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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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I'm sure there is some validity to your point.

The support for Palestine and Hamas rally's I have seen throughout the western world since this kicked off leads to believe that the critical mass has been breached and we have probably brought in too many people who do not align with our position in the world, and I would call into question their loyalty to Canada.

How many bad apples spoils a bunch ?
One of my associates when I was working in the Middle East was a extremely devote member of the Mutawa. He was astounded that we would welcome followers of Islam into our country and allow them to freely practice their faith. He claimed that if Islam can achieve a 5% share of the population of any nation they can directly influence the actions of that country and if they get to 15% they can exert control. His reasoning: other groups are disjointed without a single focus whereas Islam is. And I think he got it right.
And don't forget some of the auto plants it was almost all out war on the line. Management and supervisors were at breaking up fights daily weekly.
I worked at the old Plant 3 from summer of 1988 until the fall of 1989 as a 'TPT' so I missed seeing those firsthand, but I definitely remember hearing about them 2nd hand from people working there still.
I'm sure there is some validity to your point.

The support for Palestine and Hamas rally's I have seen throughout the western world since this kicked off leads to believe that the critical mass has been breached and we have probably brought in too many people who do not align with our position in the world, and I would call into question their loyalty to Canada.

How many bad apples spoils a bunch ?

I think we are past critical mass.

To me the problem is home grown terrorism. We ran into numerous issues when ISIS was rampaging through Syria and Iraq where Canadians were quick to trumpet their cause. I think the issue here with Hamas is 10 fold now.

We have western educated multi generational citizens, many of whom have no obvious ties to any extremism quick to support Hamas and the killing of Jews, and we are also seeing some kickback of people who are also no obvious ties to any extremism lashing out at peaceful Muslims.

I seen an article from the US the other day of a White landlord brutally killing their tenants 6 year old child, the only reason was because he was Muslim.

This is the type of polarization that can split a country apart, even lead to civil unrest even civil war, if left to run rampant. This goes far beyond liberal vs conservative, left vs right.

I'm not saying we are at the verge of civil war, but we are already at civil unrest. The events between Hamas and Israel never caused the unrest, it just exposed it. I truly do believe if this stuff is left to grow and become more extreme, that Civil War is a distinct possibility.

I personally think anybody advocating for any violence against civilians anywhere in the world should be charged with terrorism, any non citizens should be deported, any citizens should be charged to the fullest and prosecuted to the maximum.

Ignoring the possibility of civil war, the possibility of this evolving past a regional conflict to something on a much larger scale is very possible.

The elephant in the room, or worst kept secret, is this is all by design of Iran. They have since the 70's wanted to destabilization of the west. Palestine is their puppet, along with Yemen and other places. Seeing the protests in support of Hamas happening here has to bring a smile to their faces.
Trudeau senior brought multiculturalism to Canada. I said at the time and still say "bring all your hates and prejudices to Canada and we will subsidize them".

This remind's me of the statement that got Don Cherry canned.

'You people ... you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that,' Cherry said.

In my opinion, he hit the mark. It was more than just about a poppy, it was about people resisting our values.
One of my associates when I was working in the Middle East was a extremely devote member of the Mutawa. He was astounded that we would welcome followers of Islam into our country and allow them to freely practice their faith. He claimed that if Islam can achieve a 5% share of the population of any nation they can directly influence the actions of that country and if they get to 15% they can exert control. His reasoning: other groups are disjointed without a single focus whereas Islam is. And I think he got it right.

I don't think Islam or Muslims are inherently bad. But when you bring in the volumes we have, I have to wonder how many bad actors have been allowed in. And how they may have embolden or infected the remainder with their ideas.
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“Hamas is a terrorist group, where the very objective is
Pretty sure the Trudeau would rather die on the hill, than ever verbally say that Hamas is a terrorist organization. It will be some minion that makes a tangential reference to scheduled ‘militant’ organizations and the region, but even then, I be surprised if ‘Hamas’ and ‘terrorist organization’ appear in the same sentence…unless some morally vacuous individual uses the word ‘not’ in that same sentence.
I'm sure there is some validity to your point.

The support for Palestine and Hamas rally's I have seen throughout the western world since this kicked off leads to believe that the critical mass has been breached and we have probably brought in too many people who do not align with our position in the world, and I would call into question their loyalty to Canada.

How many bad apples spoils a bunch ?
It also brings into perspective what is our position in the world? Our historical perspectives don’t matter as much anymore as our values shift so quickly.

100 years ago it was much easier to remain detached from events happening elsewhere, other than a few specific European countries. Now not so much.

Realistically what is Israel or Palestine to most people who aren’t muslim, jewish, or from that region? To me I see the atrocities both sides are committing but ultimately it doesn’t really make much difference on what I have going on.

It all starts with a lack of proper citizenship tests. False oaths for citizenship (many have admitted it or recanted after declaring it, should be immediate loss of citizenship and exile from the country), and a education system which promotes disloyalty to the country instead of encouraging it.

It will also lead to many domestic changes too. I can see blasphemy/criticism of religion being something they try to outlaw in a few years to try and keep the peace. Gay rights are another area that is going to be under attack from most immigrants as if your outside the States, Canada, or Western Europe odds are they don’t have the greatest outlook on it.
Pretty sure the Trudeau would rather die on the hill, than ever verbally say that Hamas is a terrorist organization. It will be some minion that makes a tangential reference to scheduled ‘militant’ organizations and the region, but even then, I be surprised if ‘Hamas’ and ‘terrorist organization’ appear in the same sentence…unless some morally vacuous individual uses the word ‘not’ in that same sentence.

That’s not accurate. He denounced them as exactly that on October 8th and Jen he condemned the attacks.

I have a lot of issues with Trudeau, but he has not been equivocal on this, and right from the get go he’s been quick to call Hamas what they are.

He has spoken just as bluntly in Parliament:

That’s not accurate. He denounced them as exactly that on October 8th and Jen he condemned the attacks.

I have a lot of issues with Trudeau, but he has not been equivocal on this, and right from the get go he’s been quick to call Hamas what they are.

He has spoken just as bluntly in Parliament:

he did call out hamas immediately. Then he he seems to be a little quiet on it now. And when it was beyond obvious that israel did not blow up the hospital, he refused to apoligize for it.
I always get a laugh out of people who support a nation who in large would be the most oppressive to their life style.
Yup. maybe they are quick to forget the leave our kids alone protest a few weeks ago which had huge Muslim numbers.

I view The woke as being a seperate critter from just left leaning politically.

Woke is "flavour of the month", Selective outrage, bandwagon jumping on their protest, cherry picking of the facts.

When it comes to facts and acting with integrity, you can not be selective.
Yup. maybe they are quick to forget the leave our kids alone protest a few weeks ago which had huge Muslim numbers.

I view The woke as being a seperate critter from just left leaning politically.

Woke is "flavour of the month", Selective outrage, bandwagon jumping on their protest, cherry picking of the facts.

When it comes to facts and acting with integrity, you can not be selective.
“Activism is a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a whole.”

-Thomas Sowell
That’s not accurate. He denounced them as exactly that on October 8th and Jen he condemned the attacks.
I should have been clearer in my statement, that it was temporally-based, ie. This point forward. As ArmyRick points out below, his initial statement IMO was OBE when he and his Ministers (in particularly Joly) cast direct aspersions on Israel and have remained soft in direct condemnation afterwards.
he did call out hamas immediately. Then he he seems to be a little quiet on it now. And when it was beyond obvious that israel did not blow up the hospital, he refused to apoligize for it.
I’ll gladly eat crow if he actually does reiterate explicitly the terrorist nature of Hamas as well as other complicit organizations (PIJ, IS, etc), because at least then we know he has reinforced a previously principled position weakened by well-played demonization of Israel by Hamas.
“Activism is a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a whole.”

-Thomas Sowell

I believe we can trace this back to the counter culture / hippy movements of the 60s and early 70s. This seems to be where social activism really started to undermine the fabric of western society.

The irony is the generation of those hippies are the ones responsible for the mess were in now.

Canada's defence minister says Hamas a threat to world, must be 'eliminated'​

Defence Minister Bill Blair says Hamas is a terrorist organization that is a threat to the whole world and must be "eliminated."

Blair also says he has no expectation that Hamas would respect international law, including any agreement on a ceasefire.

His comments are the furthest any Canadian minister has gone in explaining why Canada does not support calls for a ceasefire.


Canada's defence minister says Hamas a threat to world, must be 'eliminated'​

Defence Minister Bill Blair says Hamas is a terrorist organization that is a threat to the whole world and must be "eliminated."

Blair also says he has no expectation that Hamas would respect international law, including any agreement on a ceasefire.

His comments are the furthest any Canadian minister has gone in explaining why Canada does not support calls for a ceasefire.

Might just be laying the groundwork to join the proposal Macron floated this morning while in Israel.

Canada's defence minister says Hamas a threat to world, must be 'eliminated'​

Defence Minister Bill Blair says Hamas is a terrorist organization that is a threat to the whole world and must be "eliminated."

Blair also says he has no expectation that Hamas would respect international law, including any agreement on a ceasefire.

His comments are the furthest any Canadian minister has gone in explaining why Canada does not support calls for a ceasefire.

I would imagine Israel can’t occupy indefinitely, great time for Trudeau to send in the blue helmet CAF members to keep the peace…
I would imagine Israel can’t occupy indefinitely, great time for Trudeau to send in the blue helmet CAF members to keep the peace…
With .... ?

Also, given Canada's still-online (for now) position as of January of this year (archived link here) ....
... Canada does not recognize permanent Israeli control over territories occupied in 1967 (the Golan Heights, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip) ...
... might not be seen as a completely honest broker by at least one of the sides.