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Fitness Test

DEEJ said:

:cdn: What do you do during the step test?  do you just go up and down steps?  :cdn:





That should get you started.  Took all of 2 minutes searching for "The step test".
I have been waiting to get in for 6 months so far. Can anyone tell me how long does it take for the physical test to expire. And when it does will they call me to redo it or will i have to call them myself to get a date for it??
Yes, the physical does expire after six months. If I were you I would not wait for the CFRC to call you, give them a call and ask them if you do in fact need to update.  You may also need to do another interview.
Another interview? Wow... What is the reason they make you do another interview?
i have to redo my phisical, mine expired on the 29th of december.  i have to redo it before my swear in date on jan 20th.  i don't have to redo the interview though.
Physical Fitness tests expire after six months.  If you need anything from CFRC, spead to them about it.  It's your file.  You need to be the one to show initiative or nothing will be done.
jarko said:
Another interview? Wow... What is the reason they make you do another interview?

Honestly, I have no idea but they are making me do another one.
I"m just trying to figure out what its going to be like, i know all the requirements for pushups, situps, chinups, and running, but I'm just wondering how they'll test them.
I just want to know if the situps and pushups (and chinups?) are times, aka you must do as many as you can in a minute, or do you just keep on doing them until you can't do them anymore?

If anyone has gone thru the application process (especially in Edmonton) and has and has any helpful tips on this stuff, the help would be greatly appreciated!
The way I did it in CFRC/D Oshawa Ontario (CFRC Toronto detachment) was like this..

Came in sat down, filled out a form. He took our resting blood pressure/heart rate.

1. Handgrip strength we did first. You just squeeze this metal thing as hard as you can. You must get a minimum of 75KG
  (It looks like this http://www.bigsteel.iwarp.com/Articles2/Grip_Strength/Baseline_Hydraulic_Hand_Dynamometer.JPG )

2. Then we did pushups . Not timed, just as many as you could do properly at once. If you don't do one properly it doesn't count so make sure you go all the way down and back up. (Hands are under your shoulders, not out to the side of your body)

3. On to the situps, you have 60 seconds to do a minimum of 19. (They had someone hold your feet when I did mine)

4. Step Test. Step up and down a couple stairs to the beat of some music playing, you go for 3 mins and then he takes your heart rate.. if ok you go for another 3 mins but faster tempo music.. and you just keep doing that until you reach your v02 max.

Thats it.
I have just completed all my forms etc to join the army full time.  My question is what does the preliminary fitness test consist of?  I know it is pushups situps etc but how many reps etc are you required to do to pass?  Anything you guys have to say would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!
  I believe that there are a few other threads that you can find this information on... Also a package from your local recruiting centre should have the information aswell... But lucky for you I have the exact information right beside me... so while I wait for my sheets to dry...so I can go to bed, I will type them out for you (watch someone post it right before me...bastards, haha... hope this helps, im sure it will, duh)

2.4km under 30 years old, Men: Acceptable; 11:56-10:13 Superior; Under 10:13
CHIN UPS Men under 35:    6            Over 35:    3
Push Ups Men under 35:    19          Over 35:    17
Sit-Ups Men Under 35:    19            Over 35:    17
Hand Grip Under 35:    75 Kilograms        Over 35:    50              (I dont know where you can get that test done before hand??)

Good Luck! (Im waiting for my testing aswell (For Reserves, can't happen fast enough damnit!)
Search works good.  Try this Topic: Physical Requirements - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/16007.0.html

There are many more Topics covering this subject.
I have a few friends working at CFRC Wpg. They have told me that the Forces well not fail anyone if you cant do the push ups and or sit ups as they need the numbers so they were told to call all those that fail in the last little bit to come back in. I guess as long as they get the numbers you can always train someone to do push ups!!!
You can't be serious.........If a kid person can't do the required number to pass the tests as is, we will be turning into a 'Welfare Army' if we accept them.  Why even have a "STANDARD" if it doesn't have to be met?  ::)
On Second Thought......Now we can have a larger SF.  Everyone presently serving, who has managed to pass, even surpass, the 'Current Physical Fitness Standards", will automatically be called SF.  Those who are now joining, who can't meet the standards, will become what is known as the GG Army (Generic Girlie Army).