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Got the CALL

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Thx for the encouraging words boys, much appreciated.

LOL $20 says you'll be in before me, easy co hahahha

Hey shulaev congratulations bro :salute:

you definetly deserve it ;)  have fun and enjoy your new life.

IT took me 4 and a half months to finally get the call man see if anyone can top that if u do well u get a cookie
i seen all of u guys that came in on november 2nd cuz i work at the supply there for the farnham kit..good lukc u guys:d
applied march 2004....merit list june 2004 ....still f?&*ing waiting saper,infantry,tanks
Finally, had my bags packed to head off to depot for the RCMP this weekend and CFRC calls today with an offer.  Talk about cutting it bloody close!

I'm a Reservist ED Tech, 12 yrs in, CT'ing to Reg. Force.  Fully QL5 qualified (no additional courses needed) and a Journeyman Electrican in the civvy world.  It took over 3 yrs, I believe 3 yrs and 2 months from application to offer.

You betcha I am!  I went and picked up my posting message right after work the day I got the call, couldn't wait to see it, even though half of it makes no bloody sense yet!

My wife thinks I'm a bit crazy, with the long wait to get in, and the drop in pay.  My wife and I combined, our income will drop 67K/yr with me joining the forces.  I can truly say I'm not joining for the money!  I read you got the call as well, congratulations and maybe we'll see you out there sometime.

Forgive me, but are you transfering over to the MP's or the trade you mentioned?  As i am not yet a member, I'm not familiar with the lingo.  Sounds like a drastic change switching from a police officer to the Ed tech.  Best of luck to you and congrats.
Milpo,  The RCMP has offered me a position which I accepted.  I was heading off to their training depot last Saturday when the Forces called me and also made me an offer for ED TEch, which is my current trade.  Since I would much rather work for the CF than the RCMP I accepted the ED Tech Reg. Force position (I'm currently a reservist ED Tech).
We have PM'ed before but I thought I would post this question public for others to benefit from.  As an CF Ed-Tech, what are some of the jobs you have been on, say in the last 6 months or 3 months or what ever you can mention. I'm just trying to get a feel for the job. ???
Griswald said:
Milpo,   The RCMP has offered me a position which I accepted.   I was heading off to their training depot last Saturday when the Forces called me and also made me an offer for ED TEch, which is my current trade.   Since I would much rather work for the CF than the RCMP I accepted the ED Tech Reg. Force position (I'm currently a reservist ED Tech).


You sound like the type of person we need in the Canadian Military Engineers!  I hope you joined to deploy as I think that is probably going to happen to you in the next couple of years with the projected growth in Cdn Army activity in Afghanistan.

One word of caution, please be patient with the system as it may not be able to move as quickly as you would like it to - even once you're in!  Also, being new to the Reg F you should be a breath of fresh air for the Construction Trades.  Having worked many years around the Construction Troops in Combat Engineer Regiments I feel it is safe to say that many of the more senior tradesmen have become a little 'disenfranchised'.  Why?  Well, I think it has to do with a lot of things, but one of the main reasons is that most of them are older soldiers who have transferred over from another trade (inf, armd, etc.) and doing PT and going to Wainwright on exercise (for example) is not what they want to be doing.  My answer is - that is why we wear a uniform.  Everyone needs to be deployable and have the basics to fight.  If not then we would hire Brown & Route (Civilian US Contract Company) to build our camps everywhere we go.  If you don't want to soldier then take down the uniform and retire gracefully.

Sorry, my rant is now finished.  Welcome and I hope serving your country is everything you dreamed it to be.... because it never has to do with the money.


Sapper6 said:

You sound like the type of person we need in the Canadian Military Engineers!   I hope you joined to deploy as I think that is probably going to happen to you in the next couple of years with the projected growth in Cdn Army activity in Afghanistan.

One word of caution, please be patient with the system as it may not be able to move as quickly as you would like it to - even once you're in!   Also, being new to the Reg F you should be a breath of fresh air for the Construction Trades.   Having worked many years around the Construction Troops in Combat Engineer Regiments I feel it is safe to say that many of the more senior tradesmen have become a little 'disenfranchised'.   Why?   Well, I think it has to do with a lot of things, but one of the main reasons is that most of them are older soldiers who have transferred over from another trade (inf, armd, etc.) and doing PT and going to Wainwright on exercise (for example) is not what they want to be doing.   My answer is - that is why we wear a uniform.   Everyone needs to be deployable and have the basics to fight.   If not then we would hire Brown & Route (Civilian US Contract Company) to build our camps everywhere we go.   If you don't want to soldier then take down the uniform and retire gracefully.

Sorry, my rant is now finished.   Welcome and I hope serving your country is everything you dreamed it to be.... because it never has to do with the money.



Well said, i couldn't agree with you more.

Griswald said:
Milpo,   The RCMP has offered me a position which I accepted.   I was heading off to their training depot last Saturday when the Forces called me and also made me an offer for ED TEch, which is my current trade.   Since I would much rather work for the CF than the RCMP I accepted the ED Tech Reg. Force position (I'm currently a reservist ED Tech).

Congratulation and Welcome to the Army.

I'm sure you have found your niche
However I find it puzzling why you applied to the RCMP, a field so unrelated and remote from your skills,
experience and Trade choice.

Although both offers arrived to gether, was the RCMP waiting period of acceptance three years also ?.
RCMP system works a lot faster than the CF.  10 times as fast.

Police Officers come from all walks of life.  Recruiters I spoke with like people with "life experience", so you do get trades people, teachers, even lawyers who are now police officers.

Griswald said:
RCMP system works a lot faster than the CF.   10 times as fast.

Police Officers come from all walks of life.   Recruiters I spoke with like people with "life experience", so you do get trades people, teachers, even lawyers who are now police officers.


Yes, I'm aware of your above statement, however you go on to say, I'd rather work for the Army than the RCMP.

So applying to the RCMP, you decided to change your profession and follow a career in Law enforcement

My question is, now that you are in the CAF's I would presume you would wish to follow that career change also, as to be to the Military Police Branch.

I just remustered to TFC Tech (reg) from the 041 (reserve) and it took a couple months shy of 4 years. If anyone knows why it takes longer for a person that is already in the forces to do a CT, and a person of the street can get in there trades faster, also being able to do a transfer during week 5 of their BMQ if they do not like the one they picked in the first place.

If anyone can explane this, It would answer a lot of peoples questions.
Hello all,

I would just like to extend a big thank you to all of you who have given me advice and helped me over the past few months, today i recieved the call for an offer of arty officer and i have accepted it.

Once again thank you.

Soon to be Ocdt Paish

But now I am confused. Officer selection boards are meeting and offering already? For which trades besides Artillery? Anyone know?
