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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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The concept of the UN is to protect the power structure at the end of WWII (hence the permanent security council members). Everything else they do is to pretend that it benefits other nations to make them a part of supporting those structures.

If it was truly about uniting everyone there would be no such thing as veto powers.
The concept of the UN is to create a system that prevent wars of conquest by balancing the former imperial states, and cold war rivals against each other. Anything else is mostly a side effect of that.

It has lead to some good though, we have international standards for a lot of hthings because they are underpinned by UN organizations like the WHO and WMO.
The concept of the UN is to create a system that prevent wars of conquest by balancing the former imperial states, and cold war rivals against each other. Anything else is mostly a side effect of that.

It has lead to some good though, we have international standards for a lot of hthings because they are underpinned by UN organizations like the WHO and WMO.
It’s a massively corrupt sewer. While some good people still exist there, they are few and far between.
The MFO is in the Sinai and is unrelated to the UN, maybe their mandate could be expanded.
The MFO has stated it has no desire to expand its mandate outside of the zones specified by the Camp David accords.

Additionally, any modification of those zones would require consensus from both Treaty parties and that would be a political hand grenade the Egyptians nor the Israelis want rolling across the desk.

The MFO concept worked because BOTH parties to the conflict wanted it to and were willing to co-operate. Hell in 2018 when I was there, Egypt was fighting ISIS in the North and had hardware well past the levels stated in the Treaty. Many a report was sent up to Rome, which then told both the Egyptians and the Israelis. And many times the responses were "yeah, we know... they told us about it months ago..."

I see no such cooperation happening in Gaza. Hamas and Iran refuse to see Israel as an entity deserving to breathe the same air, let alone work together to maintain a lasting peace.
The MFO concept worked because BOTH parties to the conflict wanted it to and were willing to co-operate. Hell in 2018 when I was there, Egypt was fighting ISIS in the North and had hardware well past the levels stated in the Treaty. Many a report was sent up to Rome, which then told both the Egyptians and the Israelis. And many times the responses were "yeah, we know... they told us about it months ago..."

I see no such cooperation happening in Gaza. Hamas and Iran refuse to see Israel as an entity deserving to breathe the same air, let alone work together to maintain a lasting peace.
Cyprus post 1974 was similar in that both sides agreed to a cease fire and the UN providing troops in the buffer zone. It could get interesting at times.
One time I was on gate guard at Ledra and the RSM appeared about zero dark thirty. His name was Roy Bruce and appeared to be somewhat....inebriated. He told me to go fuck myself. I consider it a badge of honor.

This was in 1976....

OK sorry for the digression...and Cyprus is not that far from Israel

More on this ...
... and this from the Pentagon info-machine
These groups are largely irrelevant human beings, not the groups they represent, but rather the people who are doing the protesting.
Irrevelant, maybe, but definitly diluting/splintering opinions and actions as POLs try to appease everyone.
More on this ...
... and this from the Pentagon info-machine
And so it begins.....
What's the best guess on why France (Marcon) is suddenly so Hawkish? He's not up for re-election anytime soon and I'm sure French going balls to the wall on something like this would surely lead to internal attacks in France. What's his angle?
The concept of the UN is to create a system that prevent wars of conquest by balancing the former imperial states, and cold war rivals against each other. Anything else is mostly a side effect of that.

It has lead to some good though, we have international standards for a lot of hthings because they are underpinned by UN organizations like the WHO and WMO.
Yes. nice standaeds but no enforcability.
France runs on nukes.

North Africa is France's "Near Abroad".
France can also get that from Canada or the US. It just likes its fixed pricing structure from Africa
France can also get that from Canada or the US. It just likes its fixed pricing structure from Africa
Don't forget the cultural ties. That trans-Mediterranean association is a love-hate relation that predates the Romans. France left Algeria but the French didn't.
Egypt will potentially come to the table when Hamas is dead. There's a reason they're keeping Rafah closed; they don't want Muslim Brotherhood aligned terrorists in their borders any more than Israel wants them.
The Arab world is large, there is plenty of room for the 2million palestinians.
Yes and No.
Lebanon is touted as prime example of what occurs when one gets a large Palestinian population.

Syria loves to let them in, and then bomb them.

Everyone tends to use them for their own purposes, and no one really cares to do much to help them.

However they are also their own worst enemy, as the West Bank is a testimony too.