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Government Falls! The 2006 election thread

Not just handguns, but Military style rifles and shotguns... so anything that looks... evil.. total confiscation without compensation.  This coming from a Government that did nothing but waste $2Billion on the Gun registry to now going after the Law Biding gun owners...

The Criminals do not register firearms, and now... and if the Liebral Party gets their way only the Criminals will be armed.
The Liberal version of the GST cut; it is easy to understand, "seems" to be taking action on the issue but is really rather irrelevant. "Ban guns" is a good sound bite, though.

Why not start writing letters to the editor, calling phone in radio shows, writing your Blogs etc. and demonstrating with factual evidence how the Liberal promise is meaningless or counterproductive. It will make them look like the opportunistic idiots and maybe they will back away from this nonsense.
Popurhedoff said:
Not just handguns, but Military style rifles and shotguns... so anything that looks... evil.. total confiscation without compensation.  This coming from a Government that did nothing but waste $2Billion on the Gun registry to now going after the Law Biding gun owners...

The Criminals do not register firearms, and now... and if the Liebral Party gets their way only the Criminals will be armed.

You don't think moronic screen names like "Popurhedoff" and avatars of guys aiming firearms at the camera might create a lessened public perception of gun owners, do ya?
Michael, if you look at my avatar you will see that the FN is not pointed at the camera.  When I took that picture that rifle was cleared by three people, the holder, me, and one other person.  I think it turned out very well.  Let's not distract from the aim of this thread.
RangerRay said:
ONE MORE REASON NOT TO VOTE LIBERAL!  :rage: :threat: :akimbo:  :cam:  :rage:


Liberals expected to announce handgun ban

If true, they're getting desperate. Considering this would have been part in parcel of the gun registry plan, it's been a long time coming. Given they are likely to lose, I suspect a few agendas were rapidly surfaced. It is also particularly worriesome given the gun violence they are using as an excuse to disarm. Are we to fight off these armed aggressors with knives and forks? Or perhaps a cell phone? I know when there were armed thugs trying to kill someone outside my house, going through the toughtone 911 menu to finally get to the RCMP seemed rather unfortunately delayed. My presence on the street altered the scenario significantly. Had I been armed, it's likely that those apes wouldn't have put the victim into a coma. Of course, the Liberal strategy has always been divide and conquer.. under the guise of unification. In their Ivory towers they don't have to experience the realities of the broad stretching mental disease that brings about these shootings. Rather they are using recent shootings as an excuse. Frankly, this gives me a really bad feeling. Really. Really bad feeling..
redleafjumper said:
Michael, if you look at my avatar you will see that the FN is not pointed at the camera.  When I took that picture that rifle was cleared by three people, the holder, me, and one other person.  I think it turned out very well.  Let's not distract from the aim of this thread.

Wasn't referring to you in the least, redleaf...  ??? ???
I have to say that news of this hand gun ban is the clincher for me - I was already leaning heavily Conservative, but some of their clownish policies (Mr. O'Connor and his defence fantasies....) were making me keep an open mind. Banning hand guns though? I'm not even a gun owner, but thats it - Liberals have to go. I'd vote Conservative if they had a trained ape running in my riding. 
Personally I wouldn't consider this a hot button issue (I'm not a gun owner or advocate), however I don't agree with this position at all.

While it doesn't make me vote for the Conservatives, it will still keep my options open.

To me this sounds like an NDP-like position, I wonder if they are going to one up them by banning all guns, or is Mr. Layton going to avoid this like the plague.

This just looks like a vote grab to get GTA votes.
Okay Michael, perhaps I'm just a little sensitive about my firearms right now.  I have been buying a few a year for 30 years and most of them are what these alpha hotels intend to take away.  If the conservatives lose pictures might be all I have.

Join, donate and vote conservative.   
Damn, so now legal gun-owners will consider selling off their 'soon to be illegal' firearms to anyone that will give them money for them before they have to turn them in or become a criminal. 

Guess who will but them? 

redleafjumper said:
Okay Michael, perhaps I'm just a little sensitive about my firearms right now.   I have been buying a few a year for 30 years and most of them are what these alpha hotels intend to take away.   If the conservatives lose pictures might be all I have.

Join, donate and vote conservative.    

My dad has a 1936 Luger in mint condition, with the waffenamt markings intact.  It used to be worth a pretty penny, I think.  I kept telling him to go out and get it de-activated.  I suck at shooting handguns but would still like to own it one day; if nothing else a good prop to go with German uniform displays.  He didn't want to deactivate it.  It is fully registered, of course, but he doesn't shoot it either, just keeps it under lock and key properly stored.  If this ban goes through, I take it that this piece of history which at one time might have been worth 2000 dollars is now going to be melted down to make Toronto housewives feel safe?  Maybe I'll ask for the dewat for Christmas.

First the Liberals apologize for trying to tag Bloq commentary with the Holocaust.  Then the Bloq apologizes for using the wrong words.  Liberal handgun ban proposal gets a poor showing in the news.  Now the Liberals again apologize for insinuating that Canadian families are a bunch of dopes who need to be told how to best spend their money.

At least the Conservatives (and the NDP) can say that they haven't stepped on their wangs yet.
"Maybe I'll ask for the dewat for Christmas."

- Why don't you just get your PAL, then your restricted weapons course, and inherit it in one piece?


Michael, I've got to agree with TCBF on the Luger, please, please don't be tempted to cut up such an important historical relic.  Instead get your license and have that Luger whole.  Concurrently, make a donation to the local conservative campaign and maybe you'll even be allowed to keep it!

(edited for typo correction)
It's pretty bad that we're just over a month from a federal election, and Canadians are forced to decide which leader is less of a MORON, and vote for his party. The four party leaders are the reason some animals eat their young! I haven't seen this much dead wood since I walked on the beach a couple of days after a hurricane. I do greatly encourage folks to vote; as for me, my decision is far from being made......
my decision was very easy to make. While I don't agree with everything the Conservatives have to say, they are our best and perhaps only chance at removing the criminals currently in power.
Another fiberal "Faux Pas"

Larry Strong said:
Another fiberal "Faux Pas"

This is just another indicator of how some politicians feel about the general public. They feel that us 'commoners' need to be looked after.

Walking with kings has made them lose the common touch (Kipling). Time for the Kings to go.
Well, they have come out in the open and said they do not trust people with their own money early in the campaign (although this is the underlying theme of almost all Liberal ideas).

Any bets on how fast the CBC, Toronto Star and the rest of the lapdog press try to put this remark in the memory hole? If we want to do our part, we should keep the "Beer and popcorn" remark front and center whenever we write letters to the editor, post on blogs, talk to reporters and in conversation with anyone in the outside world. We can also give it the proper twist:

"Why should we give the Liberals $10 billion dollars to spend on beer and popcorn?"
Perhaps what the liberals meant to say was "Why give people money so they can spend it on Guns?"