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Fat troops on the street....

The PERI's cooked their own goose.  We saw it coming for years - but they didn't.  Every time we had a request in for them to lead PT, ther weren't available - they were all working on their 'Rec' projects.  They morphed from a military asset into a community assset.  Only in Cornwallis, St Jean, and the Officer trg sites did they do a lot of the PT thing.  We saw them going fifteen years before they did - once the Majors who they turned down became Generals - yet they were still in shock.

Let this be a lesson to us all.  Try not to 'civillianize' your job , or you just might be replaced by one.

Had to think about that and I could see where you could be right, in 10 years I can recall only twice having PT from a peri, basic and pre-para course.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Had to think about that and I could see where you could be right, in 10 years I can recall only twice having PT from a peri, basic and pre-para course.
Bruce we no longer have "PERI Staff" they no longer exist.

Yes we had a Trade which were Physical Instructors "PERI Satff" and we had a few beast's among them,basically a trade for Jock's.
When I first joined in 96 they took you out for your runs etc. and instructed you how to exercise properly and on the whole were very fare when it came to helping those who lacked the minimum athletic ability with in the Forces.
It would seem that the legacy of being a "community asset" has extended into the civvies that control the facilities today too... can anyone explain why the Edmonton Garrison pool is only open 90 minutes most days for the troops - but 2.5 hrs for kids/pregnant women etc?
GO!!! said:
It would seem that the legacy of being a "community asset" has extended into the civvies that control the facilities today too... can anyone explain why the Edmonton Garrison pool is only open 90 minutes most days for the troops - but 2.5 hrs for kids/pregnant women etc?

Tell me about it.  We often wanted to swim for an alternative PT, but they give you a minimal window to do so.  Kinda hard to push it (say, if your working up for a triathalon or something) around little kids and pool toys.
bossi said:
But, in addition to his personal shame (of which he has none), the blame lies with the superiors who were hoodwinked into promoting him (to the detriment of morale amongst all those who are fitter, more qualified, and more experienced ...).   In other words, a failure of leadership.


Your right about the lack of leadership in this area. I was recently at a SCAN seminar, and during an open Q&A the topic turned to PT injuries and pensions etc. Anyway this clown says in a room full of about 300 people that he hadn't done a PT test in get this...17 years! I won't say which branch of the service he was in (air) but you could hear the gasps in the crowd and neck bones cracking from all the old Chiefs in audience swivelling their heads around to fine out who this imbecile was. Someone did ask him how he got away with it....his answer: operational reasons. What Bullshit.
Jumper said:
Your right about the lack of leadership in this area. I was recently at a SCAN seminar, and during an open Q&A the topic turned to PT injuries and pensions etc. Anyway this clown says in a room full of about 300 people that he hadn't done a PT test in get this...17 years! I won't say which branch of the service he was in (air) but you could hear the gasps in the crowd and neck bones cracking from all the old Chiefs in audience swivelling their heads around to fine out who this imbecile was. Someone did ask him how he got away with it....his answer: operational reasons. What Bullshit.

Uuuugh!    Please take my blue-embroidered CADPAT rank away from me before I string myself up with it and my name-tape...   :-[

Jumper said:
... he hadn't done a PT test in get this...17 years!
I'm not surprised... you say everybody in the room gasped, but Leaders at all levels of command, 8 or 9 COs and RSMs (or the Air Force equivalents) included, ignored this guy for 17 years. Nobody followed up on this guy's game... he's only half to blame. He was probably one of those persons with "permanent" temporary medical conditions  ::) Somehow, these people are able to get away with it, and the system lets them abuse it.
If Leaders, at all levels throughout the CF, did their job of applying the principles of Leadership, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But how do you force someone to take the PT test when you don't take it yourself ??
Bravo jumper, extremely well said. For those of us who are responsible for the training and welfare of troops, WE are failing them if we don't instill a sense of self worth that regular PT will give them. Remember nobody ever drowned in sweat!
Jungle said:
I'm not surprised... you say everybody in the room gasped, but Leaders at all levels of command, 8 or 9 COs and RSMs (or the Air Force equivalents) included, ignored this guy for 17 years. Nobody followed up on this guy's game... he's only half to blame. He was probably one of those persons with "permanent" temporary medical conditions  ::) Somehow, these people are able to get away with it, and the system lets them abuse it.
If Leaders, at all levels throughout the CF, did their job of applying the principles of Leadership, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But how do you force someone to take the PT test when you don't take it yourself ??

Your right his leaders are to blame, makes you wonder what they put on the Fitness testing portion of his PER?!
Jumper said:
Your right his leaders are to blame, makes you wonder what they put on the Fitness testing portion of his PER?!

I doubt it was "Fail" or "Med Excused".  Those make the member look bad.

"Not Tested" would require the supervisor to explain in the narrative why this member was not tested.  That could reflect poorly on the supervisor.

Likey it was "Passed" or Exempt". No explanation or obfuscation required.
Haggis said:
I doubt it was "Fail" or "Med Excused".   Those make the member look bad.

"Not Tested" would require the supervisor to explain in the narrative why this member was not tested.   That could reflect poorly on the supervisor.

Likey it was "Passed" or Exempt". No explanation or obfuscation required.

Maybe if a copy of your CF XPRESS Test / BFT results was a mandatory annex to the PER it would help solve the problem...
It's challenging enough getting people to do a one page PER on time.  Now you want to add annexes???  ;)

I think a better annex would be a peer review.  Have a soldier rated by his peers on elements of professional responsibility such as dress, fitness and professional knowledge.

.... and now that we've steered this one way off topic.... ;D
???People use "when time permits" as an excuse...
When time doesn't permit at my unit...I use my own lunch hour.
A regular army time schedule is 24hours a day....8 hours being asleep,
8 hours at work. That leaves you the soldier 8 hours of free time. How
you choose to use that free time is up to you. However, surely out of
those eight hours you can put aside 1hr to do some form of aerobic

sabre.... most DND establishments allow plenty of oportunity for their personnel to do some PT.
if you want to take an xtra 1/2 hr of lunch to get in some PT - your boss is just as likely to join you.
Sports afternoons and the like can be found in most places... at least that's how things are in my neck of the woods.

The bastard clerks at my BOR have been on "PT" every single time I needed something done this month. At this rate, if I ever find them they better be all wearing SOAC badges...  >:(

That's a leadership issue....
CC and Adjt have to stipulate when those desks, phones & computers have to be manned err operated.
it really boils down to everyone  should be doing PT at the same time(well  people like fire fighters, doctors, MP's  excluded)you know  the old 07:30-09:00  that way  there are no closed down shops during PEEK  working hours.
you're right didalous...........
and for those that wish it - they can also play sports over lunchtime.....
but the job's gotta get done...
have seen those that will eat over lunch, do their business during work hours, PT ad nauseum during work hours, coffee & doughnuts over work hours, etc, etc, etc........... yetch!!!
Where i work (which i wont state or some of you might wanna beat me up  ;D) i see LOTS of fat people in uniforms. I let it go if its the commissionaires, they've been on this planet long enough anyways. But i see younger adults (mid 20s to 30s) in army uniforms who are, um, well rounded. And like somebody stated earlier, it's true that "when some one sees a fat soldier, he/she thinks every other soldier is fat and lazy" because i remember my friend saying something of the like.

But at least most of them work in offices instead of out in the field (which if they were, they wouldn't be fat in the first place).