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Got the CALL

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Pieman said:

But now I am confused. Officer selection boards are meeting and offering already? For which trades besides Artillery? Anyone know?

The rmc boards have convened already and the results are just coming out now i beileve.
Ah, thanks that clears it up. I am a DEO application, so I face a different selection board.
Ok, I won't explain my entire life here but I find it good for other people who are waiting for their offers to see how my application went.

So I applied on january 25th 2005, got all the testing done in the first week of feb. then I got on the merit list on math 10th. Got selected on march 28th selection board and I got the call last friday but I couldn't call back because I came from work late and the office was closed. So I called this morning and they had a job offer for me for my first choice, 434 FCS tech. My BMQ starts august 9th so that gives me almost the entire summer to train, to run a lot and to have fun, wich is great. From the start until the call it took nearly 4 months so that went very very fast and i'm very happy about it.

I would also like to thank Kincanucks (again) who gave me so much accurate information about the process and my application. Thanks, you made the process a lot easier and a way less frustrating.

Ok I end up now, who's with me on BMQ? BTW, i'm on a french one and forgive me for my bad english I do my best!

Good luck to all of you, don't worry you'll all get your call!

Cheers!  :salute:
Congratulations NiTz and I'll probably see you in either BMQ training or MOC training... well hopefully.
Thank you very much to all of you!

Copper, i'm pretty sure we'll see each other soon in training. I wonder if they train french people with english people.. that would'nt make sense in my view but then again, i'm still a recruit I don't know...


To know that you were merit listed, is it because they gave you the information when you called at your recruiting centre? For the medical stuff that is going in Borden, I did not hear about it when I got my interview. The officer only told there was the little investigation to be done and my things would be alright. Right now I'm transfering for navres to reg force in the same trade.

yes they told me I was on the merit list when I went at the recruiting center for updates on my file. The day after my med got back from Borden I've been put on the merit list.

BTW, if you're already in the reserves maybe that your med docs. don't need to be approved again but that's just a supposition and I don't know if it's true. I mean, you're already fit enough for the reserves, why would they need to test you again for the regs? Again, just a guess...

Thank you Nitz. For the medical stuff, I think the same thing as you but I don't officially know about it.

:cdn: :salute:
I applied back in January for reg. infantry, flew through all my tests without incident, and when I got home today there was a call for me.  I get sworn in March 28th and than its off to Borden for basic in the late april!!! 

Needless to say im just a little more than excited tonight  ;D
Congrats and good luck on basic. I bet spring basic is pretty good.
Former291er said:
Congrats and good luck on basic. I bet spring basic is pretty good.

If not, at least it will be nice and muddy.  ;D
Congrats....and people complain that CFRC doesn't work fast.

Franko said:
Congrats....and people complain that CFRC doesn't work fast.



I don't know if it's that they don't "work fast" or if it's more of a case of some recruiters just don't care, and therefore don't do all they can to help you.
Going for my swearing in ceremony tommorow.  Kinda excited and nerous at the same time, mostly cause I dont really know how formal this is.  I dont want to show up in the hawaiian t-shirt and everyone is in suits, and at the same time if everyone is in bright obnoxious shirts, I dont want to stick out in my suit  :P

Oh well, probably gonna go with the suit option, its a safer bet.
GasCan said:
Going for my swearing in ceremony tommorow.  Kinda excited and nerous at the same time, mostly cause I dont really know how formal this is.  I dont want to show up in the hawaiian t-shirt and everyone is in suits, and at the same time if everyone is in bright obnoxious shirts, I dont want to stick out in my suit  :P

Oh well, probably gonna go with the suit option, its a safer bet.

the swearing in ceremony is Formal! make sure you wear a suit or something really nice!
Infantry_ said:
the swearing in ceremony is Formal! make sure you wear a suit or something really nice!

During my swearing in, I wore a collared shirt with khakis and still felt overdressed.  There was 8 of us and most of them were wearing t-shirts and jeans... Oh well, can't go wrong with a little pride in the way you dress. :)

All the best!