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FWSAR (CC130H, Buffalo, C27J, V22): Status & Possibilities

  • Thread starter Thread starter aesop081
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Does anyone know where to find a current version of the procurement docs for the the FWSAR ?

I am curious to know how much, if any, emphasis is placed on the other general purpose uses for the aircraft other than SAR. 

Or can anyone here provide an answer?
The only other use for current FWSAR aircraft is strategic air lift.  I don't see that changing in the future.  What general purpose ideas did you have in mind?
Haletown said:
I am curious to know how much, if any, emphasis is placed on the other general purpose uses for the aircraft other than SAR. 
It is all great to include recognition for broader capabilities within procurement selection criteria, but if one does it just for the sake of including recognition for broader capabilities then one may only be committing themselves to paying more for something they will not use.

In the case of FWSAR, if we only buy enough airframes to meet our need in the FWSAR role then any additional millions-billions spent for greater transport or ISR capability will be wasted (because the aircraft will just not be available to do that transport or ISR work).

It might also be worthwhile if we knew the next project would be a light transport aircraft.  In that case, we could give added recognition to any aircraft that met both requirements and include an option to buy X additonal airframes in the future (in this case, X would be the number of light transport airframes required).  But, I don't think we have any such projects waiting in the backrooms.

There is only so much $$$ available to DND.  Just as we cannot afford to sink $$$ into equipment which lacks the capabilities we really need, we also cannot afford to squander $$$ in fancy features we won't be able to use.
CDN Aviator said:
That system is NOT a FLIR.......

The Sniper pod isn't technically ony a FLIR pod, however on my displays, it does say FLIR for the Sniper pod selection.  Even the aircraft tells me it's a FLIR, even though it's not.  ::)

I think it's fair to say that people understand what you mean when you say FLIR pod.
SupersonicMax said:
  Even the aircraft tells me it's a FLIR, even though it's not.  ::)

We also had legacy software that said FLIR in our aircraft. That has since been removed. same with all references to FLIR in the AOIs.
FLIR is also a manufacturer: http://www.flir.com/CA/
If Jack Harris wants 15 minute response (let alone 15 minute recovery) everywhere in Canada and its EEZ then he better plan on buying an awful lot of helos, crews and techies.
Kirkhill said:
If Jack Harris wants 15 minute response (let alone 15 minute recovery) everywhere in Canada and its EEZ then he better plan on buying an awful lot of helos, crews and techies.

Depends how you define 15 min response.  If it`s a crew on standby, ready to launch within 15 mins we could do that...

Out of Winnipeg (middle of Canada).  Could be a slight delay in getting to Newfoundland.

On the other hand, overlapping circles of 15 min response time would be prohibitively expensive.

I do like the idea of having the CF ditch SAR responsibility.  It`s not a core military function (other than CSAR, which we don`t do) - but I know CAS would blow a headvalve if he lost that many PYs...
News Room

Canadian fixed-wing search and rescue
BG–10.005 - March 18, 2010

In a country as vast as Canada, the search and rescue environment is complex. The men and women of the Canadian Forces who carry out these life-saving missions require modern and up-to-date equipment.

Fixed-wing search and rescue (FWSAR) is a vital component of this SAR system because it provides the response that is so important in the time period immediately following the occurrence of a distress incident. With the Canadian Forces’ current Buffalo FWSAR aircraft approaching the end of their supportable life spans, acquiring a new aircraft is essential for the Department of National Defence (DND) to perform effective SAR services across the country. It is absolutely critical that the right aircraft be selected because not only the lives of the crews that conduct these operations will depend on it for the next 30 years but also the lives of Canadians in distress.

As a part of the Canada First Defence Strategy, the replacement of Canada's Fixed Wing Search and Rescue (FWSAR) fleet is a high priority for the Government.


Approximately every 30 years, new aircraft must be acquired to allow dedicated SAR crews to continue providing their essential service. As aircraft age, they reach a point where the cost and effort associated with maintenance increase significantly, resulting in decreased availability. The Hercules and Buffalo aircraft being used in this role today entered service in the mid-1960s. While the addition of the new C-130J Hercules for the Tactical Air Transport mission will allow the retirement of the older CC-130E models and the use of the newer CC-130H models in the interim, the recent life extension initiatives for the Buffalo fleet ends in 2015.

Efforts are underway to acquire a new FWSAR capability to allow the retirement of the Buffalo aircraft as quickly as possible. A FWSAR project office at the Department of National Defence (DND) was established; and, in 2004, a Statement of Requirements (SOR) was drafted. The SOR outlines the technical aspects that an aircraft requires to effectively carry out SAR missions in Canada’s harsh operating environment.

In June 2006 the Government announced that it planned to acquire Strategic and Tactical Airlift fleets.  The CanadaFirst Defence Strategy, established in 2008, outlines that these prioritized acquisitions are building a solid foundation for the continued modernization and strengthening of the military. Based on a detailed assessment of requirements, this 20-year plan commits to renewing the Forces’ core equipment platforms, which includes FWSAR. 

Canada's CC-177 Globemaster III strategic lift fleet was delivered in 2008, and the delivery of the first CC-130J Hercules tactical lift aircraft is expected to begin in summer 2010. 

In July 2009, in an effort to move forward with the FWSAR procurement, the Government of Canada requested industry’s feedback on the high level considerations for FWSAR requirements, which were detailed during the FWSAR Industry Day. Industry was given 60 days to comment. The submission period concluded on September 15 and DND, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), and Industry Canada (IC) reviewed the submissions from industry.  This demonstrated the Government’s commitment to an open dialogue with industry and helped assess the Canadian industrial ability to support the procurement of a new fleet.

Following consultation with the aerospace industry, the government engaged the National Research Council (NRC) to conduct an independent review of the FWSAR SOR.  The final report was received from the NRC in March 2010 and officials from DND, PWGSC, and IC are reviewing the report’s findings and recommendations. The report’s findings, as well as industry’s feedback, will complement the work already done by DND to ensure the best possible solution for Canada’s complex SAR environment. 


Canada is one of the most challenging countries in the world in which to conduct Search and Rescue (SAR) operations. With the world’s second largest land mass surrounded by the longest coastline, the area to be covered is immense: approximately 18 million square kilometres. As shown in Figure 1, the Canadian SAR region far exceeds that of all Western European countries combined. The geography Canadian SAR Region ranges from the Rocky Mountain peaks, to vast territorial waters, to Arctic tundra, most of which is sparsely populated with little infrastructure. Weather can be extreme and temperatures vary from -50C to +40C and beyond. All of which place enormous demands on the people and equipment that must work in this environment. In terms of SAR, these demands are unique to Canada.


Figure 1. Comparison of Canada’s SAR Area of Responsibility to Western Europe.

In 1947, the Department of National Defence (DND) was assigned primary federal responsibility for providing aeronautical SAR services across Canada. The aeronautical SAR service provided by the Canadian Forces is an essential component of the overall National SAR Program, which includes resources contributed by the Canadian Coast Guard, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, provincial and municipal police forces, the Civil Air Search and Rescue Association (CASARA), and many others.

Canada’s vast area is divided into three Search and Rescue Regions (SRR) as shown in Figure 1, with Joint Rescue Coordination Centres (JRCC) located in Halifax, NS; Trenton, ON; and Victoria BC. The JRCCs are staffed by Canadian Coast Guard and Canadian Forces’ personnel who can call upon any SAR resources in their area to respond to incidents of distress 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year. Each year, JRCCs handle an average of 8,000 air and marine SAR cases. In 2008, the JRCC handled 9,097 SAR cases across Canada. On average, Canadian Forces SAR aircraft conduct over 1,000 missions per year.

Canadian Forces primary SAR crews and aircraft are based in:

Gander, NL (Cormorant helicopters);

Greenwood, NS (Cormorant helicopters and Hercules fixed-wing aircraft);

Trenton, ON (Griffon helicopters and Hercules fixed-wing aircraft);

Winnipeg, MB (Hercules fixed-wing aircraft); and

Comox, BC (Cormorant helicopters and Buffalo fixed-wing aircraft).

However, any Canadian Forces aircraft can be called upon to conduct SAR operations when required. Particularly, Griffon helicopters based in Goose Bay, NL; Bagotville, QC; and Cold Lake, AB, often conduct SAR missions in addition to their primary role. The Canadian Forces Twin Otter aircraft fleet based in Yellowknife, NWT is often similarly tasked as a secondary FWSAR resource. As shown in Figure 2, the current mix of helicopter and fixed-wing SAR aircraft are strategically located to maximize the level of SAR service where it is needed most, given the resources and base locations across Canada.


Figure 2. Location of Primary Canadian Forces SAR Aircraft and Distribution of Incidents involving FWSAR Response from 1998 to 2001. (ORD Technical Report TR 2005/03)


The overall SAR solution for the Canadian Forces involves the ability to respond rapidly to SAR incidents near and far, and to provide both immediate assistance and rescue for all possible SAR events. The combination of helicopters and fixed-wing SAR aircraft provide a rapid and effective SAR solution, as the unique attributes of each play a critical role. The FWSAR aircraft is the first to arrive on-scene and provide immediate assistance by dispatching life-saving SAR technicians and/or equipment to persons in distress thus requiring superior speed, range and cargo capacity. In the long range scenarios, the helicopter arrives later to extract the distress victims along with the SAR technicians. Both aircraft types are essential for providing a rapid and effective SAR service to a large area.


Canada’s Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) requirements for procurements such as FWSAR are applied in a manner that does not affect the Department of National Defence’s operational requirements.
The IRB Policy is an important element of the Government of Canada’s overall procurement process for major defence and security purchases. This policy enables the Government of Canada to leverage major investments in military equipment to encourage long-term industrial development and significant economic activity here in Canada.

Established in 1986, the Policy ensures that prime contractors undertake high quality and advanced technology business activities in Canada, typically in amounts equal to 100 percent of the contract value. Canada’s IRB Policy is firmly in line with over 150 industrialized countries around the world that implement similar industrial participation programs.

Industry Canada is responsible for the administration of the IRB Policy, and is the IRB Authority. Industry Canada works in partnership on procurement projects with Public Works and Government Services Canada, which oversees the procurement process, and with the Department of National Defence, which establishes the technical requirements. Industry Canada consults with and conducts evaluations of IRB proposals along with the Regional Development Agencies.


A key objective of Government of Canada procurement is to ensure that the right goods and services are purchased at the best possible price for the taxpayer. Sometimes, Canadian firms meet the procurement requirements and provide significant Canadian content in their goods or services. Other times, global firms provide goods and services that combine high-value Canadian content with world-class items sourced outside of Canada.

The IRB Policy does not dictate where the goods and services are purchased. Instead, it allows for the best available balance between quality and value for money, while ensuring that an equivalent amount of high-value economic stimulus is injected into the Canadian economy. IRBs help ensure that the Canadian economy in all regions benefits from procurement, regardless of the final outcome of the procurement process and which company wins the contract.

The IRB Policy requires prime contractors to select their Canadian partners based on what makes the best business sense, with the goal of generating long-term, sustainable business relationships in Canada. These strategic relationships stimulate the Canadian economy while helping to ensure a more competitive Canadian industry. The long-term focus of the IRB Policy provides Canadian companies with an opportunity to develop and apply their own strengths and competitive solutions and to take advantage of real business opportunities that will last years beyond the initial IRB commitment.


During the bidding process for a project with IRB requirements, bidders must submit an IRB proposal as part of the overall bid. The IRB proposal is a specific plan that outlines how the bidder plans to engage with Canadian companies over the life of the contract. The IRB proposal responds to several key requirements, such as providing plans for regional and small business participation, along with specifically identifying business activities being proposed. A team, which includes representation from the Regional Development Agencies, is led by Industry Canada to evaluate each IRB proposal and determine whether it satisfies the requirements of the IRB Policy.

The IRB Policy recognizes both “direct” and “indirect” types of business activities. Direct IRBs are goods, services or investments that relate directly to the item being procured by Canada under the contract. Indirect IRBs are goods, services or investments that relate to the contractor’s other product or business lines. Each IRB activity must meet established eligibility criteria and is measured for its Canadian content value (i.e., Canadian labour and materials).

The Government of Canada does not force winning bidders to do business with specific Canadian companies. The government asks them to identify and undertake high-value business opportunities in Canada that make good business sense to all parties involved.


The IRB Policy benefits the Canadian economy by:

securing major investments in the Canadian economy

providing the incentive for contractors to partner with Canadian companies

increasing Canadian industrial competitiveness, through improved market access of advanced-technology sectors

facilitating the entry of Canadian firms in the global supply chains of major international corporations

developing and maintaining a capacity in Canada to deliver long-term equipment support to the Canadian Forces

promoting growth of Canada’s small and medium-sized enterprises and the development of regional industrial capacity

For more information on Canada’s IRB Policy and a description of ongoing and future federal procurements subject to the IRB Policy, please visit www.ic.gc.ca/irb.

Seems the politicans are muddying the waters in hopes of landing a juicy contract in their neck of the woods and doing damge to other political parties in the process. If I recall correctly the Buff only operate along the BC coast and interior and that's why the DND requirements were written as they were. Those requirement precluded a lot of aircraft. It would seem that for the politicans it's easier to move mountains than to have the correct aircraft come to them.
"Depends how you define 15 min response.  If it`s a crew on standby, ready to launch within 15 mins we could do that..." our 30 minute response is wheels off ground in 30, takes more than 15 minutes to start CF Aircraft. There aren't enough aircrew to man 24/7 30 minute response. We barely have enough FE to man the posture we have now, no way to recruit or train them any faster than we are now (only  so many training aircraft available). Contract out SAR? OK by me, but there are even fewer people out walking around on the street able to do this job without a bunch of training. I guess Canada will need to degrade the SAR service they provide in order to have people ready faster to do less. I live in Gander, on my 2 hour response (bed fast asleep sometimes) I am at the hangar loading the plane in 15 minutes. This is smoke and mirrors, by lobbyists, and ignorance by politicians. I don't mean rude ignorance, just not understanding what the postures mean. 30 minute posture= doing our currency training. 2 hour posture means ready to SAR fly, not at work doing PER (evaluations), exchanging worn out boots, or flying. We are near the hangar,  the aircraft  is gassed and ready, the only delay is from the time the pager goes off until we get in and dressed. Just because we are sometimes actually in the air already during our 30 min response doesn't mean we arrive at an incident faster. If we are training off St John's, and there is a mission off Labrador, ,we will be slower to arrive than if you woke me up at 0 dark 30. This is all politics, and isn't helping Canadians at all.

best fixed wing SAR plane for Canada? c130J. Buy more.
SupersonicMax said:
This isn't legacy software, but brand spanking new software.

That's because yours is from "FLIRTM Systems" while CA's is from "L3 WESCAM"...  ;)
A post at Unambiguously Ambidextrous:

Union selfishness and new Air Force aircraft


Another strange thought from left field:

One of the critical requirements for all military operations is “eyes in the skies”.  This drives the NOCTUA, MPA and, perhaps to a lesser extent, the JSF programmes (JSF due to its touted all aspect sensing abilities).  It also, it seems to me, to be a key factor in the FWSAR project.

If I am not mistaken the original FWSAR aircraft were Transports that were pressed into service to conduct searches as a secondary mission.  Once the “target” was located it could then be “bombed” with people on parachutes capable of stabilizing the situation until somebody could figure out how to extract the victims.  And then along comes the helicopter, another transport asset, to perform the extraction.  But those operations evolved during the era where the Mark 1 Eyeball was still the primary search technology.

Further, and again if I’m not mistaken, there is very little to distinguish the conduct of a search to locate a downed civilian than the conduct of a reconnaissance to locate and identify an unidentified and imprecisely located truck or boat.  Both use the best available technology to supplement the Mark 1 Eyeball to achieve their goals.

From that I come to this observation:

It seems to me that the FWSAR aircraft is still largely seen as a Transport platform that conducts searches (reconnaissance). 

Could we reverse the situation and look at the FWSAR as a reconnaissance aircraft that also transports?

My thinking here is that instead of looking at the FWSAR as a stand-alone programme that has to justify itself on its own merits, could it be looked at as a Multi-Purpose platform (an aerial Arctic Offshore Patrol Ship – aka Canada’s Littoral Combat Ship) capable of conducting a number of missions?
What would happen if the SOR for the FWSAR stipulated that the candidate aircraft not only had to have long legs and carry a payload of an “embarked force with supplies” but also had to be equipped with the surface search capabilities of the CH-148 cyclone and perhaps, even, be equipped with probe and drogue equipment so as to conduct refuelling of other aircraft and be refuelled in flight?

The rationale is:

Multiple roles make for an easier sell;

The surface search capability, I believe, would make the aircraft a more effective search platform and would also permit the FWSAR candidate to assist the MPA in some of its duties;

The in-flight refuelling capability would both allow the FWSAR to be maintained on station during the search for longer periods and also allow other shorter-ranged aircraft, like rescue helicopters and perhaps even the JSF, to be “sling-shot” forwards, permitting them to transit to the scene faster and travel farther to get there.

It could also make the FWSAR a more useful permanent resident of the Arctic.

Just some more Saturday Morning Weirdness after my coffee and Tuaca....

Kirkhill said:
The surface search capability, I believe, would make the aircraft a more effective search platform and would also permit the FWSAR candidate to assist the MPA in some of its duties;

There is nothing that a sensor-equiped FWSAR aircraft can bring to the table that an MPA needs help with. In the same breath, you can imagine what a GMTI-equiped block 3 Aurora brings to a search in poor weather.

You start adding too much and try to make FWSAR everything to everyone and it will never get delivered.

Further to that, IMHO, you are ignoring the political reality that SAR in Canada must be available for SAR. There was enough finger pointing when that cougar helo went down and the SAR guys were out on a SAR exercise. Imagine the shytstorm that would come if  SAR asset was unavailable because it was out doing "playing soldier".
CDN Aviator said:
There is nothing that a sensor-equiped FWSAR aircraft can bring to the table that an MPA needs help with. In the same breath, you can imagine what a GMTI-equiped block 3 Aurora brings to a search in poor weather.

How about a GMTI equipped FWSAR?  There will be more FWSAR located across Canada than all of the LRP fleet. Why not put all the whizz bang technology on our new search aircraft - it will make locating that sinking boat at night in heaving seas that more effective. 

I like the idea of AAR - something akin to what the USAF does with their CSAR assets - Blackhawk tankers off the Herc.  Modifying a Cormorant would be an expensive feat.
Zoomie said:
How about a GMTI equipped FWSAR? 

Sure, why not. Sure would help a Search wouldn't it. Though it wouldn't help you very much in looking for a sinking boat in heaving seas.
...although GMTI needs target movement to operate most effectively, so situations like lost travellers in stuck vehicles might not be the best case for the expensive of GMTI.  It would likely have to be justified as "one of many" sensors to provide maximum search effectiveness overall.  At the very least, the aircraft should have FLIR (unlike the CH149 Cormorant which oddly has no FLIR).

CDN Aviator said:
There is nothing that a sensor-equiped FWSAR aircraft can bring to the table that an MPA needs help with. In the same breath, you can imagine what a GMTI-equiped block 3 Aurora brings to a search in poor weather.

You start adding too much and try to make FWSAR everything to everyone and it will never get delivered.

Further to that, IMHO, you are ignoring the political reality that SAR in Canada must be available for SAR. There was enough finger pointing when that cougar helo went down and the SAR guys were out on a SAR exercise. Imagine the shytstorm that would come if  SAR asset was unavailable because it was out doing "playing soldier".

I can understand that the MPA doesn't need help to do its job.  But as I understand it we have too few MPAs as it is and will have fewer in the future.  So if that is the case couldn't we offload some of the demand from the MPA fleet and task it to another fleet like the FWSAR?  Then you wouldn't have to call the MPAs off their patrols to assist in SAR ops as often.

And you're right about the availability of assets but in Canada isn't that as much a result of basing and distances as it is numbers?  As I understand it one of the arguments against positioning SAR assets in the Arctic is that they would spend much of their time on the runway or in the hangar.  If those airframes could contribute to other tasks, such as Sovereignty Patrols and Assistance to OGDs then wouldn't there be more of a case for deploying those assets forward?  Perhaps a case could be made for additional FWSARs (3 or 4) if they were more generally useful - and given the sunk costs of establishing training and logistics systems - so that Quick Reaction Aircraft could be maintained on the ground while others are conducting standing patrols.