E.R. Campbell said:
Well.....Today.....Police had to be called in:
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Police intervene after fight breaks out at meeting to nominate Andrew Leslie as Liberal MP candidate
Mark Kennedy, Postmedia News | December 7, 2014 | Last Updated: Dec 7 1:48 PM ET
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Former Canadian Forces general Andrew Leslie will carry the Liberal banner in Orléans in next year’s federal election, but his nomination Saturday was marred by a chaotic and divisive scene in which police had to break up a noisy scuffle.
Leslie, an adviser to Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, was acclaimed by Liberals in Ottawa-Orléans as their candidate for the 2015 election, when the riding will be known simply as Orléans.
But the event turned into a political embarrassment for Leslie when his only rival, Ottawa lawyer David Bertschi, showed up with some angry supporters to complain that the party had acted undemocratically last month in disqualifying him from seeking the nomination.
“Shame, shame, shame,” some of those Liberals chanted as it became clear that Leslie was about to be acclaimed without a fight from his rival.
Leslie, in a speech to the tension-filled hall, urged the Liberals to put aside their differences and work together to defeat the local Conservative MP, Royal Galipeau, and the governing Tories.
“I understand that emotions are running high,” he said.
“I extend a hand of friendship to every citizen of Orléans, especially to all members of the Liberal family.”
Leslie offered to meet with anyone in the room to discuss their concerns and how he hopes to represent them.
“Today, we are a team, we are a family. Yes, there has been some tensions in the family. This is natural. It’s actually healthy. It shows that there is passion, there is fire.”
Leslie’s remarks were cheered by many Liberals who gave him a standing ovation, while others angrily sat in their seats.
Bertschi ran for the Liberals in the riding in 2011, losing to Galipeau, and also made a long-shot bid in the leadership contest won by Trudeau in 2013.
Last week, he filed an appeal with an internal Liberal Party appeal committee, challenging the party’s decision to revoke his candidacy.
Bertschi had initially been given the “green light” — approval to seek the nomination — by a committee that screens potential candidates. But last month, the Liberals’ national campaign co-chairs, Katie Telford and Dan Gagnier, wrote to Bertschi to inform him the approval had been rescinded.
Telford and Gagnier said Bertschi hadn’t complied with a plan to pay down outstanding debts from his 2013 bid for the Liberal leadership.
There was also a question about whether he had properly informed the green-light committee about a defamation action he had launched against a U.S.-based gossip website. At Saturday’s meeting, a letter from the party was read aloud to those gathered to explain the need for all potential candidates to go through background checks by the green-light committee. The room was also told that Trudeau had supported the decision of the green-light committee and had formally invoked his authority as leader to decline to approve Bertschi be a candidate.
David Bertschi, right, watches as the new Liberal candidate for Ottawa-Orleans, Andrew Leslie, speaks at his acclamation during a Liberal nomination meeting in Orleans Saturday, December 6, 2014. Bertschi was not allowed to run against Leslie.
In recent days, Bertschi called the party’s decision against him “back-room, strong-arm politics” and filed an appeal. He said that his debts were being paid down in accordance with Elections Canada rules and noted that the libel action had been abandoned.
Bertschi’s supporters were clearly unhappy about the party’s actions and shouted at the moderator of the meeting Saturday, trying to disrupt the proceedings.
“That’s what we call an open and fair nomination,” shouted one woman in ridicule of the event.
During the meeting, Bertschi stood at the side of the hall but ran into a mêlée in the middle of the room to help assist a police officer in breaking up two angry people who scuffled over a Canadian flag.
Bertschi told the Citizen the event was anti-democratic and that although he is a long-time Liberal, he is now “leaving my options open” on whether to support the party because Trudeau has informed him in a letter that he is not prepared to let him run in any riding.
“This is not the Liberal party I have been part of my whole life and I’m disappointed,” said Bertschi. “I’m numb. I believe in democracy.”
Judith Holtzhauer, an angry member of the Liberal party, tears up her membership card as the the new Liberal candidate for Ottawa-Orleans, Andrew Leslie, speaks at his acclamation during a Liberal nomination meeting in Orleans Saturday, December 6, 2014.
Judith Holtzhauer, who said she has voted Liberal for the past 40 years, ripped up her Liberal party membership card and threw it at Leslie’s feet as he left the stage after delivering his speech.
“This is unbelievably undemocratic,” she told the Citizen.
“There are many of us who perhaps would have voted for him if we had a democratic process. But to have somebody parachuted in, it’s just not a possibility.”
In his speech, Leslie spoke of the need to defeat Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government and also provide strong representation to the voters of Orléans.
“Why don’t you live here?” someone from the crowd fired back.
“Go back to Rockcliffe,” shouted another.
Leslie acknowledged to the crowd that he doesn’t live in the riding, but said he is an “Ottawa East boy.
“I’ve been around the world a couple of times. I’ve fought for my country. I believe in public service and Orléans is where I belong.”
Leslie was led out of the hall accompanied by supporters and as uniformed police officers kept watch on the adjoining hallways.
At a news conference after the event, he said nominations can sometimes get emotional and that about just 10% of those in the hall had expressed their “displeasure.”
He said his main task now is to reach out and bring people together into “one cohesive group.”
Leslie said he lives about three kilometres outside the riding he hopes to represent as an MP — a home he moved to after leaving the Canadian Forces — but that he is certainly “open” to someday moving directly into the riding.
He said he believes he could have beaten Bertschi had there been a contest, and that he still believes it was an open nomination because everyone had to go through the green light committee.
“I have faith in the Liberal party and the mechanisms they have in place to process the nomination (of) candidates,” said Leslie.
“I’m a team player. I firmly believe in the leadership of Justin Trudeau. He has been very clear that yes, open and transparent nominations — but as well that there is a rigorous process that you go through to be declared a candidate.”
“It turned out in the end that I was the only one that had all the conditions for the green light process.”
Trudeau named Leslie to his panel of foreign affairs advisers last year. In February, Leslie, 56, said he had been courted by several parties to run for office, though he wouldn’t say which ones.
He is now considered a star candidate for the Liberals, who want to present Canadian voters with a strong “team” in next year’s election that can easily be turned into a credible cabinet if Trudeau becomes prime minister.
Gen. Andrew Leslie’s frank talk suggests the Liberals’ foreign policy shibboleths are on their last legs
Retired lieutenant-general Andrew Leslie was last seen making Conservative and Sun News heads explode with criticisms of Israel’s “indiscriminate” and “dumb” bombing of civilians in Gaza. But on Saturday at the general meeting of the Liberals’ Ontario wing in Markham, during a foreign policy session for delegates, Mr. Leslie did not talk like a man on a leash.
He did cede a question on Gaza to co-panelist Kirsty Duncan, the Liberals’ international development critic. But on Canada’s shuttered embassy in Tehran, he suggested the Conservatives aren’t just uninterested in diplomacy, but hope to “exacerbate [the] situation … as a way to either anger or get excited their base.” And on radicalized young men shipping out to fight for ISIS, he called it “a tragedy for [the] families that have lost their young men.” He stressed ISIS’s barbarism has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam. And he even dared mention the need to “deal with some of the root causes — disaffection, disenfranchisement, whatever it might be.”
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If this is not outright dictatorship on the part of Justin Trudeau and the discarding of democracy by the Lieberal Party; then what is it?