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G8/G20 June 2010 Protest Watch

Journeyman said:
So my counter-argument, backed by the same absence of logic as the article's author, is that all people wearing "police-style" boots are goth punks
Or all goth punks are police infiltrators?  Or are they?  Or some of them?  Or are some pretending to be police infiltrators?  How can one be sure? 
Ironically when I opend the link to the grassy knoll oops sorry global research site, the internet banner add at the bottom was for..... vibram soled militay style combat boots. ::)
milnews.ca said:
Or all goth punks are police infiltrators?  Or are they?  Or some of them?  Or are some pretending to be police infiltrators?  How can one be sure? 

Sorry, I was....
maikeru333 said:
getting distracted...
Probably the "bio-ch1p$" the site owner feeds us      :nod:
Danjanou said:
Ironically when I opend the link to the grassy knoll oops sorry global research site, the internet banner add at the bottom was for..... vibram soled militay style combat boots. ::)

Since you visit this site, you've got a Google or Double-Click cookie on your computer - so the ads that appear for you are tailored to your interests.

Google knows more about you than your wife does - and probably more than you do.
Two operatives from the G20 Fraud:


On a serious note: I'm fucking sick and tired of these thugs first blowing up a city core and then blaming it on the police.  I guess they take a page from Herr Göbbels: the bigger the lie, the better. 

I mean, check out all the Police in here, dressed as protestors.  I mean, they are all (mostly) fit, and we all know only the police and military are fit:
dapaterson said:
Since you visit this site, you've got a Google or Double-Click cookie on your computer - so the ads that appear for you are tailored to your interests.

Google knows more about you than your wife does - and probably more than you do.

Ahh, that explains JMs "Goth Style Boot" ads --- I always knew there was something a little bit tinfoily about him.
"Look at those bricks in the center of the road, the city's public works department must have left them loose, as ordered by the man so that we would find them and throw them through windows. God, I hate Starbucks, it is like a laxative on me, let's smash their windows"

I saw a sign saying "Shell pisses me off" Okay, but why? BP's a much easier target :)

Technoviking said:
I mean, check out all the Police in here, dressed as protestors.  I mean, they are all (mostly) fit, and we all know only the police and military are fit:

Note the gent standing behind the police car just to the left of the pax door in the plaid garments.

That's one in the same lad who is shown earlier in this thread in the "BEFORE" and "AFTER" pics with the burn marks on his chest. I watched this incident on TV, and was quite amused at what an asshat he was when, after the car gets torched, he jumped up on it's roof and was bouncing around and shoving burning items that he removed from inside the car down his shirt and jacket. WTF?? said I as I pondered just how much of an idiot one can be.

We've got all types in this great nation. All types.  ::)
Been up on an awesome camping trip in Huntsville, so I had to miss most of this one. 

Okay, who decided that the police cruiser that got burned was a junker?!? It is a new looking vehicle and how would anyone know how many kilometers are on it? Does anyone know what the average klicks on a cruiser are?  My district car generally has 170,000 km on it.  It isn't close to being over the hill.  It is only three years old. 

From one of the articles posted several pages back:
We will let the police know that we will not tolerate the arrests, beatings and attempt to intimidate the people of Toronto.
:rofl:  Yes, you will soft beeeotches.  Kick the dog, enjoy the reaction. 

mariomike said:
Some mayors suggest events like the G8 and G20 summits should never again be held in the downtown core of a city.":

Funny, the one mayor they didn't contact?  The mayor of Huntsville.  Having spoken with him myself, he had no complaints.  And I'm sure the extra money in the area wasn't hurting anyones feelings. 
ArmyVern said:
Note the gent standing behind the police car just to the left of the pax door in the plaid garments.

That's one in the same lad who is shown earlier in this thread in the "BEFORE" and "AFTER" pics with the burn marks on his chest. I watched this incident on TV, and was quite amused at what an idiot he was when, after the car gets torched, he jumped up on it's roof and was bouncing around and shoving burning items that he removed from inside the car down his shirt and jacket. WTF?? said I as I pondered just how much of an idiot one can be.

We've got all types in this great nation. All types.  ::)

I would love to see that video because in the article below he claims to be lighting himself on fire on top of the police car. When he noticed it was burning inside he then tried to extinguish the fire.

mariomike said:
"The fire, the accused and the cop":
2010newbie said:
I would love to see that video because in the article below he claims to be lighting himself on fire on top of the police car. When he noticed it was burning inside he then tried to extinguish the fire.

“Look, though I do believe I was definitely being mischievous, I wasn’t the bad apple in the crowd,” Warrington said in court. “I was entertaining the mass. I thought I did a pretty good job.”

The unemployed Cambridge man explained he is bipolar, has a Grade 7 education and medicates himself with marijuana. He is also on disability.

Uh, yeah, I'd believe his story........not.  ::)
From the linked article:

The unemployed Cambridge man explained he is bipolar, has a Grade 7 education and medicates himself with marijuana. He is also on disability.

Unemployed - yes, most of us work rather than cause mayhem.

Bipolar - I think that's obvious.

Grade 7 Education - Doubtful, most Grade 7's know better

Medicated with marijuana - logical explanation but if he was high during the protests he likely would have just been sitting somewhere eating Cheesies.

Disabilty - Hello Mr fraudulent disability claims investigator, I think you have a hit here.
zipperhead_cop said:
Funny, the one mayor they didn't contact?  The mayor of Huntsville.  Having spoken with him myself, he had no complaints.  And I'm sure the extra money in the area wasn't hurting anyones feelings.
I didn't see much about up north in Muskoka on the TV news. "No complaints"? Sounds like a nice place for the next G20. I am sure our Police and Paramedics will appreciate the camping trip. Even more enjoyable when they are on "golden time".  :)
I don't think the people of Toronto will object much if the next G20 is hosted by another Canadian city or town.

"That, in many ways, summed up Huntsville’s relaxed and warm reception of the G8 summit, unlike the protests and vandalism that marked the G20 in Toronto. But despite its unassuming nature, this quaint cottage country town is sure of one thing: The international coverage of its tiny piece of the world will pay off sooner or later.
Its outlook has already brightened considerably as millions of federal dollars were used to repave roads, build a new community centre, improve hydro lines and even attract the University of Waterloo to house a campus in town.":
zipperhead_cop said:
Funny, the one mayor they didn't contact?  The mayor of Huntsville.  Having spoken with him myself, he had no complaints.  And I'm sure the extra money in the area wasn't hurting anyone's feelings. 
Everybody likes infrastructure money being spent in their community, but if there was no action in Toronto, and the damage/rioting moved to Huntsville because it was the only game in town, would his answer be the same?

Some tidbits....

Busy day in bail court today:
Bail court all day (from 9am) @ 2201 Finch Ave W (nr the 400). People being released hungry, thirsty, needing clothes & transport
drivers needed at the courthouse to shuttle people who are being released and meet other needs - support, food, etc.

Toronto Police reviewing how things went (see attached for more):
Following the conclusion of the G20 Summit, Chief William Blair has announced that the Toronto Police Service Summit Management After Action Review Team (SMAART), will study, review and report on all aspects of Summit policing in Toronto.

The purpose of the SMAART is to provide an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses in the G20 plans, and their execution, to provide a model for improved best practices in future operations.

Chief Blair said, “Considering the challenges of the G20 Summit, the Toronto Police Service and our policing partners with the RCMP, the OPP, the Canadian Forces and Peel Regional Police, worked together seamlessly. The effort, professionalism and restraint displayed by Summit police officers was outstanding ....

From the National Post:  "A summit hangover engulfed Canada’s largest city on Monday as finger pointing persisted over police measures and summit security costs and Toronto’s angry mayor pushed for federal compensation for businesses that lost money during the international gathering ...."
This from the G20 site:
Although the Government is not legally bound to pay compensation for losses suffered as a result of international meetings held in Canada there are precedents where compensation has been provided to those impacted by security measures of previous international summits. The administration and coordination of all requests for information on Payments on an Ex Gratia Basis to mitigate adverse financial consequences as a result of extraordinary security measures put in place for the G-20 Toronto Summit is under the responsibility of the Summits Management Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs. All persons concerned are invited to read the relevant Guidelines, frequently asked questions and the Claim Form within the time-frame stated in the Guidelines. The assessment of all claims will be made in close cooperation with Audit Services Canada, a special operating agency reporting to Public Works and Government Services Canada. Payments will be administered in accordance with Treasury Board Policy on Claims and Ex Gratia Payments and the Financial Administration Act. For any other question on matters not referred to in the above-mentioned documents (Guidelines and Claim Form), the Summits Management Office has activated a toll-free telephone number: 1-877-750-6042.
What's been said before about who pays for property damage

- edited to add following -
Secret super-clamp-down law?  Not so super-clamp-down as first reported - from the Canadian Press:
The five-metre rule that had people fearing arrest if they strayed too close to the G20 security perimeter appears not to have been a rule at all.

Civil libertarians were fuming after hearing Friday that the Ontario cabinet gave police the power to stop and search anyone coming within five metres of the G20 fences in Toronto for a one week period.

However, the Ministry of Community Safety says all the cabinet did was update the law that governs entry to such things as court houses to include specific areas inside the G20 fences — not outside.

A ministry spokeswoman says the change was about property, not police powers, and did not include any mention of a zone five metres outside the G20 security perimeter ....
Does Mr. Warrington explain how he got his trumpet?  I mean, I'm no rocket scientist, but in the first, he's only got a smoke and some water in his hands.  Then, he has a trumpet.  And there's a Music Store there.  Did he buy a trumpet between getting burnt and getting arrested?

Here's another video that when viewed entirely on its own will give people ammunition to dispute the police tactics. What they won't take into consideration is that we don't know what happened right before the police hemmed them in, nor do we know what involvement the people had in the other attacks. I don't know what the police were doing when they were hemming them in, but I would assume that they were holding people there while they identified culprits of previous actions and not necessarily the actions that took place when the video was shot. At least that is my impression from how they swiftly removed specific people closer to the end of the video.

The middle section of this video is kind of drawn out a bit (the camera was at his side and he was still filming), but you can still hear the conversations. It sounds like there is a police officer saying that they are the good guys and they are looking for the bad guys only so everyone should just relax, but you can't identify the speaker.

2010newbie said:
I would love to see that video because in the article below he claims to be lighting himself on fire on top of the police car. When he noticed it was burning inside he then tried to extinguish the fire.

I watched it live on CBC Newsworld; try the CBC site (or youtube) for a video.
maikeru333 said:
there is video showing the 'anarchist black block tactic terrorist alien mind absorbing demonically possessed...' sorry where was i? they had new clothes, nice, expensive boots... all the same... maybe mil issue... anarchists without jobs can't afford too often...
Ever see the kind of equipment that airsofters (look it up) use?  I wonder how a 15 year old has military "issue" gear that would make a trained soldiers mouth water. Oh wait one word. Parents.

The difference between martial arts and three weeks of killing techniques is not about who can kill the easiest, because you can teach that pretty quickly; its about being able to defend yourself, and knowing WHEN AND WHY to use those techniques; or even TO HAVE THE SKILL TO OVERPOWER SOMEONE WITHOUT HURTING THEM.  When all you care about is kill ratio, and policy makers' troops are only so much fodder, these techniques are simlpy TIME CONSUMING and INEFFICIENT.  Who care if you make killing machines who can't be reintegrtated into socitiety, and could wake up in the middle of the night and kill a loved one on reflex before they know its just some ptsd flashback nightmare?
I can't call you retarded because it's probably a personal attack. So I'll ask.
ARE you retarded?
I want you to take your know how about killing someone easily, stand infront of the mirror and karate chop yourself in the neck -then post the video here.
Machetes, body armour seized from G20 protesters; Toronto police to review actions:

TORONTO — After announcing Toronto police will review all aspects of how officers handled security during the G20 summit, Chief William Blair displayed Tuesday an array of weapons and tools obtained from arrested protesters.

The recovered items included body armour, sledge hammers, machetes, an electric drill, saws, crowbars, shields, aluminum bats, dog repellent, bamboo rods and bottles of hot sauce.

"No one should be so naive as to think these people were there for the purpose of lawful protest," Blair said during a Toronto news conference.

(article continues)

Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Machetes+body+armour+seized+from+protesters+Toronto+police+review+actions/3214979/story.html#ixzz0sGTCnyFh

          (Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act)
57Chevy said:
The recovered items included body armour, sledge hammers, machetes, an electric drill, saws, crowbars, shields, aluminum bats, dog repellent, bamboo rods and bottles of hot sauce.
All to build a better, tastier, dog-repelled world, right?