDF general and grandson of a signatory on the Israel's Declaration of Independence.
And there's longer list of Palestinian scholars (Edward Said and Rashid Khalidi to name a few) but I didn't want to appear like I was biased.
We can't know how Palestinians would react to any other occupation unless one actually happened. I suppose they might try to resist an Egyptian or Syrian occupation, but not for very long. There are lots of worse options for occupation in that area than Israel.

Shopping lists of people on one side or the other don't really mean a damn thing.
Ah good, you’re back. When last you were here you blatantly ignored several questions directly to you about your views on the attacks of October 7th. Since your suspension is lifted, I’ll put it to you again: the topic of this thread being Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel, what is your personal view of the legitimacy (if any) of Hamas’ attack, and the manner in which they conducted it?
C'mon lenaitch, now I gotta google it for you too? I didn't know you were in the Air Force.. Just kidding.

1-Eli Grossman:
“Activism and being pro peace has never been separate from my Jewish identity,” said Eli Grossman, one of the students who was arrested.


2- Ariela Rosenzweig:
Ariela Rosenzweig: I grew up in Brookline, a suburb of Boston. And I grew up in a very traditional, establishment, Zionist American Jewish family. I went to Jewish day school. My parents are big supporters of AIPAC.


Guys, I really recommend listening to or reading the works of many Israeli and/or Jewish anti-zionist intellectuals. Palestinians are not resisting Israeli occupation because it's Jewish (as much as Israel would like to frame it to be) ... But because it's an occupation, period (whether it was atheist, Christian, hindu or even Muslim occupation).

Here's a brief list of prominent Jewish scholars who are anti-zionist (and not just a kid with daddy issues like Mosab Hassan Yousef 😉):
  • Ilan Pappé - Jewish Israeli Historian
  • Daniel levy - British–Israeli analyst and former Israeli negotiator in the Peace process in the 90's
  • Avi Shlaim - Israeli and British historian
  • Gideon Levy - Israeli journalist and author.
  • Norman Finkelstein - Jewish American political scientist and son of Holocaust-survivors
  • Noam Chomsky... Who doesn't know Noam Chomsky
  • Gabor Mate - Jewish Canadian-Hungarian physician, author and son of Holocaust survivors and victims.
  • Miko Peled - American Israeli activist, son of an IDF general and grandson of a signatory on the Israel's Declaration of Independence.
And there's longer list of Palestinian scholars (Edward Said and Rashid Khalidi to name a few) but I didn't want to appear like I was biased.
So was Hamas’ attack on Oct 7th legitimate?
Guys, I really recommend listening to or reading the works of many Israeli and/or Jewish anti-zionist intellectuals. Palestinians are not resisting Israeli occupation because it's Jewish (as much as Israel would like to frame it to be) ... But because it's an occupation, period (whether it was atheist, Christian, hindu or even Muslim occupation).
That isn’t what you came back and claimed though now is it.

Let me recap.

“In my opinion I see a lot conflation of Judaism, Israel and Zionism. In turn this makes any criticism of any of the above an attack on Judaism and therefore antisemitic.
This couldn't be further from the truth, as for one reason, many of these protests have a large number of Jews in them and in some cases Jewish people are actually leading the protests. Of course you'll have a crazy person here and there (on both sides) but it's not representative of the movement.”

As I stated in my response that you conveniently ignored, I am not convinced. Once again, the actions of these protest groups indicates otherwise. Protests have targeted Jewish Canadians where they live. Synagogues, businesses and communities.

It’s clear you can’t justify that so now you’ve changed the subject and are deflecting.
C'mon lenaitch, now I gotta google it for you too? I didn't know you were in the Air Force.. Just kidding.
You are making the claims. You have to back them up.
1-Eli Grossman:
“Activism and being pro peace has never been separate from my Jewish identity,” said Eli Grossman, one of the students who was arrested.


2- Ariela Rosenzweig:
Ariela Rosenzweig: I grew up in Brookline, a suburb of Boston. And I grew up in a very traditional, establishment, Zionist American Jewish family. I went to Jewish day school. My parents are big supporters of AIPAC.

Two people I would put in the same camp as being sympathetic to the “oppressed”. Similar to “Queers for Palestine”.

It really doesn’t matter what the cause is as long as it is an oppressed vs oppressor vector. Regardless of facts or the very real fact that if they found themselves in the natural environment of the oppressed (in this case Palestine) they would likely be at risk of great bodily harm and or death.

But it doesn’t matter to them because the cause of fighting perceived oppression is greater than any of their personal identities.
And there's longer list of Palestinian scholars (Edward Said and Rashid Khalidi to name a few) but I didn't want to appear like I was biased.
You have failed the appearance of bias test long before you posted that list. This isn’t a personal attack btw, it’s just a quantifiable objective truth given what you posted, how you posted, your background and your disingenuous attempts at engagement on the subject (changing subjects, ignoring questions repeatedly that could deconstruct your narrative, trying to create outrage by appealing to people’s veteran status etc etc).

My guess is that you have some sort of activist playbook, checklist of talking points or something similar provided to you to spread as much as you can. It would explain your posting style. Hoping something might stick. But not engaging when the playbook has no answer for specific rebuttals.
My guess is that you have some sort of activist playbook, checklist of talking points or something similar provided to you to spread as much as you can. It would explain your posting style. Hoping something might stick. But not engaging when the playbook has no answer for specific rebuttals.

For some reason, I'm reminded of Soldier35.
It's crazy the lengths that the US and some western countries are willing to go to shield Israeli leaders from being issued arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court (ICC), even though Hamas leaders will most likely be issued arrest warrants as well.

And it's ironic that Hamas has, since at least 2014, called on the ICC to investigate both their movement and Israel... While Israel is publicly threatening the ICC! Can't make this sh$t up 🤷🏻

There is a decent op ed in the Sun this morning explaining the mentality of the pro Palestinian crowd.

Upper Middle class white kids who loathe their status and want to burn it down.
Wonder if the alleged tall foreheads and bright sparks yammering about divestment have looked out beyond breakfast tomorrow. Unis require X $$ per year to keep the lights on and the doors open, more$$ for academic wages etc. So where does the majority of these $ come from? Some from govts, some from donors but I suspect the majority from investment earnings. If cut how does the org maintain viability? Wage cuts? Increase in tuition? Still wondering!
There is a decent op ed in the Sun this morning explaining the mentality of the pro Palestinian crowd.

Upper Middle class white kids who loathe their status and want to burn it down.

They also all have that same look.

Lets just say you won't see them building your house....
Wonder if the alleged tall foreheads and bright sparks yammering about divestment have looked out beyond breakfast tomorrow. Unis require X $$ per year to keep the lights on and the doors open, more$$ for academic wages etc. So where does the majority of these $ come from? Some from govts, some from donors but I suspect the majority from investment earnings. If cut how does the org maintain viability? Wage cuts? Increase in tuition? Still wondering!
And as the op ed said that these all these so called "intellectuals" (pseudo intellectuals) will all be put to death once the revolutionaries take over.....

Pol Pot did this, so did Lenin, so did Hitler.....Anyone that supports a murderous gang is signing their own death warrant,
It's crazy the lengths that the US and some western countries are willing to go to shield Israeli leaders from being issued arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court (ICC), even though Hamas leaders will most likely be issued arrest warrants as well.

And it's ironic that Hamas has, since at least 2014, called on the ICC to investigate both their movement and Israel... While Israel is publicly threatening the ICC! Can't make this sh$t up 🤷🏻

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So was Hamas justified in breaking the existing ceasefire on Oct 7th and directly targeting and killing civilian women, men, children and infants?
It's crazy the lengths that the US and some western countries are willing to go to shield Israeli leaders from being issued arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court (ICC), even though Hamas leaders will most likely be issued arrest warrants as well.

And it's ironic that Hamas has, since at least 2014, called on the ICC to investigate both their movement and Israel... While Israel is publicly threatening the ICC! Can't make this sh$t up 🤷🏻

View attachment 84880
Your lack of response to the Oct 7 question speaks volumes. Disgusting and disgraceful.
It's crazy the lengths that the US and some western countries are willing to go to shield Israeli leaders from being issued arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court (ICC), even though Hamas leaders will most likely be issued arrest warrants as well.

And it's ironic that Hamas has, since at least 2014, called on the ICC to investigate both their movement and Israel... While Israel is publicly threatening the ICC! Can't make this sh$t up 🤷🏻

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Well, I mean Hamas and their supporters are advocating for a second Holocaust. The IDF in some cases is literally the only thing preventing them from succeeding.