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Fitness Standards



hey everyone.  I'm getting ready to put in my application to the reserves soon.  But I'm not in shape yet, so I was woundering if anyone could tell me the exact physical standards that they want on the medical exam, or even just give me a link.  Thanks!
Try the search feature and also some of the "sticky" threads, they should be able to help you out.

Here's a hint, tends to help to do double or triple of the minimum's so you won't have any problems.

Besides, shouldn't take you long to get upto 50 situps and pushups.

Running on the other hand, that depends.  And I'll leave that to the others to help you with cause I have enough trouble on my own getten my arse out to run every night hah.
Just did my fit test today. I was ready to pound out the push-up and sit-up.  When I reached the min. number the tester said"OK you can stop now".  So by the time he finished saying that I was 2 over min. on each.  I could have done more but it did not seem to matter?!?  Is this going to affect me when it comes to review board time??? ???
No, but its good that you can do more, they say you should be as fit as you can be when you arrive at BMQ.
I'll let someone like Tracker weigh in for a definite on this but I was told that if you are applying for something that is ultra competitive that may require great physical fitness that just doing the minimum when others are doing better would not look good.

When I joined you went until you collapsed, simple.

Again, I'll let Tracker grab the ball and run with it here, I am out of date.
ARMYboi69 said:
So you have to do 17 Push-Ups, that's it?   Do you have the option to keep going?   Does that affect your stats or chances to be accepted?

its 19, and same thing with me, they just stopped me at 19, but i would say, if you cant do atleast 3 sets of 25 inside an hour, you need more work. Ithink things like SARTEC and other should have something where there is a minimum, but they take the top x amount of people, though i think there are PT selections processes for each different trade like that.
If you do just the minimum, there is a possibility you will not be accepted. Maybe at first yes, but once you begin to move through your courses and with your unit, you will be under pressure to exceed the standard.

17 pushups is NOTHING.

Teamwork is everything, and not being able to keep up with the team will cause you more stress than trying to exceed the minimum standard, every time.

Entrance standards are not necessarily Battalion, Company, Platoon or Section standards........Peer pressure is not always a bad thing.
I understand that HH, but the original question was what is the minimum on the entrance physical exam. I agree taht the standard should be higher, and everyone, regardless of trade shoul be able to atleast double the minimum. In the army, you are a rifleman first...
Here is my plan. Before I join the infantry and show up for five or whatever weeks of fun in Wainright I should be fit enough for a jump course or Recce Patrolman or whatever, and before I ask for a jump course I should be looking at the minimum JTF standard. Before I test for JTF selection... never mind I'm too old and lazy for that. Problem is I have only a vague notion of a meaningful standard. When I was in only a couple years ago, Everybody you asked had a different standard: Express test level whatever, LFCAPFSDS or whatever it is ruck march and fireman carry, or worse yet, No Standard At All.

What I want is some boasting from people who did the courses last year. How fast can you do 5K, or 10K? How many pushups, sit-ups, chinups can you do? And was the course fun for you or was every morning a horrible puke run.

For example, is 50 pushups still the currency with which battle school students pay for every minor mistake? I remember being assigned 100 pushups for getting caught adjusting my kit during an inspection, and then, because I drew attention to myself, I got a hundred more because the MCpl noticed my boots were dusty. A bit of a challenge for me.
in this hole fitness thing what if you have Asthma but it ain t really bad are yoiu still aloud in?  :skull:
I had asthma as a kid, and I made it in.

P.S. use the spell check button. A messy post is a sure way to not get the answers you are looking for.
ARMYboi69 said:
Would that have to be done without stopping?   Or would they say "30 now, 20 after breakfast.", or something like that?

It was supposed to be 200 in a row. I should probably admit that I only managed 75 before I collapsed into a snivelling puddle of suffering.
ARMYboi69 said:
How many people could actually do 200 without stopping?

Probably not too many (I can think of allot that have trouble with 20)....I know I couldn't/can't do 200 proper push-ups at once.  That being said I know quite a few guys that do multiple sets of 60-90 as part of their fitness regime so 200 if you train enough can be done.  50 is a very obtainable goal armyboi.  You would be surprised at how fast your body will strengthens when you do push-ups, chin-ups and situps regularly.

Don't sweat the little things.   You'll do fine on the PT.   Last I heard from my buddy in recruiting in Winnipeg is they are hiring.   No reasonable offer to be denied.

The horror stories of 200 push-ups in a row, while I can't speak for an Infantry Battle School, no longer happen in the Armoured School.   We are a friendlier, gentler military.  I went through the being singled out for mistakes or watching everybody else be punished for a mistake you did.   It is an effective tool when used properly, that has been stripped of our instructors.  

Good luck to you
The key is not to count the number you can do, it's pushing yourself till you can't do no more, do this everyday and see an increase of around 5 a week. That's if you are doing moderate weighttraining as well. Triceps are important in the overall motion of the pushup, make sure you also work these well. But don't push yourself to injury ( or overtraining )/
Sure start a goal, and add to it, if you count ever one and you know you can only do 15 let's say, the mind will give up before the body does, you won't want to push yourself because you'll make yourself stop because it's difficult.

Try the one minute non stop, perfect form, and add to it. At the end of the week, count what you can do, record the number and do the same for next week.

Keep at it bro and you'll have it down to a science.
ARMYboi69 said:
200 in a row?!  I haven't ever met someone who's even done 50 in a row, so 200 is way too high :skull: How many people could actually do 200 without stopping?

I dont want to blow my own horn - but i will anyways  ;D, On my Units last PT examination I managed 71 pushups consecutively, 32 sit-ups in a minute and my run time was amoungst the top 5 in the Sqd. (Work at it every night and anyone can. Eventually, you'll find you cant even sleep until you'ce busted out 50)

Some guys in the regt. had a fellow do 115 push-ups during their entrance PT test at CFRC. He stopped, because he was growing bored, they say he was only beginning to show signs of tiring. I saw the guy last summer at meaford, and 1 look at him removed all doubt or disbelief in the story!  :eek:
When I was on course, on our PT tests I was usually able to manage about 60 pushups.... the most ive ever done was 71 and 32 situps in a minute... wait a minute! Shortbus! are you stealing my results? =p We need to have a competition  >:D

A few others guys managed to make over 50 too... i was able to do the 2nd or 3rd most pushups on my BIQ course... the guy that did the most did something like 85.He was in crazy shape though, he ran the 2.4 in like 8 and a half minutes, he sprinted the entire time.It wasnt a flat track, half of it was uphill... mostly just all around Camp Aldershot.I still cant beleive how fit he was.He now belongs to the PLF I beleive.

Ive seen guys on tv do a few hundred before =p