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Got the CALL

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congratulations everyone :salute:

this makes me just want to cry ...looks like Im the only one who is gonna get left behind. :crybaby:

I called them today and they said that my pre-sec hasn't come back so ..unless the captain was pulling my chain and telling me that im merit listed or the clerk who answered my call today was a tool.

I could ramble on venting my frustration for hrs but i dont want to spoil your high..congrats all hopefully we can all meet up at unit, thats if i get assigned to pplci like i requested.


This is my luck, it has always been this way and i've had to live with it but this time it hurts.

neways work hard and enjoy your new life coz you  deserve it...

AND IF ANYONE THINKS OF QUITTING ...for what ever reasons  THINK OF ME  ;D the poor bastard who got left behind.
Paramedic I was saying that to myself last night. My luck is always the worst when it comes to this sort of thing too and If I was left behind for this selection board meeting I don't know what I would do! But I got home today from visiting my friend over at Flemming College and low and behold there is a message saying I need to call CFRC Toronto ASAP.

I hate to rub it in but I had the same feeling last night and you'll get your soon enough.
Hey mav , i got meritlisted for real about a week ago , i thought I was listed maybe 2 months ago but someone was pulling my chain in the office , i also had 2 backround checks done but nevertheless it got to the finish line . Im sure youll get the call or else there has been a serious snafu . PARA man dont loose hope just keep the fingers crossed and positive thinking also helps . Bigwig ill see u there pal , ha looks like were going  to the same place man . From what I learned the 3rd PPCLI are a proffesional bunch of guys that uphold the ways of the airborne , i look forward to it .
sorry para...

I got the call today boys, 031 infantry RCR, sworn in October 27th in hamilton and leaving October 31st to start November 2nd in St. Jean, i aint at home so i dont got my course number but its something like 01677 or something like that...?

It was a very quick process for me, all starting in June 27th till today at 11:30 pm - definately worth it, keep your heads up guys.

Shulaev, looks like it me and you bro, Para something sounds messed up i would stay on them man.

Hit me on msn giovannipendola@hotmail.com if your going the same time as me.


I got my phone call finally the other day giving me the job offer for 031 infantry, reg force with the rcr. I was very happy to accept the offer, I can't wait. I was told I will get on a train from kitchener ontario, oct 31st and start bmq nov 2nd. I swear in oct 14th downtown kitchener. So who's with me?

By the way this is how it all went down.. signed up early april, did the aptitude test the same day..got lucky heh...
i was called later in may and given a date for my interview, medical and physical... did interview june 6th and medical and physical's both on the 9th of june. Then..I waited...Ran alot and phoned probobly every week starting July...asking if my med came back approved or not, and eventually late in august, they said it came back approved. aug 23rd I became merrit listed then they said just sit tight we will call you.. Got my call sept 28th with the job offer for 031 reg force with rcr. ...so there ya have it.

I'm really happy and very eager to go, I can't wait, I've been waiting quite a while, but as I've read on here, not as long as others...So I am fortunate to be processed this quickly I guess.

Anyways,  WHOS WITH ME?
got the call yesterday, i leave oct 31st for st jean too, start nov 2nd...031 infantry,....rcr..ill be leavin from kitchener ontario...rock!..:)
my msn kidchaos_@hotmail.com for anyone who is leavin same time as me who wants to chat before hand or whatever. ;D
I actually got the a month ago, swearing in oct 27, starting nov 9, so we'll surelly meet there :)
Applying Reg force, 215  :)
Good luck for the BMQ
Yup I'll be there. 031 Infantry. I leave on Halloween and get sworn in on the 27th. Only I'm going to the PPCLI. Can't wait to get this started and meet all you guys! :D
Im with Bigwig on this one , 27 sworn in at Missassauga , nov 2 i should be at the BMQ , I have no idea when im leaving perhaps halloween ? PPCLI 031 . I will be coming from Oakville . I was told to still expect someone to call me between now and 13 of oct im not quite sure for what . BTW Im still pretty surprised that i got the call considering I only went on the merit list 2 weeks ago , can you say lucky ! See you there fellas
I'm 031 Infantry Regular Force RCR, leaving October 31st to start BMQ in St. Jean November 2nd.

Shulaev, Bigwig, CL84 looks like its us - although you guys are PPCLI and im RCR and im sworn in in hamilton, illsee you on BMQ, ask around everyone calls me Maverick but you already knew that.

Everyone whos going hit me on msn giovannipendola@hotmail.com
Contrats !!, I'll see you there then, im starting bmq by Nov 9, they asked me to be here on 7, 215 is my trade :)
My bmq is a french one  :)
I'll be there, not in same course for sure, im a French guy, going into 215 !
Can't wait to start, only a month now ! YEAH !   :warstory: :threat: :salute:
I'll be there by nov7, starting the cource by nov9
They have recruiting sessions in quaters, basically each year is broken down into 4 quaters but training for regular forces happens every week so during that quater some ppl get to go a week earlier than others.....buhooooowaaaaaaaaa im not gonna get loaded till march quater comes around waaaahhaaaa dammit stupid presec hasnt cleared yet.
Ahh yes... An Infanteer I shall be. October 14th I swear in, downtown Kitchener Ontario 10 am. Leaving for BMQ on 31 October, (going 031 Reg force) Nov 2nd the course begins. On my way to the rcr. :salute:

Succeed I shall, do or do not, there is no try. See you all there, congrats everyone.
Well I got sworn in today with another fella In North York , gawd there was quite a bit of paperwork huh . Haha they got through 2/3 of God Save the Queen before i realized why everyone was facing a particular direction  while i was just looking straight ahead at an Army Poster , ha they were all looking at THE QUEEN!!! Well the best part was finding out that im supposed to get reimbursed for all my trips to CF MISSASAUGA , walked away with 50$ and a Certificate how cool is that . Well BMQ looks to be a walk in the park judjing by some of the recruits in the BMQ video , hard to contain yourself when watching the Drill Lady PO ripping a new one on some pimpled recruit , found it pleasantly surprising though a lot more shouting then i imagined with all the stress card rumors  ;D ;D ;D . Who ever is with me Ill see you guys in 4 days ,
Don't worry Paramedic.. I got left out too... just hang in there bro.  It will come.
Paramedic, you're still much further then alot of us.
I just gave in my full application Tuesday, I have a while to go  :-\